Full Moon Lunar eclipse in Leo 21/01/2019.


Monday 21st January, 2019.

Full Moon Lunar eclipse in Leo.

Early this morning and late last night while you were sleeping the second eclipse of the month, a Full Moon lunar eclipse occurred. Lunar Eclipses are just like regular Full Moon only stronger, its effects will be felt for the next 6 months. During this Full Moon lunar eclipse, we are offered a unique opportunity to reset our emotions along with a chance to clear away much discomfort or old energy from recent months. Think back over the past few months? Can you see a past issue or problem that clearly has seemed beyond view until now? Open your eyes, you may be surprised at what you have missed over the past few months that is now so clearly obvious.

This month’s Full Moon is in the playful sign of Leo. A Full Moon traditionally is when the Sun and the Moon are at 180 degrees of each other, this mean the Sun in Aquarius forms an opposition with the Moon in Leo. A Full Moon is a completion point of the Luna cycle. As it is completely illuminated with light, it showers us with not only Luna but solar energy. Lunar Eclipse’s interrupt this recharging of the Moon that is why eclipses are so powerful, important and its effects last six months.

This Full Moon in Leo will be fiery, energetic, charged and upbeat! This Moon will also be a Super Moon, meaning it appears much larger to our naked eye here on earth. The total lunar eclipse at 0 degrees Leo will mark the half way point of the current Eclipse season we are in. We had a partial Solar eclipse in Capricorn on 5th January, 2019. Eclipse are basically a radical time of change, growth and healing, and this Eclipse lines up with the North Node which is all about our destiny and karma.

This month, the Sun is in Aquarius at 0 degrees. It will be focused mainly on service to humanity. Aquarius is looking to the future and learning about how it can make life better for everyone as a whole. Its focus is at a more of a local point, its intelligent, witty, loves technology and its advancement. Aquarius asks “how can I be of service to others”. It’s interested in learning and making positive, radical change. This energy will be illuminating and charging up the beautiful Moon this month!

The Moon represent the most sensitive parts of us, it’s all about who we are and how we feel. The Moon is sitting at 0 degrees in Leo. In Leo, our inner child or your internal feelings are magnified and heightened! You want to explore, you want to feel alive, you are self-motivated and life becomes 10 shades of dramatic. You will find that you want to harness your power, you will get a much-needed cosmic confidence boost. You will be the life of the party, communicating and interacting with others will be a high priority over the coming weeks. Leo is ruled by the Sun, and we all know the Sun is the center of the solar system as is Leo personality, it illuminating, its life, it’s all about you and how you are as a person, and it represents your identity and sense of self. Leo loves being confident, it’s about “you being you” and not compromising that for no one!  Leo’s energy encompass optimism, being enthusiastic and enjoying life! Its fiery energy can burn through obstacles singe any stagnant energy that’s holding you back!

This Super Eclipse Moon is sitting next to the north node in 26 degrees Cancer. Whenever the Moon is near the north node it’s pulling energy in, karmic/ destiny energy. Numerology speaking 26 degrees adds up to eight. Eight is the number of abundance and power. So not only will we feel the effects of this powerful Moon, we will have the added bonus of north node in Cancer to help us achieve our goals and desires. Perhaps it’s wise to remember that Cancer is ruled by the Moon, and lunar eclipses bring to attention our inner emotions, what’s working in our life, relationships, our home life and how we can heal and transform those areas. In particular things that have been brewing under the surface, you will find surface up for transformation and change… Expect Fun, laughter and love as well as our relationships, children and family will be under a spotlight and become very important to us. Imagine a lioness taking care of her cubs! All these energies are intertwined and illuminated in us for the next 6 months. Make the most out of these energies. It’s time to not only get in touch with ourselves but those around us we love.

This Lunar Eclipse will have the ability to get us to review and access at our own emotions, our needs and what we “feel” is lacking from our life. The polarity between Leo and Aquarius is going to deal with our personal and our impersonal self, the key this Full moon is to find a balance between our egotistic, confidence and self-expressive side and the part of us that wants to help others, that is selfless and objective. The Leo Moon is proud, self-reliant and dramatic Aquarius Sun is values a more team player and individual approach to life.

Lunar Eclipses trigger a self-awareness in all of us, it allows matters come to light. From areas of your life that only may need a fine tune to areas that need a complete revamp. With so much energy floating around you should take a look at your natal chart for a clue to where you need to put your energy. See what areas of Leo rules over what house, this can give your insight to the areas that may come into focus now.  Deep down inside, despite all we ignore we know that change is necessary for growth.

On the shadow side with Leo Moon, you may face challenges or small hurdles with dramatic self-expression, resulting in your ‘inner-child’ being on full display. Over reacting, being overly dramatic, self-centered and always the center of attention, also watch out for the urge for temper tantrums. Another dark side includes taking situations and emotions to extreme for example arrogance, vanity and self-absorption Remember with a Leo Moon “Pride before a fall”. With an awareness of these tendency, it would be wise to determine if this full expression is in your best interest and adjust your behaviour and actions accordingly.


Happy Full Moon Day!


Andy J x




The Taurus Full Moon illuminates beauty, Love and Sensuality! 2018


Happy Full Moon Day! This Full Moon is going to be something else! The Full Moon enters Taurus today. I like most I have felt the energy of this Full Moon build all week. A Full Moon is when the Sun in Scorpio at 1 degrees fully illuminates the Moon, it also conjuncts Retrograde Venus in 4 degrees Scorpio. The Moon also conjuncts Uranus.

The Scorpio Sun at 1 degree wants some sort of emotional experience and Venus in retrograde at 4 degrees tells us that we are entitled and deserve to have an amazing emotional experience. The energy reminds you that “Yes” are meant to explore, experiment, have fun and live a little. It also invites us to dig deep, to seek and experience things you have never experienced before. Perhaps on the naughtier side of life. This week Venus and the Sun are both in a planetary placement that tempt you to try out new things, be adventurous behave in ways you normally wouldn’t.

The Full Moon is when the Sun sits opposite to the Moon at 180 degrees from each other. Full Moons are a time of strengthened intuition, heightened emotions, and you can observe unusual activity happening around you or occurring to other people. I can tell you the Full Moon makes my pets a little loony, and others can report some sleep disturbances!

This Full Moon in Taurus astrological speaking, with the rest of the universe in play is going to be pretty much bag of mixed energies. As I mentioned earlier we are in a Retrograde Venus however we also have Uranus, the planet of sudden change, revolt and the unexpected conjunct the Full Moon!

So my dear friends, ready or not BIG CHANGE is coming for us… The real challenge for us is going to be are we ready to embrace change, all the positive side and traits of Scorpio? Are you ready to go beneath the surface? To really let go of yourself and to feel intensely? Are you ready to allow yourself to transform? We must remember for change to occur we need to release old patterns and habits along with any old attachments. We must let our old identity die so we can embrace whatever change life throws at us. Particularly with all these retrograde about, telling and showing us the old beliefs that needs transforming.

This month’s Moon will be illuminated with Taurus energy that will shine down on us. Taurus energy is all about the real world, stability, structure,  finances, practicality, money, wealth, relationships, enjoying life, food, being grounded in nature, sensuality, physical body and beauty. This Full Moon is going to urge us to do something, to create something wonderful, something physical or birth something new in any of the areas I just mentioned.  This Full Moon is about  putting yourself out there and experience all the sensuality the world has to offer. Uranus the planet of eccentricity is sitting on top of Taurus stirring the pot for unexpected, radical excitement and unexpected change. This along with Venus retrograde will help illuminate you with all those twisted desires and energies that will results in physical manifestations and actions that in no means would you normally act on.

This Full Moon being in the sign of Taurus, will feel comfortable and safe. The Moon likes sitting in this sign, as we know the Moon represents our feelings and inner world. Taurus is about solidity and sensuality in aspects not only physical but in our taste, our touch, or views, using all the senses. Taurus is about if you can sense it and touch it, than it is real. The Moon in Taurus wants us to take a change, get rid of the feelings of old, the feelings that weigh you down and blur your vision of the beauty that is around you. Take all that stagnant, emotional energy and stomp it on the ground. Awaken your senses be alive! This transformational Full Moon combined with the Sun in Scorpio is really guiding us to in touch with our own complexity and how we respond in any relationship.


Happy Full Moon week!

Andy J x

Today is a BIG DEAL!! A LUNAR ECLIPSE 27/7/18

Friday, July 27, 2018

Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse at 4° Aquarius.

Full Moon blessings, everyone. Today brings us to the big deal a Lunar Eclipse big deal. Today is the Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse at 4° Aquarius. A Lunar Eclipse always occurs on a Full Moon and is basically an amped-up magnified Full Moon on steroids. This eclipse is extra potent astronomically as it’s the longest total lunar eclipse in the 21st century, how exciting. This Full Moon is known as a Blood Moon and its energy is steering us in a direction of change and progress.

A Full Moon is where the Sun and Moon are sitting at 180 degrees from each other. The Moon is completely illuminated and thus showers us with its Luna energy here on earth. Traditionally a Full Moon is a completion point of the lunar cycle and is when the Moon recharges its batteries. We also experience a burst of strong energy as the Moon is highlighted with the Suns energy and that is why people here on earth can act strange or loony during a Full Moon.a Total Lunar Eclipse, is when  the Earth passes between the Sun & the Moon, the Earth with block the Suns rays from FULLY reaching the Moon, thus the Moon is fully cast within Earth’s shadow.

The Total Lunar Eclipse at 4’44 Aquarius is right smack on aggressive and sharp Mars retrograde on the karmic south node and comes in close contact to rebellious Uranus. These are very volatile energies coming into play. This also means for us we have some MAJOR  intensification of the karmic energies we are working with or through. I wont lie these next few days has the potential to cause emotional distress and detachment as Aquarius energy offers perspective and even indifference or distance if necessary.The difficulties deep rooted in this eclipse may unfold in our personal circumstances or you may watch it unfold in the outer world. Pay attention!

We also have Mars at closest alignment with Earth from July 27th-31st. He will appear to us  the brightest he has been since 2003 and a fun fact Mars will outshine Jupiter by 1.8 times.

Mars Retrograde is going to be a time when many of us are faced with shadow work. It’s main focus and a chance for us to change will be transforming our relationship, within and without of us. Unfortunately these shadow aspects are going to bring up certain dynamics around our ego, anger, jealously, aggression and rage in our personal relationships, but it does give us a chance to bring any underlying issues to light for transformation and change. Watch your temper and the urge to snap at those you love. Remember that trying to be all things to all people vs having real relationships is about finding a balance without giving to much away or alternatively taking to much for others. Aquarius luna energy means we will be more independent and creative whilst seeking change and being service to others.

As I mentioned this eclipse forms a square to Uranus, and Uranus loves to present us with the most unexpected plot twist! Today can be a sense of surprise, shock, or frustration as we get answers or revolutions into the emotions we’re confronted now with the eclipse.This Full Moon eclipse detach from others and your own mind and let go.

Look for the area or house in your chart that holds 4° Aquarius. This will highlight and indicates the area of life that requires a great deal of attention over the coming months. Remember this Eclipse energy can be felt for months after the event has happened. A new story or a change in the story in this area of life will develop from what occurs now. So pay attention.

This Full Moon the energy is steering us in a direction of change and progress. keep your eyes open as you give of yourself to help others. Helping others is the best way to care for yourself. Release what no longer works for you or is holding you down! Breath and let go, try to enjoy this eclipse it truly is a turning point.

Happy full moon day.

Andy J

Take Responsibility!

Wednesday, June 27th, 2018.

The Sun in Cancer opposes retrograde Saturn in Capricorn.

The Full Moon enters Capricorn.

The Sun in Cancer opposes retrograde Saturn in Capricorn. Today brings an unmistakable heavy atmosphere as the Sun in Cancer opposes restrictive Saturn. This opposition will create tension between our ego and conscious self and the Master teacher and lord of karma. In late December of 2017, we seen the Sun and Saturn come together. Consider and think back to that time… what began at that time and you may be able to see adjustments that may need to be made now. What have you created since then and where do you want to take it as you step forward. At this time  the energy demands we get real. This is a day to take yourself and your situations along with others seriously. A time to step up and take responsibility for where you find yourself in this present moment, look clearly at reality. Also to really see what IS rather than what could or used to be. It’s not a day to sugarcoat anything. This is a day to spend time alone working on your ambitions and own goals. With the Moon entering Capricorn today it means that we need to get serious about the work that we want to accomplish.

We see the Full Moon enter Capricorn late tonight! Marking the midway point of the current lunar cycle we are in that began with the new moon in Gemini on June 13th. This Full Moon pushes us to see our mistakes clearly and make adjustments. It’s a Full Moon to get real, grounded, put in the hard work and taking into account our responsibilities. It’s a time to be productive, practical and to offer kindness to anyone you encounter,  offer support of a more serious kind.


Happy Hump Day!

Andy  x


Full Moon in Sagittarius 29/05/2018.

Tuesday May 29th, 2018.

Full Moon in Sagittarius.

Mercury moves into Gemini.

Happy Full moon day! Today we have the Full Moon at 8 Sagittarius. A Full Moon traditionally represents a time when the Sun and Moon are at 180 degrees of one and other, when the Sun illuminates the Moon to make it Full and bright. It’s the mid way point of a lunar cycle, if you can think back to the New Moon we had on May 15th. Grab your New Moon manifestation list, can you see what you wanted to begin, what seeds did you plant at that time? Have any of the seeds grown? Where has it brought you in this stage of your lifer? Any goals you set at the New Moon can now be adjusted as we are able to see situations from all angles and more clearly.The illumination of the Full Moon will stay with you for several days and give us the strength we need to be independent and reach a new level of personal freedom.

This month the lunar energy that will be shining down on us is of Sagittarius. This Full Moon is one of being positive and free. The Full Moon will be lit up by the Sun sitting in the opposite sign of Gemini at 8 degrees. The Sun in Gemini focuses on communication, ideas, information and perception of truth. Its upbeat and witty, its fun, articulate and interested in new things, its talkative and life feels likes it very opportunistic.

Full Moons traditionally are a time to let go, to make changes, to release which no longer serves a purpose in your life such as old emotions, fears, baggage, people, situations and ways of thinking. Sagittarius is all about freedom and breaking free. This opposition of the Sun and Moon highlights your ability to see both sides of a situation. Clarity is the name of the game this Full Moon. Your emotions are highlighted along with your awareness. Your ability to apply your sharp focus during this Full Moon in all of your circumstances, for good or ill will also be heightened.

The Full Moon is at 8 degrees, and 8 are a very powerful number, especially in the sign of Sagittarius. Sagittarius is represented by the mythical centaur, half man half horse with an uncontrollable and wild energy. This sign is adventurous and smart. It’s about setting goals and galloping to reach them. This sign loves adventure, to travel, to learn and expand their knowledge through these travels and journey’s. Sadges are very physical and abstract thinkers, they love the mental realm and make great teachers. It’s a time for opening the mind a celebrating life. It’s about personal freedom and being independent. The centaur holds in his hands a bow and arrow which gives us the courage to move forward in any area of your life especially if you have felt stuck or keep going around in circles, like an arrow shooting through the air we are ready to take the leap and now have the personal drive to break through obstacles and challenges. To leave old situations and gallop into a more positive and forward moving future, to be present in the here and now. A new wave of adventures on the horizon. Sagittarius is all about doing what you love and having fun in the process, this Full Moon is a good time to get back to the heart of things you love, to remember life is about enjoyment.

Mercury the planet that rules our communication and our thought processes leaves the sweet grounded stability of Taurus behind to enter its home and ruling sign of chatty  Gemini. Shifting our conscious mind and intellect from earth to air energy, from the  body to our mind. Mercury rules Gemini and is very happy in this sign! Communication and the way we process and gather information will be change as the energy picks up speed. Mercury and Gemini loves to talk, share, learn, explore, travel and connect with others! This goes hand in hand with the Full Moon Sadge energy we will be experiences over the next few days!

The key this Full Moon is how to learn to translate our emotions, intuitions, thoughts and inner knowing into a language that we can effectively communicate to our self  and others during this lunar transit. Especially if you are on a personal quest to broaden your mind and knowledge. This Full Moon is especially good for fire and Air star signs such as  Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius, but it’s will be more challenging for everyone else that includes me. Regardless of your star sign this Full Moon in Sadge will  leave you feeling the urge to take up a bold quest for greater meaning.

Happy Full Moon day!

Andy j x

Full Moon in Scorpio 29/4/18!

Full Moon in Scorpio.

Sunday, April 29th, 2018.

By the time you wake up on Sunday morning, the Full Moon has entered deep, intense and very mysterious Scorpio. A full Moon is exact 180 degrees away from the Sun and it’s totally illuminated and showers down on us its Luna energy. Full Moon have the ability to interfere with our sleep patterns, either you can get insomnia or become very lethargic and crave sleep. It has the ability to make people’s emotions and moods off-balance and out-of-order. Not surprising if the Moon has such an effect or our waters, ocean and tides who says it can play havoc in our bodies, we are made up of mostly water.

This is going to be a spectacular Full Moon, it will be in the sassy sign of Scorpio at 9 degrees, which means the Sun is sitting in the sign of Taurus at 9 degrees. This Full Moon is in its opposite sign of Taurus, Scorpio. Triggering a push-pull or integration effect between both of these signs energies. The Sun in Taurus is grounded, secure, practical especially in regards to possessions, home and money. It loves sensuality, chemistry and indulging the senses. Taurus is a fixed earthly signs about practicality, manifestation and nature. Taurus is the most invested in the physical and material world. It can also be lazy, slow and stubborn.

Scorpio is a water sign, emotional, intelligent and magnetic. When the Moon is in Scorpio we go deep, your emotions tend to go very deep, our shadow side is illuminated. Connections with others must be deeply powerful in order to be worth your while. We won’t be happy or content until we have looked below the surface, and we will not settle for nothing less than the truth. Key words to take from Scorpio energy is transmutation, transformation, intuition, healing, power, desire, calculated, passionate and intense. Scorpio however can also be controlling and manipulative.

If we look closely, both Scorpio and Taurus are associated with values, money, and worth.Taurus and Scorpio are both possessive in their own way. Scorpio is possessive of their loved ones whilst Taurus can be possessive with their physical things and money.

In next few days before and after this Full Moon in Scorpio, expect to experience on some level the polarity of these two signs playing out in our lives. The key here is find a balance and to integrate both signs, take some time out and incorporate and considerate all the energies that are available to us.

Scorpio, ruled by Pluto is known for death and rebirth, transformation, destruction and recreation. Under this Full Moon, the darkness that you’d rather avoid will not be easily silenced unfortunately. The shadow aspect of us is just as important as any other aspect of our self. The darkness can shine light and hold so much wisdom and insight in regards to our higher self and healing we must do in order to progress through life. It contains all the answers or clues on what to do next that you’ve been searching for. We will have opportunities for feeling this connection on our inner realms right now.

Scorpio’s are honest and real, and their honesty should be the most comforting thing in the world. The energy of the Scorpio Full Moon highlights our deep subconscious. We can discover what drives us, motivates us or what our deepest desires are. What are you longing for? What are you aspiring to be? This Moon will help us manifest this if we stay on track and align our will with our higher self. It is a time do so some self releasement. To release what no longer is working for us, physically, mentally emotionally, whatever is unhealthy and doing you no good. A spring clean, not just in our physical and emotional body but also within home, office or the people around us. This is also a great time to deal with healing on a soul level especially if you have trust issue.

The Full Moon in Scorpio is here to remind us of the need to consider others, contributions and support, others needs, input and wants, and it’s also here to force an awareness of any relationship imbalances. Now let’s look at the numerology of this Full Moon. Its sitting at 9 degrees, nine in numerology represents completion and  spirituality, which highlights what we’re doing, and are we on the right path? Is it right in terms of our long-term growth and success.

During this Full Moon, take a few moments and think about what you may want to release emotionally that is stopping you for your wealth and happiness. Be open and willing to receive.

Happy Full Moon Day!

Andy j xx





Love and Money 01/03/2018!

Thursday, March 1, 2018.

The Moon is in Virgo.

Venus trines Jupiter in Scorpio.

Happy first day of March, can you believe it? This year is going by so fast! When you wake up today, the Gibbous Moon has entered into organised, efficient and hardworking Virgo. With it nearly reaching its fullest tomorrow the energy is building! When the Moon is in Virgo our focus becomes on our health, work and home in particularly how well things are working and what needs more attention and organisation.

Venus forms a lovely connection to expansive Jupiter in Scorpio today, let love beauty and abundance flow into us as we go about the day! Extend love, kindness, money and beauty to not only yourself but to everyone you meet! This is also a great day for all you artist out there, the energy is supporting you and your projects so get creative!

Can you feel the energy of the Full Moon increasing?People getting a little loopy? Your emotions increasing? Any Strange occurrences? Today is a great day to sit down and reflect, whats working for you and what inst? Full moons are all about releasing the old to make way for the new!


Happy Thursday!

By Andy J xx

What a way to start off February 01/02/18

Thursday, February 1, 2018.

The Full Moon enters Virgo.

The Sun in Aquarius semisextiles Neptune in Pisces.

The Virgo Moon forms a challenging square aspect to Mars in Sagittarius.

Morning, Wow a way to start off February, how was everyone experience with the Super Blood Blue Moon last night? Anyone bask in its glory? Unfortunately here in Australia we had a visit from mother nature and its stormed all night. Blue Blood Moons historically have been a Oman for change, usually a positive change but change no less. At least I hope you got to do a Full Moon ritual or charged up your crystals last night! Even holding the intention is powerful enough to start change!

The Sun in Aquarius semisextiles Neptune in Pisces. This has the ability to create a harmonious and easy aspect between our conscious self and the planet of empathy and mysticism. This placement makes it great for those after an intuitive and mystical pursuit, its amazing for mediation or connecting with your higher self. It’s also great energy at figuring out what you want to release this Full Moon! This time is so important for those who are wishing to make a positive change!

Today begins with the Full Moon still in playful, dramatic Leo. However, she is much quieter than normal especially in such an energetic sign. Instead responding in a withdrawn manner throughout the morning. You may find that you want to retreat and focus on a creative and personal project. By the time the Full Moon enters Virgo after lunch you will be able to focus more on the fine detail and organisation of your project or whatever you have been creating up! So if things don’t seem yo add up or you have a block this morning, just remember there is a chance for you to see things from a different more structured light later on in the day, slow and steady will win today’s race

By tonight, the mood may change as the sometimes overly particular and critical Virgo Moon forms a challenging square aspect to Mars in Sagittarius. It would be easy to say that some may get into a hotheaded and intense argument or find people’s views unrealistic and arguable,that however you may will soon regret. If you find your tempers rising or emotions getting intense , just breath and let any aggression roll off your back, walk away and whatever you do not engage yourself in. This energy is only temporary and will pass.


Happy Thursday!

Andy j x


Full Moon in Gemini and Mercury Turns Retrograde on 03/12/2017!

Full Moon and Mercury Retrograde December, 2017.

This is the Christmas full Moon and it happens at 11 degrees in Gemini. The Full Moon has building up all month and now its reaches its fullest. It is fully illuminated by the Sun in Sagittarius and  is ready to shine down and share with us all this Gemini/Sadge  energy. Full Moons give us more energy, we get supercharged and we feel there is more going on behind the scenes. Being everything is at 11 degrees ie the Sun/ Moon which interesting, as the Moon is sitting at 11 degrees Gemini and if you look at Gemini its symbol is represented by 11. The number 11 is all about new doors opening, a new chapter, a new beginnings and opportunities, it’s about life changing decisions, marriages, partnership, new doors opening and new jobs.

This Full Moon has some significant energy presented to us this month. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, our thought process, travel and insight. This Full Moon has a great potential for us to make change in our life and to transform it. If you can picture this Full Moon as a magical door way (like Narnia) Opening us up to a magical new life of manifestations, new beginnings and abundance. Its going to be very impressive, and don’t be surprised by this all as 11:11 brings in the help of our guides, god, the universe, angels, ancestors and guardian angels to help you along the way to get you to the moment of awakening and insight.

The Gemini Full Moon brings full illumination to what occurred at the Scorpio New Moon last month on November 18th, 2017. Take out your New Moon wish book, because whatever your focus was on or whatever you began at the New Moon will now show its results, unless the universe has better plans for you!

Traditionally a Full Moon is a time to express ourselves and to let things out of our systems. Release what no longer serves us or holds us back. Out with the old physical, emotional, spiritual and mental baggage to make room for bigger better things. Of course, however we might want to exercise some care and caution while doing so especially in the way we talk, communicate and process our thoughts. As Mercury did station retrograde on the same day. Which means communications, our thinking and taking in information has the potential to be scrambled or misinterpreted and what is coming out of us may not particularly rational, our dialogue can be misread and the way we communicate could be one-sided or misinterpreted.

The Sun is at 11 degrees in Sagittarius and is 180 degrees away from the Moon illuminating it. The Gemini-Sagittarius polarity axis is some what divergent as Gemini represents our “lower mind” and Sagittarius represents our “higher mind” The Sun in Sagittarius itself is all about a higher learning and understanding. Sagittarius persuades us to think in a far broader manner,we seek mystical knowledge, expand our learning in unconventional ways. We want to connect to the divine and embark on care free adventures. Where as a Gemini encourages us to think logically, practically and factual.

Those of us who are abstract thinkers, this Full Moon is really going life the veil and help up reach that higher self and learning, meditating will be great to connect with these other realms and absorbs new information

The Full Moon is almost exact square to Neptune in Pisces at 11 degrees. Neptune in Pisces is happy, it’s a water sign of dreaming illusion, INTUITION, fantasy, denial and escapism. This can points to confusion, as the Gemini Full Moon wants to be clear, logical with clarity,but when this planet ( Neptune) is involved, it may make things foggy and unclear.

Traditionally Full Moons are about clearing out the clutter, releasing what no longer serves us, gaining clarity and recognition, and Gemini energy especially demands we see reality and logic. Of course with this Neptune’s square to the Moon reality may be hard to see unfortunately. Be smart and grab what information is given to you. If you are in denial and outright avoiding reality or are unsure with what information or situations you are given, retreat, go home snuggle in your safe place and sift through the information that is given. Your guts or “intuition” will let you know whats right for you.

The ruler of this Gemini Moon is Mercury, who may I add just stationed retrograde late last night. Mercury has turned retrograde at 29° Sagittarius. Mercury has a wonderful way to make us return to a past problem or discussion and revise and review, but on a positive note with a critical eye. Communication within yourself and others can be misunderstood and miscommunication, it’s important to keep in mind we are in Mercury Retrograde and that we don’t have the full story and information the same as others are being affected just like us. There are easy ways to survive Mercury Retrograde over the next 3 weeks. Get a notebook and a pen out. Make a list of everything that you have begun but haven’t completed in the past few months, house jobs, issues that have been bugging you, that certain talk with someone you have been avoiding, organisation of your car, work and home, that art piece, your tax, assignments etc.. During the Retrograde, focus on yourself and get to work on accomplish what is on that list! If your mind wonders like me, make sure you accomplish only what is on this list maybe have a reward system in place for when you are done, and hay there is no better feeling than ticking boxes off a to do list.

Remember don’t be afraid, worried, or concerned! Mercury retrograde brings us a great gift, the perfect opportunity to wrap up loose ends and cut cords! The shadow side of Mercury retrograde is that yes travel plans can have hiccups, communication between others can get misinterpreted and lead to problems, appointments booked by yourself, but you turn up and it was never booked in at all, computers and technology can crash,emails and memos can get lost. Anything that Mercury rules over can or may go wrong! Most important don’t be tempted to start new projects, start a new jobs, sign documents (Unless necessary) take on new commitments or commit to new relationships.


Happy Full Moon and Mercury Retrograde.

By Andy J x



Its going to be a Nice Chatty and Calm Monday! 06/11/2017.

Monday 6th November, 2017.

The Moon is in Gemini.

The Gemini Moon Opposes Saturn in Sagittarius.

Today is gong to be relatively a nice quiet, calm but engaging day. The Moon spends the day in inquisitive Gemini. Gemini is an Air sign, so mental stimulation and expansion and curiosity of new  ideas will be a high priority. Gemini’s are serious, open and love learning. The Gemini Moon will give us a desire to be social, to connect with others and engage in stimulating conversations. If you have interesting ideas or thoughts get out there and exchange them, ask people questions and respect others perspectives. Get out and organise a social get together with friends or family and have a laugh!

The Moon in Gemini forms an opposition to Saturn late today.Ouch, this opposition this evening could cause internal conflict, meaning our inner feelings and self and the Master of lessons and discipline will clash. My advice is its best to get to bed early to avoid any drama, worry , mental distress and heaviness that we may feel from this opposition.

By Andy J xx