Mercury Retrograde 05/03/2019. Time to Re-Work and Re-vise.


Tuesday, March 5, 2019.

Mercury stations retrograde at 29’38 Pisces

 The Sun in Pisces semisquares Uranus in Aries.

The Moon is in Pisces.

Mercury, the plant the rules over communication, thinking , plans , travel and pretty much the mental realm and our thought process stations retrograde at 29’38 Pisces. Mercury will remain retrograde until March 28, a wonderful tool during this time is to see where in your natal chart you hold Pisces to better understand the area of your life that requires revisiting  or revising of your thoughts, actions and attention. Key words for any Mercury Retrograde reassess, Re – think, Rest, Reflect, Re – discover, Revise and Re – view, Re- do,  Renew, Reset. Something during this transition in your life needs to be re adjusted or considered from a new different perspective. Mercury retrograde as much as everyone freezes up with the mention of it, is here to remind us as well as push us to look and consider more deeply those things we have breezed over or agreed to without proper attention.

Mercury retrograde in the sign of Pisces means that there is potential for us to we might get our wires crossed, especially when communication is in play. With all this confusion around our thoughts, ideas and communication it can be very hard for us to just stop and focus on the cold hard facts. Be clever and re work the way you talk with others, converse with others over technology or in written form and bring about your best negotiating skills. This is not a time to start something new up, or sign a contract, book travel plans or buy a home for example.. unless you really need to. Dot the i and cross your t’s. It’s better to keep things and life simple over the next few weeks. The Moon in Pisces today will help you go with the flow today and help you understand the detachment and spaciousness that will be required over the coming weeks.

The Sun in Pisces semisquares Uranus in Aries. This has the potential to create tension  between our conscious self and the great rebel and revolutionary. The Sun in Pisces looks for peace, it wants us to retreat, however Uranus loves to “Stir the Pot”  Don’t be surprised if sudden and unexpected events, thoughts or revelations happen today.

As much as possible, rest, retreat, and try to find inspiration and offer inspiration to others during this Mercury Retrograde.

Have a great day!

Andy J x


Happy Valentines Day! 14/02/2019.

Thursday February 14th, 2019.

Mercury in Pisces semisquares Pluto in Capricorn.

Mars enters Taurus.

Happy Valentine’s day! The first aspect of the day is when Mercury in Pisces semisquares Pluto in Capricorn. Now this has the potential to create friction between our mind, communication and thought process with the emotional need to heal, change and transform. Today makes for some intense and dramatic ideas and communication, power dynamic and control issues and self realizations. It’s a great day for self therapy and healing work, day dreaming and soul-searching. It’s also a day were we get much-needed “Aha moments” during our mental and verbal confusion.

Mars, the planet of direct action, motivation, self-determination and willpower has been in its ruling sign of impulsive hot-headed Aries since the start of 2019. Today as it moves in sensual and grounded Taurus the energy is more patient and slow-paced. Mars in Aries was headstrong, it rushed and wanted things done now! However when Mars in Taurus we are able to think before we act and take a more cautious approach to the way we tackle things. Mars in Taurus gives us perseverance, strength, and the ability to build a strong foundation in any plans you make.

Now is a time to slow down and enjoy life, connect with nature and enjoy the beautiful and small pleasures of life.  However, the shadow side of Mars in Taurus is we may get stuck in a rut of laziness and loose all motivation, don’t let this slow-paced energy weigh you down to much that you forget your dreams all together.  Find a relaxed and flexible approach to balancing out your life.

Look to the house that holds Taurus in your chart for greater understanding in how you approach your desired goals and dreams. Stop and smell the roses during Mars transition, get out in nature and enjoy the simple pleasure of life.


Happy Valentines Day!

Andy J x




Wise Choices 12/02/2019.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019.

The First Quarter Moon is in Taurus.

The day continues with the steadfast Taurus Moon now in its first quarter phase. The Taurus Moon allows us a slow sensual awareness to the day full of all life pleasure.

In astrology they say that the first quarter Moon phase energy is surrounded by a “Crises” theme.Keep in mind that crisis implies not only difficulties or obstacles but opportunities for us as well. It’s a time to take it easy and reflect instead of rushing into ideas or plans without thinking it through. If we can take a more relaxed approach to life know your plans will develop easily. Don’t bite off more than you can chew it’s about creating a balance between taking action and overdoing it.

We are heading towards a Mars and Uranus conjunct early tomorrow, the fierce energy is starting to build throughout today. Mars in Aires will conjunct Uranus the planet of rebellion chaos and the unknown. Mars loves being in its home sign of Aires, it’s all about our desire to succeed, change as well as our drive and our wants. Its energy is also associated with our desire to protect and in some cases destroy. Being independent, knocking down obstacles and overcoming any resistance is the main theme for Mars in Aires. Uranus and Mars energy combined means electricity, will power and a strong force to achieve the un- achievable. Nothing or know one is going to stand in your way of your inner desires. Mars conjunct Uranus represents the beginning of a cycle of demanding change and for us to break free from some situation in our life that is restricting you from future growth and abundance.


Have a great day!

Andy j x



Monday 11/02/2019.

Monday 11th February, 2019.

The Moon moves into Taurus.

The Taurus Moon then trines  Venus is in Capricorn.

The Moon sextiles Neptune in Pisces.

The Moon moves into the grounded sign of Taurus. Taurus is the bull and is ruled by Venus who rules over beauty , love and money. Today when you awake you will feel grounded and search for the inner beauty not only within yourself but in your surroundings.The Taurus Moon then trines Venus is in Capricorn. This harmonious connection to its ruling planet makes for a romantic and easy-going day! Expect to find yourself craving sensual pleasure,over indulging in comfort foods and really taking a step back to relax and take it easy! Watch out for over eating however as today’s energy is the perfect day for pigging out and blowing the calorie bank.

The Moon sextiles Neptune in Pisces. Neptune rules over our imagination, dreams, creativity and physic imprints. Neptune is in the water sign of Pisces which is also connected to creativity, day dreaming and psychic imprints. What a great combination and a soft energy to take a moment a day-dream about what you want life to be. It’s also wonderful for all those artist out their!

Today, it’s a day about love, beauty and day dreaming. Take the time to connect with yourself, have a meal with a loved one or spoil yourself with a massage or bubble bath.

Happy Monday!

Andy J x

A time for being Innovative or Rebellious.. New Moon in Aquarius.

Monday, February 4, 2019.

New Moon in Aquarius.

By Monday afternoon, we will have a New Moon in Aquarius. This marks the beginning of a new lunar cycle. New Moo;s traditionally are about a fresh new start. A time to sit down and write down goals or changes you wish to manifest over the next month. It’s a time to plant seeds of intention to grow. This New Moon will be pulling in lots of Aquarius energy as the Sun and Moon conjunct each other they are both at 15 degrees of each other, to us down on earth the Moon is pitch black and recharging itself for the lunar cycle ahead.  Aquarius is an Air sign, it’s the sign of the humanitarian, its social and independent. It’s focus is about the bigger picture and connecting with others. Aquarius energy is about focusing on others to make changes for the greater good. Creativity and innovation are some key words when we think about Aquarius.

The New Moon is at fifteen degrees. Fifteen degrees in numerology breaks down to six, six is a door way or a temporary opportunity that opens up for us so what better time to plan for the future and make changes. Aquarius rules information, technology, communication, ideas, practicality and inventing. It’s about taking our ideas and making them reality. This New Moon open up your mind, think collectively and brain storm ideas how you can make positive change to those around you.

Aquarius is at once fiercely independent and yet extremely socially minded. Being emotionally independent is important for this sign as well as feeling somewhat connected to others, being progressive and objective. If you can detach yourself from the “Norm” this New Moon you will be able to discover and understand the world around you and the changes that you need to make. Your natural abilities to be more social will be important to you this month, exchanging ideas, discussions and communication with others will also be highlighted. Use these great qualities of Aquarius in your New Moon intentions and you will have full support of the universe. Maybe you need the cosmic push to join an exercise group? Volunteer? Start an environmental project, make a plan to recycle or reduce your waste consumption. Perhaps take a class on learning how to use your computer or anything related to technology. Or simply Join a social group that sparks your interest!

The New Moon in Aquarius will also give you insight on those around you that are not as easily understood, it will also allow you to not only engage with others who are different from you, but give you a unique way for you to be able to express the parts of yourself that are most unusual and quirky. Allow the more rebellious and innovative parts of yourself to emerge its OK to let go of your old habits and patterns of thinking. This New Moon free yourself from those parts that hold you back and make some positive changes in your life. The Aquarius New Moon forms a harmonious sextile aspect to expansive and abundant happy Jupiter. This is great news for us as whatever we set our intentions or wishes to will turn to gold.


Happy New Moon wishing.

Andy J x

Life is an Adventure 30/01/2019.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019.

The Moon is in Sagittarius.

Neptune in Pisces forms a square aspect the Moon in Sagittarius.

The Moon still continues through Sagittarius guiding and encouraging us to seek or expand our understanding of the world around us, whether it be through booking a trip, going in nature or watching a documentary on you tube. The world is you oyster make the most of it and your new spark of excitement for life.

Neptune will also form a square aspect the Moon. This harsher energy means we are more sensitive and get hurt easily. This is because you are extremely emotionally sensitive and this in turn can bring strange feelings or experiences that leave you questioning reality and your vulnerability. It would be wise to remember during this transit that chances are that you are not perceiving things correctly, your emotions and feelings are all over the shop, so it makes this evening the perfect time to retreat and have some alone time. Take a nap, run a bath or get lost in your favorite TV show.

Today you may have a clear sense of your own wisdom, but remember that not everyone sees the world through your eyes. It’s not a day to push people s limits and beliefs. Today if you can practice some self-control and patience may learn something new and unexpected.


Have a great day!

Andy J


Communication and Ideas, Tuesday 29/01/2019.


Tuesday, January 29, 2019.

The Moon enters Sagittarius.

 The Sun in Aquarius conjuncts Mercury in Aquarius.

By the time we awake the Moon enters the Fiery sign of Sagittarius where she will remain until Thursday evening. The Moon in Sagittarius means we can expect our mood to lighten and our emotions to engage on a more positive ,enthusiastic and upbeat note. You may get an urge to be adventurous, to expand your awareness and experiment. It’s a time for fun and laughter! To kick your heals up especially after the Moon intense placement in Scorpio. However, the shadow side of Sadge means we have a tendency to be impulsive and to come across condescending to others. We have to stop and think before we act or speak. Everyone has their own view, so we must make sure we keep our eyes and ears open, to have respect for others and try to see the world from others perspective.

The Sun in Aquarius and Mercury in Aquarius form a harmonious alignment. This is the midpoint of the current Mercury cycle. Mercury rules the way we speak and communicate and when it forms a conjunction with the Aquarius Sun we seek clarity and focus on the small details. Aquarius is an Air sign of logic and interactions, so today all the exciting aspects of thinking and communication are awakened. Engage with others, share ideas, get creative, be innovative and get your paper work/working space in order. Remember with such a jam-packed busy mind today its important to stop, and listen to others and refrain from your mind wander off in a thousand new directions.


Have a great day!

Andy J x

Full Moon Lunar eclipse in Leo 21/01/2019.


Monday 21st January, 2019.

Full Moon Lunar eclipse in Leo.

Early this morning and late last night while you were sleeping the second eclipse of the month, a Full Moon lunar eclipse occurred. Lunar Eclipses are just like regular Full Moon only stronger, its effects will be felt for the next 6 months. During this Full Moon lunar eclipse, we are offered a unique opportunity to reset our emotions along with a chance to clear away much discomfort or old energy from recent months. Think back over the past few months? Can you see a past issue or problem that clearly has seemed beyond view until now? Open your eyes, you may be surprised at what you have missed over the past few months that is now so clearly obvious.

This month’s Full Moon is in the playful sign of Leo. A Full Moon traditionally is when the Sun and the Moon are at 180 degrees of each other, this mean the Sun in Aquarius forms an opposition with the Moon in Leo. A Full Moon is a completion point of the Luna cycle. As it is completely illuminated with light, it showers us with not only Luna but solar energy. Lunar Eclipse’s interrupt this recharging of the Moon that is why eclipses are so powerful, important and its effects last six months.

This Full Moon in Leo will be fiery, energetic, charged and upbeat! This Moon will also be a Super Moon, meaning it appears much larger to our naked eye here on earth. The total lunar eclipse at 0 degrees Leo will mark the half way point of the current Eclipse season we are in. We had a partial Solar eclipse in Capricorn on 5th January, 2019. Eclipse are basically a radical time of change, growth and healing, and this Eclipse lines up with the North Node which is all about our destiny and karma.

This month, the Sun is in Aquarius at 0 degrees. It will be focused mainly on service to humanity. Aquarius is looking to the future and learning about how it can make life better for everyone as a whole. Its focus is at a more of a local point, its intelligent, witty, loves technology and its advancement. Aquarius asks “how can I be of service to others”. It’s interested in learning and making positive, radical change. This energy will be illuminating and charging up the beautiful Moon this month!

The Moon represent the most sensitive parts of us, it’s all about who we are and how we feel. The Moon is sitting at 0 degrees in Leo. In Leo, our inner child or your internal feelings are magnified and heightened! You want to explore, you want to feel alive, you are self-motivated and life becomes 10 shades of dramatic. You will find that you want to harness your power, you will get a much-needed cosmic confidence boost. You will be the life of the party, communicating and interacting with others will be a high priority over the coming weeks. Leo is ruled by the Sun, and we all know the Sun is the center of the solar system as is Leo personality, it illuminating, its life, it’s all about you and how you are as a person, and it represents your identity and sense of self. Leo loves being confident, it’s about “you being you” and not compromising that for no one!  Leo’s energy encompass optimism, being enthusiastic and enjoying life! Its fiery energy can burn through obstacles singe any stagnant energy that’s holding you back!

This Super Eclipse Moon is sitting next to the north node in 26 degrees Cancer. Whenever the Moon is near the north node it’s pulling energy in, karmic/ destiny energy. Numerology speaking 26 degrees adds up to eight. Eight is the number of abundance and power. So not only will we feel the effects of this powerful Moon, we will have the added bonus of north node in Cancer to help us achieve our goals and desires. Perhaps it’s wise to remember that Cancer is ruled by the Moon, and lunar eclipses bring to attention our inner emotions, what’s working in our life, relationships, our home life and how we can heal and transform those areas. In particular things that have been brewing under the surface, you will find surface up for transformation and change… Expect Fun, laughter and love as well as our relationships, children and family will be under a spotlight and become very important to us. Imagine a lioness taking care of her cubs! All these energies are intertwined and illuminated in us for the next 6 months. Make the most out of these energies. It’s time to not only get in touch with ourselves but those around us we love.

This Lunar Eclipse will have the ability to get us to review and access at our own emotions, our needs and what we “feel” is lacking from our life. The polarity between Leo and Aquarius is going to deal with our personal and our impersonal self, the key this Full moon is to find a balance between our egotistic, confidence and self-expressive side and the part of us that wants to help others, that is selfless and objective. The Leo Moon is proud, self-reliant and dramatic Aquarius Sun is values a more team player and individual approach to life.

Lunar Eclipses trigger a self-awareness in all of us, it allows matters come to light. From areas of your life that only may need a fine tune to areas that need a complete revamp. With so much energy floating around you should take a look at your natal chart for a clue to where you need to put your energy. See what areas of Leo rules over what house, this can give your insight to the areas that may come into focus now.  Deep down inside, despite all we ignore we know that change is necessary for growth.

On the shadow side with Leo Moon, you may face challenges or small hurdles with dramatic self-expression, resulting in your ‘inner-child’ being on full display. Over reacting, being overly dramatic, self-centered and always the center of attention, also watch out for the urge for temper tantrums. Another dark side includes taking situations and emotions to extreme for example arrogance, vanity and self-absorption Remember with a Leo Moon “Pride before a fall”. With an awareness of these tendency, it would be wise to determine if this full expression is in your best interest and adjust your behaviour and actions accordingly.


Happy Full Moon Day!


Andy J x




Powerful Day For Change 11/01/2019


Friday, January 11th, 2019.

The Sun in Capricorn cojoins Pluto at 20’56 Capricorn.

The Moon is in Pisces.

The Sun cojoins Pluto at 20’56 Capricorn. This aspect happens once a year, so today is the power day of the week. This Sun/Pluto alignment will get us asking ourselves what area of our life do we need to transform , to heal or empower? This is the time to have a life review. Whats your life purpose? What goals or plans do you or do you want to put in place this year? Revisit and revise all your ambitions and make sure what you desire or want to achieve is held on solid ground. The energy right now is incredible for transformation but it also has the capability to unearth some very intense energy when it comes to control and power dynamics. Our shadow self-will be forced out, the question to ask yourself is… how formidable are you at your core?For some it may result in a battle between your ego, greed and being power-hungry.

The Moon is still in Pisces the energy is just right for those who need some releasement in amongst all this intense soul-searching. The Pisces moon energy is also great for taking some time out, having a nap or getting back to nature and re setting yourself.

Key words for today is willpower, healing, lessons, determination , insights and empowerment.


Happy Friday!

Andy J x




There is a Softness to the Day! 10/01/2019.

Thursday, January 10th, 2019.

The Moon is in Pisces.

The Pisces Moon conjuncts Neptune.

The Moon is in Pisces and this Pisces Moon conjuncts Neptune. Now Neptune is the watery planet of dreams, psychic ability, intuition and creativity, and is much the same energy as watery Pisces and the Moon. Today expect your psychic openness and capacity to “tune in” to be off the raider.

As the Moon passes through dreamy Pisces along with the help of Neptune your dreams and ideas are support, especially in regards to inner growth and development.  Pisces Moon days can leave us feeling like we are in a haze, you may want to take a nap, call in sick from work to curl up and day-dream. It’s a day to get lost in a book or just work on creative projects. The Moon and Neptune offer us passive, intuitive and deeply emotional energies. We are very in tune with the vibrations around us, picking up on others energies and we’re psychically and intuitive very open now. Take some personal time and mediate today, do your tarot cards, write down inspirational ideas that come to you in your eyes mind or dreams. If you are an artist today is your day, you will have all the universes support. We also may feel vulnerable and sensitive than usual. Remember this as you interact with others, take people’s words and actions with a grain of salt.


Have a Magical day!

Andy J x