Wake Up Sleepy Head! 14/12/18

Friday, December 14th, 2018.

The Moon is in Pisces.

Venus in Scorpio semisextiles Jupiter in Sagittarius.

As we awake this morning, the Moon is in dreamy Pisces, making it a little harder to get out of bed and  a bit less productive than you normally could be, not the best news for your boss. The Moon spends most of the day in Pisces so we can expect to be more creative, intuitive and sensitive. Day dream big today, have a nap if you find time or go and have some “You” time to recharge yourself from all the busyness of life. Pisces Moon day’s however are not so good for anything mentally or physical, oh and watch out for being overly sensitive and moody, no one likes arguments or drama at this joyful time of year.

On a more uplifting note, Venus in Scorpio semisextiles Jupiter in Sagittarius. Bringing together the planet of luck and abundance with the plant of beauty and love. With these two powerful planets aligning, it means there is great potential to have a great day. A day to get out and socialize, take your partner on a date, catch up with friends. If the energy of the Pisces Moon hasn’t made you susceptible to sleepiness and needing some separation from others, go out and  have some fun, get into the festivities of Christmas and enjoy life today.

Happy Friday!

Andy J x

Mercury Enters Sagittarius 12/12/18.


Wednesday, December 12, 2018.

Mercury Enters Sagittarius.

Mercury the communication planet leaves the depth of Scorpio behind to enter into Sagittarius. Mercury teaches us how to think and what to think about. The energy now will be shifting from shining the light within to getting on your bike and cursing along. Sagittarius is all about looking at the horizon and it doesn’t particularly do very well with the details of the here and now. Mercury rules over our thought process, our communication, travel, documentation, ideas and our general mental realm. It teaches us through words, thoughts, and conversations. So make sure you dot the I and cross the T. Remember to pay attention to what’s in front of you, own your responsibilities instead of running away. Don’t always believe the grass is greener on the other side

Mercury will remain in this free-thinking sign until January 4th, 2019. Over the next few weeks expect your attitude, communication, thinking and ideas to expand with optimism and excitement. Your thoughts will not be dull and your senses and drive for adventure and travel will expand. perhaps you may want to learn something new or engage in broadening your philosophical wisdom

This conscious shift from water to fire energy will have your mind expanding to new great heights, our thoughts have no boundaries. It’s a great time to plan and book a holiday. When Mercury is in Sagittarius we tend to have tactless humor, impatience and boisterous opinions. With this said, and with our new-found boldness we perhaps should watch how we converse with others, keep in check our attitude towards others and always take in account what others are trying to tell you.

“A fool is made more of a fool, when their mouth is more open than their mind”



Andy J x


New Moon in Sagittarius

New Moon in Sagittarius 2018.

Last week we had a New Moon on Friday, December 7th, in the sign of Sagittarius.

The Sun and Moon conjunct each at 15 degrees and 7 minutes, which created the darkness of the New Moon. This New Moon occurs in the flamboyant sign of Sagittarius. Sagittarius is represented by the Centaur. This New Moon will be not only recharging but pulling in the traits of Sagittarius! The energy is that of the Archer, the optimistic, eager to learn, to explore, is enthusiastic, honest, independent and adventurous. This New Moon is in the fiery, mutable adventurous Sagittarius, and we all know Sagittarius love fresh starts and new beginning. It is a time to align yourself with the New Moon energy, to feel whats energy is being pulled in by the Moon and in this case, its optimistic, fun-loving, happy, adventurous, philosophical and helpful energy of Sagittarius.

It’s a New Moon, so pull it in energy, channel it, meditate on it, journal it and it will give you ideas, dreams for the future. It is the light at the end of tunnel we have been waiting for. We have the chance to make our dreams become reality in the most positive way.

Over the next few days under this fire sign influence. It will give us a cosmic push and  sparks up the fire within you. Its going to give you energy to explore! The motto is, if you can feel it, want it you can have it.

This month it is wise to focus and incorporate these energies and qualities when making your New Moon intentions. The Sadge centaur is rare, and is one of hope. The Centaur, has the bottom half of a horse. His top half is man ( Human). He is ready to shoot his bow and arrow to get to a goal or reach its desired destination. This symbol of the Centaur represents momentum, transcending our animistic natures, giving us the strength, freedom and speed to gallop to our goals.

Unlike a the full moon which focus on  purging old ways, a New Moon is optimistic, a magical time for planning and seeding your intentions. It’s a time of  birthing new ideas, dreams and planting seeds of intention you want to bring into your life over the next few months.  It is an opportune time to attract your heartfelt, wholehearted longings by doing a New Moon ritual focused on manifestation and birth.

Sagittarius is all about adventures, learning , explore and visionaries. So when making your new moon wishes here are some great ideas to incorporate into your manifestation goals. Perhaps its time to plan your next epic vacation. Make a dream board on what places you want to see over this Christmas break,. Sadge love to explore the unknown and different cultures. Go camping, book a last-minute flight, start a holiday or education savings fund. Where there’s a will, there’s a way, where in the world is calling at you?

Sagittarius as we know are very intrigued in regards to learning, teaching and expanding their horizon. This month, makes it a personal mission to seek wisdom in unusual places. Maybe your new-found excitement for travel or a  higher understanding of the world especially ones that can take you to places that connect you with new cultures and new profound philosophies. Suspend your judgment or criticism and take it all in. Be the light you want to see in others.  Better yet, be your own guru.

This New moon gives us the courage to expand our horizons, and gain confidence and optimism from a broader perspective.It also provides us with power to focus on goals that will increase our understanding and awareness.


Happy New Moon Manifesting!

 Andy J x








Temper Tantrums 19/11/2018.

Monday November 19th, 2018.

 Mars in Pisces squares Jupiter in Sagittarius.

Mars in Pisces squares Jupiter in Sagittarius! This square aspect between the planet that represents our drive and ego and the planet of abundance and luck is going to stir up some tension today. As Mars who represents our inner drive, attitude and will power clashes with our optimism, ego and expansion, watch out for being triggered, agitated and riled up easily today! These two energies combining means we have tendencies to overdo, over react and become very restless. The energy can go from 0 – 100 in an instant and quick tempers and fast tongue never ends up serving us well. With  Mars squaring Jupiter today, we may be competitive, protective, excitable, overactive or hyper responsive to any given situation today. If you feel yourself getting agitated or annoyed easily take a breath and walk away, it is not worth creating tension today

This energy however is good for action, enthusiasm and initiation. Need an extra boost at work? A Home? Use the energy wisely to be task orientated and focused. Nonetheless, there is a fine line between firmly chasing your dreams and, not taking down and destroying those in your way for selfish reasons. It’s especially not OK to criticize those who feel and think differently to you today dear ones!

Today remember to..

  • Think before you speak.
  • Don’t over do or over spend.
  • Watch out for becoming reactive, restless and impulsive.
  • Mind your temper.
  • Try to focus less on what we ” think ” we need to be doing and making sure we don’t lose sight of what is possible.

Andy J x

Big News,Venus stations Direct however Mercury turns Retrograde! 16/11/2018.

Pulling at your Heart and your Mind

Friday, November 16th, 2018.

Early this morning, Venus the planet of love and beauty turns direct in the sign of Libra.  Making the planet of love and beauty one of two of the most influential planets in our sky today.  Since early October our love, relationships, finances as well as our ability to turn inwards has been out of whack and under a microscope, as well as our ability to understand our most personal values which has also been under a microscope. Over the coming weeks as Venus stations direct you will be able to make the necessary changes to improve these areas of your life. Now, as we move forward you can breathe a sigh of relief. Being in its home sign of Libra expect your diplomacy in love and relationships to return as your seek out a balanced and harmonious atmosphere. Gradually over the next few weeks expect your relationships and finances to move forward more easily. Clarity and confidence will emerge again in our social and love life. As Venus returns from her journey in the deep shadows, you along with many others have been facing your shadows and fears around love, self – love, money and your own self-worth and values. I hope during Venus retrograde you had time to reflect and focus on yourself and your own need’s or perhaps you had a chance to heal and reflect on your part in any dramas of your love lives and financial situations. Consider what you have learned since early October and you should be able to understand the adjustments that my be needed.

All good news aside, unfortunately the universe likes to have that silver lining…Mercury stations retrograde at 13’29 Sagittarius.  Bringing the planet of communication and thinking into focus..This is the cosmic joke for today, Mercury goes retrograde on the same day that Venus turns direct. Today marks the beginning of its retrograde cycle in Sagittarius before it returns to the sign of Scorpio on December 1st. Mercury retrograde will remain until December 6th. Mercury rules over our thought process, the mental realm and communication. Now as Mercury energy is turning backwards except to hit a few bumps along the road especially in regards to technology, thinking, travel and our communication with not only others but internally! Mercury retrograde is a time to rethink, review and revise the past. Mercury retrograde is not a time to begin new projects, or be tempted to start new commitments, new relationships, or new jobs if possible! This also includes avoiding signing new contracts or leases. Instead its a time of contemplation, review and  its especially a great time to catch up on tasks and projects that have been left undone. Don’t be afraid of  Mercury retrograde its a great time to tie up loose ends, for healing and finally putting to rest issues that keep arising. Get a notebook and a pen, every time you think of a new idea or if a new creative project comes to mind make a list so you can begin them once Mercury retrograde is over! Even better write a list of everything that you have begun over the past few months but have not completed start working on getting them accomplished.

Have a great Friday!

Andy J x


Live and Let Live 14/11/18.

Wednesday November 14th, 2018

The Moon is in Aquarius.

Today is relative quiet cosmically speaking.The Moon continues its transit of quirky Aquarius! Aquarius is the humanitarian sign that’s all about bringing everyone together, make a point to seek out people you don’t generally engage with today. Break out of old mold’s, try something new or challenging. When the Moon is in Aquarius the energy is very spontaneous and our imagination,thought process will be stimulated under this influence! The mood is invigorating,  our progressive, inventive, and innovative side will shine through so embrace and embark on a new journey or even a new way of approaching life or a problem. The best thing you can take from Aquarius is maintaining objectivity enough to begin the process of understanding.

Today, it’s a wonderful day to just be the quirkiest version of yourself, to  get together with friends, and engage in interesting conversations or experience, test the status quo!


Happy Hump Day!

Andy J x

Feeling Detached? 13/11/2018.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

The Sun in Scorpio is moving towards a semi-square to Saturn in Capricorn.

The Moon moves out of Capricorn and into Aquarius.

As you wake up today, the morning energy building may leave you feeling anxious and stressed! As the Sun in Scorpio is moving towards a semi-square to Saturn in Capricorn! As this building tension and friction is arising between our conscious self and the lord of karma and master teacher we will be faced with conflicting and harsher energies!Responsibility along with frustrations and limitations will arise today leaving us feeling unsettled. The key for today is to breath and mindful! This is not a day to be controlling however it is a day to control your own reactions and responses so that you are able to answer reasonably rather than react in situations you face.

The Moon moves out of Capricorn and into Aquarius. Meaning we will start to detach from society, old patterns of thinking and feeling and what people call the “Norm”. Break out of your normal routines and unhealthy patterns that hold you back. Engage with the unusual or misunderstood today, as it will help you to open up surprise conversations and activities. Use the influence of this objective Aquarius Moon to break free of bad habits and old toxic ways of thinking and being. Today try to be more rebellious and spontaneous.. To a degree!

Andy J xx



Monday 12/11/2018.

Monday 12th November 2018.

The Moon is in Capricorn .

The Moon then forms a square to Venus in Libra.

Good Morning and happy Monday. Today the Moon is in Capricorn. When the Moon is in Capricorn we are very much self motivated to achieve our dreams.The realization that we have to work hard to reach these goals is very present in our thoughts today and we take leadership. Structure and organisation will be high priority today especially in regards to work, career and our reputation! Nothing comes for free in life and therefore you have to set a goal, and work hard to achieve that goal.

The Moon then forms a square to Venus in Libra. Venus being in its home sign of Libra is all about love, relationships, harmony and beauty. However Venus is currently in retrograde and this means all these areas are a little twisted and backwards at the moment. You may find that old past lovers and old friends are reappearing on the scene. Perhaps your current relationships are twisted or being tested at the moment and that you maybe reevaluating your values or reacquainted with something or someone of value. During this retrograde its important is a time to reconnect with our inner self and find out what’s important to us. Lucky for us with The Moon in Capricorn , our inner focus can pay more attention to the details of our relationships and therefore make them work!

Have a great Monday!


Andy J x




New Moon in Scorpio 2018!

Happy New Moon Day!

A New Moon in Scorpio November 7th, 2018.

As we wake up today we will be entering the darkest point of the Lunar Phase a New Moon. This New Moon in Scorpio is sitting with Jupiter, mere hours before the planet leaves Scorpio and enters Sagittarius which won’t happen again is for over a decade. Traditionally a New Moon is when the Sun and Moon join together. They both will be sitting on each other in 15 degrees Scorpio. A New Moon in our sky looks completely dark, it’s black & the Moon is making herself invisible as the Sun’s rays overtake, she is taking a meditation break and recharging. This month the Moon is recharging itself for the next Luna cycle in the sassy sign of Scorpio. This time of the Luna cycle is all about stopping focusing inward and pulling the energy in and revaluation where yin your life needs changing and working about making a list of changes or intentions you want to plant for the next month. What is it you want to do or achieve this next Luna cycle? Every New Moon gives us a chance to make some life changing decisions each month so use this New Moons energy wisely.

Scorpio is water sign and it’s the sign of the zodiac that dives deepest. Scorpio is associated with intense emotional connections and emotional truth. Diving deep into the emotions of others and along with themselves being a detective and getting down to the nitty-gritty. Scorpio is connected with darker side of life such as all things taboo, secrets, sexuality and the a cult. Scorpio is about transformation, healing and rising out of the ashes and working on a higher self-awareness. Scorpio highlights the importance of bringing what is hidden into the light, to be excavated, and to be brought forth for healing.
With the New Moon in Scorpio, the seeds of intentions you plant will be ones of deep emotional significance. You must be willing to look deeper than usual and take an emotional risk. Scorpio energy invites us to open up and be enlightened by emotional experiences as we also gain a stronger emotional intelligence.

This New Moon in Scorpio will pointing us in a new direction and beginning of powerful changes. It’s going to help us purge old ways of being, feeling, thinking, addictions, old emotional wounds, and burdens and we will seek out new and meaningful enriching feelings and ways of thinking.

For this Scorpio New Moon, set your monthly manifestations around the Scorpio energy. Include intentions to manifest emotional transformation, passion perhaps taking on a new lover or deepening a passionate connection with a current lover, deep introspection and expanding your creativity. Create opportunities for yourself this month either to make yourself happy or someone else be connecting the dots on what motivates, irritates and drives either you or them. Start planting powerful seed by starting a journal or using a New Moon ritual this month to work deeply on self-reflection or perhaps your own hidden secrets.

If you know what house in your birth chart holds or sits in 15° Scorpio, it will give you a greater insight into which area of your life will be most influenced or effected this New Moon. If you don’t know what house is involved with Scorpio energy, just take a moment focus on your breath work, intuition and meditate on the answer,! If you have Scorpio in your chart see which house it is in for example if it is in your 4th house, which represents our home, laying roots and family life, set an intention to transform and intensity anything you want to change in regards to your home/ family. By doing this it will help you become more aware or clarify where any issue are or areas that need to be changed and transformed.

This New Moon forms a harmonious connection with Neptune and Pluto! Making it a very powerful, healing, spiritual and extremely intuitive New Moon. Nevertheless we also see Jupiter and Uranus move towards a quincunx. Jupiter is at the end of its cycle in Scorpio but it manages a couple of hours before it moves into Sagittarius. With saying that, we need to be careful and oversee how much we act on our impulses, our energy is chaotic and we may feel rushed into making decisions and with Uranus energy into the mix you can expect the unexpected, expect a spanner in the works or a sudden change in your direction. Perhaps it’s not the best day to make profound decisions until you know or are clear on what you really want. It’s a day for contemplation and review. Jupiter grows, expands and is the Midas touch, making anything it touches abundant, while its transit through Scorpio over the past 12 months, Jupiter has tried to teach us how to shed old skins and beliefs so that we might get closer to our own sources of power. Where our intention goes energy flows!

New Moon ritual.

Later tonight or anytime on Thursday, set some time aside and plan or perform your New Moon ritual. Keep it simple but hold sacred place within yourself to honor this magical ritual. Click here if you need help performing one  How to create a New Moon ritual. 

If you are short of time or the process is to overwhelming take a moment to write down what changes you wish to begin, create, or increase in the coming month and potentially up to the next 6 months.

Happy New Moon Day!

Andy J x

Mercury Enters Sagittarius 30/10/2018.

Tuesday, October 30th, 2018.

Mercury moves out of Scorpio and into Sagittarius.

The Moon moves into Leo.

Today’s big news is Mercury leaves the depths of Scorpio behind and enters Sagittarius. Mercury is the communication planet that rules over our mental realm especially focusing on the way we communicate, make plans and think! This new placement will shift the conscious mind and intellect from water to fire, yin to yang, depths to greet heights. Sagittarius is represented by the Archer, the explorer, which means our possibilities are endless while Mercury is traveling here. When Mercury is in Sagittarius we tend to find our energy is more focused on a mission, we seek experiences that broaden our horizon, we follow our dreams and reach goals. The mind wants to grow beyond its boundaries and limits. The way we think and communicate will be very forward thinking. You’ll notice that Mercury prefers to observe the grains of sand and that Sagittarius will see the box of sand, aka the bigger picture. Sagittarius loves to travel, they are the great philosopher, the teacher, they thrive on learning, exploring and expanding. However it’s important to note that the less favourable traits of Sagittarius, especially now the communication planet is in play! We may overstep or forget where the line is and say things that may offend others. Sagittarius is blunt, saying exactly what’s on its mind, you may think you what you are is reasonable and normal but others could take great offend to. Sagittarius is a fire sign, driven to take action, a philosopher and truer picture” visionary. Mercury, on the other hand, will focus on the finer details, analysing every single one of its options. You can see how these two energies may rub together and cause friction?

The Moon continues through sensitive Cancer until later today when it enters playful Leo. Don’t give yourself a hard time during this Moon’s transit, especially when you find yourself reaching for comfort food. You may long to retreat from the active world and find comfort in your home and loved ones. Perhaps you feel more domestic & nostalgic than usual. This however may change as the evening progress on when the Moon shakes off the safety of home and its comfort to enter dramatic expressive Leo, your spirited will lift as you seek out more interaction and excitement.

Have a great day!

Andy x