Mercury Enters Sagittarius 30/10/2018.

Tuesday, October 30th, 2018.

Mercury moves out of Scorpio and into Sagittarius.

The Moon moves into Leo.

Today’s big news is Mercury leaves the depths of Scorpio behind and enters Sagittarius. Mercury is the communication planet that rules over our mental realm especially focusing on the way we communicate, make plans and think! This new placement will shift the conscious mind and intellect from water to fire, yin to yang, depths to greet heights. Sagittarius is represented by the Archer, the explorer, which means our possibilities are endless while Mercury is traveling here. When Mercury is in Sagittarius we tend to find our energy is more focused on a mission, we seek experiences that broaden our horizon, we follow our dreams and reach goals. The mind wants to grow beyond its boundaries and limits. The way we think and communicate will be very forward thinking. You’ll notice that Mercury prefers to observe the grains of sand and that Sagittarius will see the box of sand, aka the bigger picture. Sagittarius loves to travel, they are the great philosopher, the teacher, they thrive on learning, exploring and expanding. However it’s important to note that the less favourable traits of Sagittarius, especially now the communication planet is in play! We may overstep or forget where the line is and say things that may offend others. Sagittarius is blunt, saying exactly what’s on its mind, you may think you what you are is reasonable and normal but others could take great offend to. Sagittarius is a fire sign, driven to take action, a philosopher and truer picture” visionary. Mercury, on the other hand, will focus on the finer details, analysing every single one of its options. You can see how these two energies may rub together and cause friction?

The Moon continues through sensitive Cancer until later today when it enters playful Leo. Don’t give yourself a hard time during this Moon’s transit, especially when you find yourself reaching for comfort food. You may long to retreat from the active world and find comfort in your home and loved ones. Perhaps you feel more domestic & nostalgic than usual. This however may change as the evening progress on when the Moon shakes off the safety of home and its comfort to enter dramatic expressive Leo, your spirited will lift as you seek out more interaction and excitement.

Have a great day!

Andy x

A day for Progressive thinking and Overindulging… 08/05/2018.


Tuesday, May 8th 2018.

The Moon is in Aquarius.

The Taurus Sun opposes retrograde Jupiter in Scorpio.

Today we see the steadfast Taurus Sun opposing retrograde Jupiter in Scorpio. This will create some tension or an opposition between the planet of expansion and abundance and our conscious self. This opposition to Jupiter today has both an yin and yang effect on us.  Taurus and Scorpio love indulging and being sensual so on one hand it is a great day for being social, eating, exploring, having fun and enjoying life. However we must  be aware of overindulgence, going over the top and excess as Jupiter does not like limitations of any kind. The key for today is to enjoy life but don’t overdo it.



The Moon spends most of the day in progressive Aquarius, when it will later move into dreamy Pisces. On Aquarius Moon days we can find yourself becoming very detached and withdrawn from worry and expectations. Our thoughts and feeling are objective and we are able to set our own pace for the day. Originality and a cosmic push towards our life path are more visible today as you come to realize that your own path forward is not done alone and you must push forward on this journey, and those who follow along are a bonus.

Hope you have a great day enjoying the small things of life!

By Andy J x


Thursday, February 15, 2018.

The Aquarius New Moon and Solar Eclipse at 27° Aquarius.

This New Moon in Aquarius takes place in a month where there is no Full Moon. We just had two Full Moon in January and there will be two Full Moons in March. A month with no Full Moon traditionally  was sometimes referred to as a dark month, or a Black Moon.

The New Moon partial Solar Eclipse is at 27’08 Aquarius. Although Aquarius is an Air sign, she makes connections with Juno and Mercury.  Juno is the ancient goddess of partnerships, love and commitments and Mercury is the planet that rules our mental realm, communication and thought process. This means for us that these areas will be highlight during this New Moon phase.

Lets back track and reflect the Lunar Eclipse that opened the portal on January 31st. Eclipses are in the sign of nodes. Typically Eclipses are always within 18.5 degrees of the node. The North Node aka the lunar eclipse and the South Node aka the solar eclipse. Node’s astrologically speaking are connected with karma and evolution and eclipses are all about change. We have and will  feel the amplification of these energies this month. The North node last month, was in relation to our destined path of growth and evolution and now we have the partial eclipse in the South Node which is to do with our Karma and Karmic patterns.

Eclipse are great at illuminating where change and growth is needed and if we are off our path. It’s about rectifying our actions and doing what is needed to make things whole again. This can seem a burden to some in order to grow and evolve we must something let go of something and someone.To reorient ourselves this upheaval of situations and relationships in our lives is a necessity. To get a more in-depth look, you need to search in your personal natal chart for a deeper answer and a grasp of what these eclipses mean for you personally.

Although Aquarius is usually quite a detached Air sign when it comes to matters of the heart such as feelings, emotions and connections. This eclipse as I mentioned is tightly conjunct with both Juno and Mercury. Soulmates, love and communication will be brought o our attention. Also bringing into focus is not only our personal relationships but partnerships of all kinds romantic, committed, business, financial and otherwise.

Lets have a quick run down on the asteroid. Juno is the wife of Jupiter. Her and Venus share the theme of love and relations but as Venus is all about making connections and attractions , Juno is about soul mates committing to them. Juno is related to soul mates, marriage, long-term relationships and beauty. She is the patron mother of relationships and true love. The energy is feminine, soft and diplomatic.

With the Juno energy closely linked. Romantic relationships will be the main theme at this Eclipse. Yes, this means our romantic self and relationships will be up for review. You may deepen your connection to your special someone, or it can bring to surface that you are both at the highest place you two can journey to and that in order for you to move up you may have to move on.

With Mercury the planet known for ruling communication added into the mix, it is highly possible that this New Moon talk of love, loyalty, devotion, moving in with someone, making plans for the future, romantic holidays, travel and possibility of engagements and marriages will be on the cards. Especially as the New Moon’s energy radiates intensely for a few days, before and after.. Hello Valentines day!

Typically New Moons ignite new beginnings, are a starting point to make changes and manifest what we want to bring into fruition over the next lunar cycle. However, we need to remember that this New Moon is aligned with the South Node so in order to bring into our life our desires, we need to figure out what needs to end or be completed first in order for something new to take hold. With any change we need to remember that we need to work for it!

During this New Moon  Eclipse the veil will be thin, our illusions will be  lifted. This makes it an amazing time to really get to know yourself, seek out your authentic genuine self even if it makes you feel uncomfortable.  This Aquarius New Moon Solar Eclipse carries a positive and loving energy that is going  allow us to awaken to the fact that we are all connected, we all have similar needs and that we all need each other to thrive.

incorporate all the themes and energies I have mention into your New Moon wishes this month.I can assure you, you wont be disappointed! Nurture them and watch them blossom! Happy manifesting!


Andy J xx


Super Full Moon in Caner 2018.

Happy New Year everyone.

A Super Full Moon in Cancer occurs on Monday or Tuesday depending where in the world you live!

A Super Moon isn’t a regular Full Moon. A Super Moon is a Full Moon that is the closet it can be to earth. It appears to us at least 16% larger for us to see. Because it is nearer to the earth its energies along with the Moons effects are felt on a much larger scale. The Moon as we know rules over the tides in the ocean, and with the Moon being bigger and closer to earth the tides will be much larger and powerful and so will our emotions as Cancer ( a water sign) rules the Moon. To add more to the crazy Super Moon energy, we are all made up mostly of water, and most are going to be affected by this much more than usual. The frequencies emanating from the Super Full Moon affect the frequencies of the mental body, our minds, our feelings, emotions and desires. Have you been kept awake all night for no reason? Felt the intense energy of the Full Moon building all week? Having psychic or vivid dreams? People acting strange and unusual? Have you or people you encounter act super over reactive, moody, cry for no reason or are super happy? The Moon can have this effect on many of us!

The Sun (in Capricorn) being the light giver is shinning its light onto the Moon. The Moon than illuminates us with its Luna energy. It also symbolizes we have reached a completion point in the lunar cycle. Everything we have been working towards these past weeks will reach its peak as this Full Moon will just explode with light, love and let everything go that no longer serves a purpose! It showers us with energy of releasement and fulfillment.

A Full Moon occurs when the Cancer Moon at 180 degrees exactly opposes the Capricorn Sun at 180 degrees. The year begun with the focus squarely on family and emotional security. This Super Full Moon is at 11° Cancer. So Cancer energy will be illuminating and shinning its qualities onto us here on earth. Cancer is about nurturing, intuition, families, safety and emotional security. The Cancer-Capricorn polarity ( Being exactly 180 degrees from each other) means that Capricorn quality opposes you and what your interested in at this current moment, but we must find balance. We are more interested in Qualities represented by Cancer such as our private life, our family life, domesticity, our need for a safe loving home, providing and very nurturing versus Capricorn Qualities such as our public life, being super focused on our career, our reputation, stability, practicality and being in the here and now long with accountability. This Full Moon is about balancing our commitment to our career and families. In some ways, you can look at the polarity energies with finding a balance between unconditional love and conditional love. Just a heads up, by neglecting either end of the Capricorn/Cancer axis, this will surely backfire on you. Ideally, we should all try to find a balance between the two energies, and this is what the Super Full Moon invites us to do.

This Super Full Moon in the water sign of Cancer you may notice yourself unusually interested in creating or deepening powerful loving bonds, being over affectionate, wanting to nest in your home, baking, caring for others, being overly sooky and very nurturing to others. Cancer is all about their internal home as well, its internal feelings and emotions, deep analyzing, and even deeper thoughts and self connections. People who have been feeling lost and disconnected from them self-will begin to reconnect with themselves and who they really are. You will find you are searching for attachments and love, placing roots down, being proud and valuing your home and everything and everyone in it.

This sensitive Cancer Moon forms some serious aspects and has sharp conversations with Venus, Saturn, and the Sun. This is suggesting that work and effort is needed to bring what is necessary into focus, especially when writing out what big plans you have for this year along with releasing any blockages holding you back. Full Moons are all about letting go and releasing what no longer serves us. By the time the evening comes around, it brings a lovely Neptune dream state quality that helps you to release and loosen up from the seriousness of the early part of the day and helps us engage in loving dreams of the future.

Furthermore, Something has been building up inside of us, have you felt it? I sure have! This is now the time when we get support from the energy of the cosmos that demands that we let it out. If you can not quite pin point what it is, over the next few weeks, you will get ‘Aha’ and awakening moments to discover what this means for you. Its time to express whats been building up inside. This Cancer Full Moon will align with Venus and then forms a harmonizing aspect Neptune and Mars. Some may express their neediness!! However as needy as we can be under the Cancer influence we may swing from independence to dependence during this  time.


This Super Full Moon is really going to illuminate and prompt us to get in touch with our self, with those things in our personal lives that we may have been putting off and neglecting. A real push for self emotional nurturing is the key this Full Moon. Write down what is working and what isn’t and think about what you can do to make change. Set some goal;s for 2018.  We have spent more time focused lately on our  careers, relationships and personal plans as of late, that we have just simply left our emotions unbalanced and on the back burner, not good at all.

Its time for change! We must remember that lots of Light tends to illuminate the darkest shadows of us all , so use this Full Moon to release and let go and make room for change! This Super Full Moon will also reminds us that to truly move forward and evolve as a soul we must deal with and address the past. This is not one of Cancer strong point, sometimes we have a hard time doing so, be kind to yourself if past issue and hurts arise, run yourself a bath, cook a nice meal, watch your favorite movies, get out in nature, put your feet in the sand and ground yourself.

This super, sensitive, nurturing and caring Full Moon is going to be a time for love, romance, fertilization and relationships. What we begun back at the last New Moon is now at a time of culmination and the promise of fulfillment with this Full Super Moon!





 Happy New Year and Happy Super Full Moon Day x


By Andy J x

Turning up the Passion! 16/11/2017

Thursday, November 16th, 2017.

The Moon is in Scorpio.

Venus in Scorpio trines retrograde Neptune in Pisces.

When you wake up this morning, put aside your diplomacy skills and charm as the Moon enters sassy Scorpio. The Moon in Scorpio is transformative, mysterious and naughty! Some will feel their emotions intensify and your one on one connections to others strengthen. If something has been bothering you as of late, today is a good day to work through any emotional issues. Later tonight, the intense Scorpio Moon will  join forces with expansive Jupiter in Scorpio, making for an evening of passion, romance and deep connections.. Date night anyone?

Venus in Scorpio trines retrograde Neptune in Pisces. lovely Venus, who also sits in mysterious Scorpio, will form a harmonious and flowing trine to dreamy and elusive Neptune in Pisces. What a day for unconditional love and passion.This cycle between Neptune and Venus  began in early January of 2017. Can you think back and remember what dreams and outcomes you had for your relationships/partnerships at that time? The Moon in Scorpio, Venus in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces, we have so much water energy floating around the Universe today don’t be surprised if you have very strong emotions ATM, your dreams intensify and the depth and connection in your partnerships magnify! Today is good to get creative, to tune into your imagination, be romantic, get connected to all things to do with mysticism and the arts.



Happy Thursday!

By Andy J xx

Allow things to flow! 8/11/2017.

Wednesday 8th November, 2017!

The Moon in Cancer trines the Sun in Scorpio.

The Sun in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces.

Early this morning when you wake up, we have the Moon in sensitive Cancer and it trines the Sun in Scorpio. The Sun is in water, the Moon is in Water and to top this off the Sun trines Neptune in Pisces, more water energy!! Today is a great day for all those initiatives out there or anyone who wants to work on their intuition and creativity. It’s a great day for healers, medium ship and channeling work and its even better for those who want to work on their manifesting skills. Are you trying to work on manifesting something into your life ATM? This morning is also great for sorting out emotions and working on yourself.

Today is a day to figure out what you want and work on it. You will get internal clues and gut feeling on which way to go and what is right for you. Today brings a sense of belonging to a situation. Today is also a good time to share your knowledge and wisdom with others. What have you learned recently? How can you help others?

Have a great day

By Andy J xx


Happy Halloween! 31/10/17!

Tuesday, October 31, 2017.

The Moon is in Pisces.

The Pisces Moon forms a trine to Mercury in Scorpio.

The Moon forms a square to Saturn.

Halloween is here!

Today brings more of the same energy as we had yesterday! The mystical Moon is still in Pisces, encouraging you to open imagination and do some internal self-reflection. Happy Halloween, and how fitting that the Moon stays in Pisces most of the day (until late this afternoon when it enters head strong Aires), and Halloween is about imagination, the spiritual realm, the veil between worlds lifting, intuition and fantasy. Your connection to deep divinity, creativity, and original insights remain strong throughout the day.

The Pisces Moon forms a flowing trine aspect to Mercury in Scorpio. Making the communication planet working in your favor as your communications and dealings with others will be easily heard and positively received. Mercury is a great at helping us think clearly and start  conversations about feelings or things we typically find difficult to express, and now it’s sitting in sassy Scorpio we will have the courage to speak up for our self and talk about issues we may have hidden from before!

The Moon makes is a harsh square to Saturn later today. This can throw us off the whimsical fun and play of all this Pisces and Halloween energy. We may have some wake up calls of seriousness and reach some limitations. Saturn who is ruled by Capricorn helps us to bring meaning and structure to our world. Saturn  the great teacher may be reminding some of us to slow down, I know with all this hype of Halloween its hard to get serious but Saturn is ultimately doing this for our own good.

Just remember , today is a great day to play with your deep imaginative playful side, get out there and  encourage those around you to engage in fanciful play.


Happy Halloween

By Andy J xx

Full Moon in Capricorn 2017.


The Full Moon happens in the sign of Capricorn this month. This months Full Moon is going to be a very beautiful, positive transformative Full Moon. This Moon has Pluto sitting right next to it and it has the potential to be life changing.

A Full Moon is when the Sun is exact opposite the Moon at 180 degrees. A Full Moon astrology speaking highlights opposing forces or polarities in our life. Areas can include our home life, work life, our needs, wants and especially our emotional needs verses what our egos want. As the lunar cycle reaches its fullest on the 09/07/2017 our emotions and insists reach their peak, ever felt a tad loony oar emotional responsive around a Full Moon? Full Moons are known to heighten sensitivity that can lead and create inner tension and external pressure that result in a crisis and can drain your energy or heighten it. However with all this new found emotional power and strength, the key is to use it, along with your intuition and the energy and traits of the Moons position in a certain star sign to overcome any challenges. Subconscious awareness during this period allows for an objective and balanced look at your life and your personal relationships.

This July 9th full moon at 17°09′ Capricorn is only one degree away from Pluto. This trasnformative, healing planet of power and intensity transmutes healing and lessons through the process of  destruction and renewal. As emotions are already high during a full Moon they are about to even more all powerful and somewhat all consuming this week. Can you feel the energy building already? As far as Full Moons go this one will be as powerful as they can get.

Moon conjunct Pluto brings such deep and intense feelings to the surface that they can overwhelm you. You may become obsessed about your feelings and have trouble focusing on anything else. Dreams, visions, psychic impressions or intuitive insights may have a profound influence on your mood.

Sun in Cancer opposing the Moon in Capricorn makes the Moon/ Pluto alignment more challenging.

because of the relationship tension it creates. The battles you have with other people can mirror your own inner conflict as you try to reconcile differences between what you want versus what you need.
Sun opposite Pluto brings a crisis either with self-esteem, a relationships or an event. This may be due to a self-destructive character trait such as addiction, spying or stubbornness. In relationships, you may be the subject of, or the perpetrator of, manipulation, jealousy, domination or spying. Events may include the breakdown of an appliance or car, theft, violence, or the destruction of possessions by people or natural disaster.

Full Moon occurs with the Cancer Sun in opposition to the Moon in Capricorn. The Full Moon is a time of culmination and the promise of fulfillment of that which was started at the New Moon. It is an emotional time—a time of romance, fertilization, and relationships.
The Cancer-Capricorn polarity concerns the balance between the private life, domesticity, the need for a home base, and nurturance (represented by Cancer) versus the public life, career, reputation, and accountability (represented by Capricorn). Attachments and love are ruled by Cancer, while achievements and rewards/punishments are ruled by Capricorn. In some ways, this polarity deals with the balance between unconditional love and conditional love. Cancer encourages us to value our home base and our roots, while Capricorn persuades us to consider our sense of duty and responsibility along public or professional lines. While Cancer may be content to be dependent, Capricorn urges us to be grown-up and responsible. Cancer represents the origin, and Capricorn represents the goal. Neglecting either end of the axis will surely backfire on us. Ideally, a balance should be found between the two energies, and this is what the Full Moon invites us to do. This Full Moon is about balancing our commitment to our career and families. Something has been building inside of us, and now is the time when the energy of the cosmos fairly demands that we let it out. Over the next two weeks, we will discover what this means for us. For now, we can’t sit on our feelings. We need to express them.
The Full Moon illuminates this conflict between roots and direction. With the Moon full and bright in the sky, symbolic “illumination” occurs in our own lives. However, these new feelings and revelations are emotional ones, as there is a sense of emotions bursting forth into our consciousness. It’s time to express ourselves and to let things out of our systems. Of course, we might want to exercise some care while doing so, knowing that what is coming out of us is fresh, unrefined, and not particularly rational as yet.

Happy Solstice 21/06/2017

Wednesday June 21st, 2017.

The Moon is in Gemini.

The Sun moves into Cancer.

Mercury enters Cancer.


Good Morning  today depending where you wake up it will either be the Summer solstice, marking the first day of summer and the longest day of the year in the Northern hemisphere. Now us down in the southern hemisphere it is the winter solstice , and it is the shortest day of the year.

The Moon moves from Taurus into Gemini today and the Sun moves into marvelous Cancer. Happy Birthday to us Cancerians!!! We are now entering a period that is far less concerned with information and communication that being the Sun ( ego) was in Gemini but is now in Cancer. As the wheel of the seasons turns, so does our attention follows, along with our thoughts. Now the Sun moves into Cancer, it is a time about feelings, emotions, love, romance, nurturing, loyalty and intimacy. We turn toward family and nurture whats closest to our hearts, sentiment, security, home, and the past. This month is not about external information it’s all about the internal, ” How do I feel”, “How can I connect with other humans”

The Moon in Gemini still means we are clear thinking and we can communicate effectively , bring these aspects when you feel like over express emotions and how you feel. Don’t go over the top and leave your heart on your sleeve straight away don’t give everything away straight away.

Mercury also enters Cancer today. This is a superior conjunction of Mercury and the Sun happening at the 1st degree of cancer, can stimulate an epiphany! Something is coming to Light right now, through communication or information, it is  illuminating a matter, or a clearing of the air.

Don’t be surprised if at all this month if your thinking aligns with your feelings and your feelings take over your thoughts. This is a good time to articulate your emotions. We think, speak, and take in information on a deeper, more intuitive level. Remember to stay open-minded and hearted, because this conjunction will  allowing powerful conversations to merge, go ahead and express your emotions freely. However us Cancer Moon Children tend to run on our emotions without thinking before we speak, don’t let your passion or over thinking cloud the truth and judgement, stop, breath, reflect and consult another if needed for an opinion before you execute your words. Some of us can be a tad hyper-sensitivity in our interactions. Some may take offense quickly. Stay true to yourself and the Universe will guide your way.


Have a great day!

Andy J xx

Full Moon in Scorpio 2017.

On the 10th May , 2017 we will experience a Full Moon in the sign of Scorpio. The Full Moon as we Know happens once a month. It’s when the Sun and Moon are both at 180o apart and the Sun fully illuminates the Moon with its light. The Moon is at a completion point and reflects the light and showers its energy on us. The Full Moon always has an effect on us no matter who you are.

The Sun will be in Taurus and the Moon will be in Scorpio.

The Sun in Taurus will be at 20 degrees. Taurus is a very practical, earthy grounded sign. In numerology 20 breaks down to 2 and the number 2 is all about relationships and love! The Sun is experiencing this energetically along with all the other Taurus energy which also happens to be about love,relationships, practicality, finances and appearances. So this Taurus energy is also being thrown onto the Moon.

The Moon is sitting in the sign of Scorpio, which is also sitting at 20 degrees. The Moon will shower down on us Scorpio energy. Scorpio is a water sign, its intuitive, creative and emotionally intelligent. Scorpio is not afraid of exploring the dark side, its ruled by Pluto who is about transformation. Scorpio loves going were no other star sign dares to go. It holds extremely powerful and potent energy. It’s willing to look deeper, look at the taboo side of life its other favorable aspect is being able to look at the wounded self in order for healing and transformation to occur. We will be facing and confronting some fears during this Full Moon. Scorpio energy is all about transformation and reaching higher levels of consciousness. So we must awaken, open up our eyes and soul.

As I have mentioned this Full Moon is at 20 degrees and, the number 2 is all about relationships, and deepening and strengthening the connection, for all my single friends out there this is a good time to date and meet new people, use the full moon energy and meet new people, have a drink with the stranger at the bar, Scorpio energy is very intelligent so you will pick up who and who not to give your time to.

Scorpio energy is very much sexual, so for instance you and your partner who once were intimate very regular when you met and have now things have decreased, and well you may not of had the courage to bring this up and talk about it. Use the Scorpio energy to help bring any and all issue to surface. This Full Moon will support and help you and others with your emotionally understanding and help you both to have acceptance to what you are saying without the judgement. You will become open-minded and listen. So make the time, make an effort, wine and dine each other and bring out your inner god or goddess.

This Full Moon in Scorpio you will be feeling an intense emotional energy, you may feel you understand people for the better , life may click, emotionally reasoning will just make sense a lot of Ah Ha moments. Scorpio is very intense emotionally , it very deep and connected. This Full Moon if you and your partner whether its personal or business have been burying an issue deep, this Full Moon is the best time to sit down and talk about it,  clear the air.

This Full Moon is going to represent a turning point in the year for most of us and an opportunity to really embrace and accept any recent changes ( yes changes as much as we dig our heals in if its unwanted). See the failures or mishaps as a blessing, accept that there is a bigger plan and just breath and go with the flow. It going to bring about a powerful transformative shift that will really allow you to move forward.

Fun fact, many ancient cultures and astrologers have always believed that the Scorpio Full Moon is one of the most powerful for reaching out to guardian spirits and ancient ancestors. The high illuminated Scorpio energy has the potential to reach Divine levels of consciousness, so allow yourself to open up reach a new level and see things and the world  in a different light. Meditate under the light of the Moon, re charge your crystals, and with so much magic energy circling around what no better time to create your own Moon ritual and manifest your dreams.

Happy Full Moon!

By Andy J x