Full Moon Lunar eclipse in Leo 21/01/2019.


Monday 21st January, 2019.

Full Moon Lunar eclipse in Leo.

Early this morning and late last night while you were sleeping the second eclipse of the month, a Full Moon lunar eclipse occurred. Lunar Eclipses are just like regular Full Moon only stronger, its effects will be felt for the next 6 months. During this Full Moon lunar eclipse, we are offered a unique opportunity to reset our emotions along with a chance to clear away much discomfort or old energy from recent months. Think back over the past few months? Can you see a past issue or problem that clearly has seemed beyond view until now? Open your eyes, you may be surprised at what you have missed over the past few months that is now so clearly obvious.

This month’s Full Moon is in the playful sign of Leo. A Full Moon traditionally is when the Sun and the Moon are at 180 degrees of each other, this mean the Sun in Aquarius forms an opposition with the Moon in Leo. A Full Moon is a completion point of the Luna cycle. As it is completely illuminated with light, it showers us with not only Luna but solar energy. Lunar Eclipse’s interrupt this recharging of the Moon that is why eclipses are so powerful, important and its effects last six months.

This Full Moon in Leo will be fiery, energetic, charged and upbeat! This Moon will also be a Super Moon, meaning it appears much larger to our naked eye here on earth. The total lunar eclipse at 0 degrees Leo will mark the half way point of the current Eclipse season we are in. We had a partial Solar eclipse in Capricorn on 5th January, 2019. Eclipse are basically a radical time of change, growth and healing, and this Eclipse lines up with the North Node which is all about our destiny and karma.

This month, the Sun is in Aquarius at 0 degrees. It will be focused mainly on service to humanity. Aquarius is looking to the future and learning about how it can make life better for everyone as a whole. Its focus is at a more of a local point, its intelligent, witty, loves technology and its advancement. Aquarius asks “how can I be of service to others”. It’s interested in learning and making positive, radical change. This energy will be illuminating and charging up the beautiful Moon this month!

The Moon represent the most sensitive parts of us, it’s all about who we are and how we feel. The Moon is sitting at 0 degrees in Leo. In Leo, our inner child or your internal feelings are magnified and heightened! You want to explore, you want to feel alive, you are self-motivated and life becomes 10 shades of dramatic. You will find that you want to harness your power, you will get a much-needed cosmic confidence boost. You will be the life of the party, communicating and interacting with others will be a high priority over the coming weeks. Leo is ruled by the Sun, and we all know the Sun is the center of the solar system as is Leo personality, it illuminating, its life, it’s all about you and how you are as a person, and it represents your identity and sense of self. Leo loves being confident, it’s about “you being you” and not compromising that for no one!  Leo’s energy encompass optimism, being enthusiastic and enjoying life! Its fiery energy can burn through obstacles singe any stagnant energy that’s holding you back!

This Super Eclipse Moon is sitting next to the north node in 26 degrees Cancer. Whenever the Moon is near the north node it’s pulling energy in, karmic/ destiny energy. Numerology speaking 26 degrees adds up to eight. Eight is the number of abundance and power. So not only will we feel the effects of this powerful Moon, we will have the added bonus of north node in Cancer to help us achieve our goals and desires. Perhaps it’s wise to remember that Cancer is ruled by the Moon, and lunar eclipses bring to attention our inner emotions, what’s working in our life, relationships, our home life and how we can heal and transform those areas. In particular things that have been brewing under the surface, you will find surface up for transformation and change… Expect Fun, laughter and love as well as our relationships, children and family will be under a spotlight and become very important to us. Imagine a lioness taking care of her cubs! All these energies are intertwined and illuminated in us for the next 6 months. Make the most out of these energies. It’s time to not only get in touch with ourselves but those around us we love.

This Lunar Eclipse will have the ability to get us to review and access at our own emotions, our needs and what we “feel” is lacking from our life. The polarity between Leo and Aquarius is going to deal with our personal and our impersonal self, the key this Full moon is to find a balance between our egotistic, confidence and self-expressive side and the part of us that wants to help others, that is selfless and objective. The Leo Moon is proud, self-reliant and dramatic Aquarius Sun is values a more team player and individual approach to life.

Lunar Eclipses trigger a self-awareness in all of us, it allows matters come to light. From areas of your life that only may need a fine tune to areas that need a complete revamp. With so much energy floating around you should take a look at your natal chart for a clue to where you need to put your energy. See what areas of Leo rules over what house, this can give your insight to the areas that may come into focus now.  Deep down inside, despite all we ignore we know that change is necessary for growth.

On the shadow side with Leo Moon, you may face challenges or small hurdles with dramatic self-expression, resulting in your ‘inner-child’ being on full display. Over reacting, being overly dramatic, self-centered and always the center of attention, also watch out for the urge for temper tantrums. Another dark side includes taking situations and emotions to extreme for example arrogance, vanity and self-absorption Remember with a Leo Moon “Pride before a fall”. With an awareness of these tendency, it would be wise to determine if this full expression is in your best interest and adjust your behaviour and actions accordingly.


Happy Full Moon Day!


Andy J x




New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer 201/8.

Thursday, July 12, 2018:

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer forms an opposition to both the Sun and Moon to Pluto in Capricorn.

Today we have a partial solar eclipse at 20’41 Cancer.  This eclipse is the first in the Cancer/Capricorn polarity series! What is activated or brought to Light for you right now can give you insight into the next 19 months. The effects of the Eclipse can last up to six months. The energy being brought forth will be one of family, home life and career and work life, most importantly finding a healthy balance between them both. Look in your chart to see if either of the signs are present, it will give you a clue on what to work and focus your New Moon intentions on!

So not only do we have a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer, we have the Sun opposing Pluto and then the New Moon opposing Pluto.This opposition happens once a year. Therefore it is important for us to understand that we may not be to familiar with this combination of energies. To add into the mix, all these energies we will experience will be intensified by the New Moon solar eclipse! This opposition of power will creating a potent clash between our conscious self and  the Lord of transformation. When Pluto is in play its very important that we remember its energy is one of healing, rebirth and transformation. Can you think back and review whats been happening over the past 6 months? Whats been building up? Any control or power dynamics have arisen? What issues or problems that need to be healed?  Whatever began for you then is now fully illuminated in all its power or darkness. Open your eyes to look deeply. This could well be a pivot point /personally or collectively.

This New Moon draw in the Cancer’s energy which is related to family, home, relationships and nurturing. Also there is huge focus on our feelings, emotions and intuition right now. As I have mentioned this eclipse opposes Pluto in Capricorn, so expect some intense and powerful light to any shadow areas concerning important relationships both personal and family.

Pay special attention to your New Moon ritual and wishes. As whatever seeds you plant for a new beginning or anything you want to manifest at this New Moon will have far more strength and magic, pushing your growth and dreams forward. Be mindful of the fact that everyone’s emotions are heightened. Pay special attention to your New Moon ritual as whatever seed you plant for a new beginning at this New Moon will have far more strength pushing your growth forward.

Traditionally a New Moon is about making new intentions, new beginnings, planting seeds that you inspire to grow. This month the Moon is in its home sign of Cancer, so our New Moon manifestation bucket list should focus on matters that Cancer rules over such as safety, intuition, emotions, food,  family, domestic domains, and a focus on what our basic foundations are set upon, to focus on what we call “Home”. This eclipse is going to strengthen and magnify your new beginnings especially if your focus regarding all of these matters.

Another focus of Cancer is our sense of belonging and security, it’s about where we feel ” At Home” our weakness, vulnerability, our strengths. Cancer’s energy is about finding our ability to move forward and shake off past hurts especially in romance department or relationships with our parents. It’s about forgiving our self and others. This a time to recognize and appreciate the importance of our family or whom we call family, this includes your friends, animals and people who make you feel welcome and safe! If any relationship needs healing or forgiveness use this months New Moon intentions and wishes to build up, heal or strengthen your relationships and most importantly to work on your own relationship with yourself.

This New Moon learn to feed your soul or work on home improvements. Cancer loves food so what better time to enroll yourself and take a cooking class, have ” you” time, take a bath  and honor your innermost feelings. Re-decorate your home or work place and if your domestic home life needs a tweak this is the time to work on it.


Happy New Moon manifestation guys!

Andy J x


La Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius 2017


Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius!

On the 8th August we see a partial luna eclipse. Luna and solar eclipse are potent as their effects can last up to 6 months. The last one we experienced was in February of this year. Now this month we have two lots of eclipse here in August. How exciting!


A little background on eclipses. lunar eclipses are massive full Moons. As the Earth moves and rotates it comes between the Sun and the Moon, thus resulting in blocking the Sun’s light and a shadow being cast on the Moon. This shadow of an eclipse is not total, it is partial, so it  is not fully dark. So we will only see a small portion of the moon go dark.

Full Moons are known too brings things to crisis point or a climax. With the shadow of the earth sweeping across part of this Full Moon, it can symbolize the unconscious part of our self. lunar eclipses are great for bringing to Light the hidden shadow areas of our self and our life that are not being looked at ( much to people’s dismay). What has been surfacing within you of late? have you been grumpy, snappy or moody? maybe its your soul trying to tell you something, sit in silence and listen!

Something to remember, Eclipses are not by their own nature good or bad. If you cringe at the thought of Full Moons and Eclipse bringing things to light, or things we tend to push down deep inside, maybe its time to stop twisting fate and accept what needs to be changed. Yes, they can sweep in stir things up but they also move things forward in your life! Eclipse’s can be dramatic and can be both exhilarating and scary.

It’s important to think about the signs involved too and what they represent. As we have the Sun in playful Leo and the Moon in humanity Aquarius. This Leo/Aquarius Axis like with all oppositions, gives us an opportunity, you can either focus on what divides or work together to create unity out of polarity.

The Sun is shining Leo energy down onto the Moon in Aquarius. The Sun in Leo is energised, fun, loving. It’s really fiery and playful, and now the Moon is picking up on this energy. However Aquarius is a sign that loves being of service, its humanitarian its intellect, it’s using the other side of your brain and thinking outside the box. Its forward and very future orientated.

So now this Moon will shower us here on earth with this Aquarian energy. We will feel that we need to help others, be of service, doing positive things for people. A window will be opening up and we get a chance to really help someone out, to really help others that are suffering.

Aquarius rules the realm of the collective rather than the individual (Like Leo). This eclipse will help expand your energy and think about what’s good for everyone,
So some of you may experience issues or awkwardness around fitting in or not during this eclipse. Questions can come up at this time like where do I belong? Who do i feel comfortable to team up with? However the uncertainty of fear of comparing yourself and over thinking if other people don’t get who you are, and what you are trying to achieve.

The Sun shines bright when it is in Leo, It illuminates and beams down on you like you are center stage.The Sun finds it hard to shine in Aquarius because it has to share the limelight. Leo energy is creative, energetic, passionate! This aspect of the eclipse is about finding and revealing your identity, unearthing your unique skills and talents, helping you shed old fears and encourages you to discover what makes you ‘you’.

Yes we will be showered with humanitarian energy, and creative loving Leo energy along with having an opportunity to help others and guess what this is an eclipse the effects of this will last 6 months so thank you God and the Universe for giving the world a chance to look out for others. To help others heal, we will take more care of each other, it will come naturally and without trying or forcing. How refreshing is this change!

So this Lunar Eclipse the question is, are you ready to shine bright, ready to use your positive qualities to help others, share your natural talents with the world, and make a difference?

 Have you tried a Full Moon Ritual  Full Moon Ritual

Happy Full Moon Day

Andy J

New Moon Solar Eclipse 26/02/25017

We have a New Moon Solar eclipse which happens in Australia 27/02/2017 and 26/02/2017 around the rest of the world in Pisces. Solar Eclipse will added depth to our New Moon manifestations and due to it being a Solar Eclipse it all works in our favor.

This New Moon will be intense, being it will be in the sign of Pisces, so it will be emotional New Moon. The New Moon is when the Sun and The Moon are in alignment and the Moon is drawing energy from the sun to begin its new cycle. This New Moon cycle will draw in Pisces energy. Pisces energy is all about emotions, spirituality, dreaming, self-sacrificing, and this New Moon cycle it’s all about felling your feelings. Its pulling all of that Pisces energy and is a great time for us to tap in to our intuition. Intuitive people are going to excel this New Moon cycle. I can tell you that emotional energy will be all around, and  will make it easier for us to receive intuitive messages. What this New Moon cycle will not be good for, is people who really don’t like feeling their feelings or owning them.

This New Moon will be in 8o of Pisces, now the number 8 is all about power and owning your power, so being in the sign of intuitive Pisces it’s all about owning our feelings and emotions and being in our power. There will be a lot of emotions floating around, so its best to go inwards meditate and journal, really get to the root of how you feel and own that.

Solar eclipses work in our favor because our emotions will be so strong, that you will be forced to look at whats there, what you are feeling, what you are denying and the eclipse will allow us to let go of it and release whats holding us back.

Every New Moon brings us a chance to start all over again. New Moon eclipses especially do that and much more. An eclipse is when the Universe changes gears and wipe’s the slate clean. What do you want to manifest this New Moon? Draw on the positive qualities of Pisces and work with this energy. Want a new job? Do you want to find romance? Want to find a new home? Commit to making things better or considering your other options.

Happy New Moon wishing.

Andy J xx


Friday 10/2/17

Friday February  10th, 2017

The Moon in Leo opposes the Sun and Mercury in Aquarius.

Mercury in Aquarius forms a sextile to Venus in Aries today.

The Moon in Leo opposes the Sun and Mercury in Aquarius. Than the Moon Sextiles Venus in Aires. Wow this is an amazing day for new beginnings, a new job, a new relationship, having an interview. Any kind of practical or physical circumstances that you can put out there in the world today will have positive outcomes. Today is the day to do so! This is because you will be more switch on, confident, articulate and you will find that you can put your ideas into practice. Communication and your thought process is sassy , quick, very new age and upbeat if you have been dreaming of that holiday maybe today you can put a deposit down or get out a map and plot the places you want to see! Anything you can put out there in the world today that benefits your dreams and the dreams of those close to you, well today is the day to do so. You can thanks the universe for this – because you will be more switched on, confident, articulate, focused and you will find that you can put your ideas into practice, and these ideas will be strong so if your gut tells you to peruse something go for it.

Mercury in Aquarius forms a sextile to Venus in Aries today. When Fire and Air combine we MUST take care when negotiating, please clarify feelings and miss communication particularly in love, with family and any partnerships and plans. Have a discussion with others and make sure that you are on the same path and have the same understanding. When Mercury the ruler of communication, travel and the mental realm dances with Venus the planet of love and creativity gives our charm a boost , social grace, romantic overtures, grand gestures of love, self-love and sensuality. We’re inclined to verbal or analyze our feelings and relationships more than normal. We might also communicate with more warmth and style and try to see others point of view.

The Moon is in Leo all day, reaching full tonight. How exciting as we are so close to the  Full Moon  Lunar Eclipse. Full Moons and Lunar Eclipses bring issues in our lives to fulfillment. have you felt the build up of intense emotions this week? People acting impulsive or strange. Our emotions can and will heightened or those around you. I can tell you I have barely slept all week, but still full of energy and my emotions have been like a whirlwind, but on that note, thank you Universe, as it’s all been positive emotions with a dash of over thinking lower emotions but I am a Cancerian and Moon Child so that is natural around Full Moons.

This weekend however with all this intense lunar energy, often some drama may evolve. The areas of our life that seem to be a problem or not resolving even if you have tried every resource to fix them may see dramatic turns , when activated by the Eclipse , after which the path is clear to move forward.Something may  come  light at the time of the Full Moon. Remember Full Moons are a time of release so do a physical, spiritual, emotional and mental cleanse this weekend. Epiphanies are likely now and can propel us into affirmative action.

So  get in touch with your emotions, only so you can get a better idea of what needs to change, needs to be cleansed or what needs to go.

Have a great Lunar Weekend! Down here in Australia we will be getting the hottest weekend since 1800’s the high will be 108 Fahrenheit  that 43 degrees Celsius to all us amazing humans down under.

Happy Friday.

Andy j xx

La Luna Eclipse… What are they all about?

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius

  August 18 2016

Arh nothing like a Full Moon Luna Eclipse in Aquarius on Thursday to help uproot all aspects of ourselves, no matter how hidden or buried deep with in.Luna Eclipses help us rid of ourselves of things that no longer serve us, our soul or our true divine higher self and life purpose.

As humans, it is normal that we avoid what’s painful and tend to stay in the safety of our comfort zones. Luna eclipses are a cosmic tool the universe uses to get us to pay attention to areas of our lives that need change.

Luna Eclipses want us to change (and change we do, whether we want to or not) They are dramatic and work very rapidly in shaking us on an emotional level. Luna Eclipses have a way of pushing us to pay attention to all areas of our life that need changing or purging and force us into action.

Luna eclipses are brilliant at illuminating ” Our shadow self” revealing hidden truths buried deep down within and more than often denied. Some of us may find it difficult to accept these aspects of our shadow self and others during this time. However if we’re willing to accept the good along with the bad however confronting or hard to digest ,it can be a magical moment of discovery paving the way of higher level of maturity.

Eclipses bring about unexpected events, forcing us into action

Eclipses are mediators of change. Eclipses help us break patterns, they allow us to make  progressive and creative  dynamics shift .

They are the real truth seekers.

The only way with an Eclipse is forward.

A Full Moon lunar eclipse can trigger emotional events.

Memories and dreams resurface.



Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 4 degrees in Libra

OK, it’s the celestial build-up we have all been waiting for! Over the next 24 hours, Astrologically we will see  two massive planets, Jupiter and Saturn clash and then on the same day, we get the Full Moon eclipse in the relationship sign of Libra.

In other words, all bets are off in March, due to our  Super New moon in Pisces, our Lunar Eclipse in Libra and the equinox, so  things could get quite wild and it’s a REALLY awesome day to practice some old fashioned Full Moon forgiveness and gratitude. We are in a transformational time right now, Exciting stuff hey.

The Eclipse Energy always bring huge change and fast movement on our Paths!

So what are you doing differently this time?

Are you experiencing a complete shift in conscious ?

We are also experiencing re-patterning energies that has not been experienced since March 1998, when this eclipse  last occurred.

Here we go with some magnificent cosmic energy raining down upon our beautiful planet Earth. We are literally charged up with light over the next 24 hours globally. So today channel some of that Aries energy i talked about yesterday, get some courage, be bold  and step up! It’s  time to step through the portal! Leave the past behind, and step into the right future that lies before you!

Now before you start getting wild ideas, and shedding off your celestial skin, old ideas and behaviors, remember  it is important to stay balanced and grounded, its especially important to  patiently wait for the spiritual energies to be more supportive for your forward movement. ( hmm patience, something i need to work on in this life time, and funny enough it was our oracle card from yesterday, here is the link if you would like to re read the message on Patience ). This is a day to focus on the positives in your life. Be careful not to mope about or feel sorry for yourself, for you will…


We all must remember there is an ebb and flow to the Universal Energy.there is a time to be still and a time to take action,in the stillness we gather information, strength and peace within. and soon enough the energies will flow again and your path will unfold. Trust in the divine timing and have faith.


~Today’s Oracle Card ~

~I have pulled from the ~Messages From Your Angels ~






You have been through turmoil, and your soul is tired.

Your mind craves peace and quiet, and I am here to help you with that desire. I will give you new opportunities to spend time alone, where you can relax your mind and heart. I will bring tranquility to your soul so that you can mirror the peace of mind that is your true Divine nature.

Like the angels, you are able to hover within the eye of any hurricanes that may swirl around you right now. Through breath and intention, you can stay centered no matter what’s happening in your life. This inner foundation of peace has a powerful healing effect. Your outer life soon reflects your inner peacefulness. Smooth roads are ahead for you, and the worst is behind you now. A peaceful outcome to this situation is assured.



Written by Andy Jackman xx

Super New Moon in Pisces 2016


Happy New Moon day!

Well this New Moon in Pisces on March 8-9 is not only a Super Moon, meaning it is closest to Earth and so has a stronger effect on the tides and our bodies and emotions, This New Moon is also  first of four eclipses this year…Tonight and tomorrow see’s the  first of three Super Moons in a row, this New Moon eclipse also happens with the Moon at perigee ( the moons closest point to earth in its orbit),  which intensifies its impact on tides, tectonic plates and human beings. Tonight’s  Moon  see’s this Super New Moon in the archetypal waters of Pisces, Ah Pisces the sign of the dreamer, the mystic the artist. During this period we are asked to step into our dream time to reflect, to feel it all, to cleanse it all and draw forth from the collective unconscious and find a new dream that wants to be birthed.

During this solar eclipse prepare yourself to navigate yourself through the energies of the New Super moon in Pisces, as it is the most emotional moon if the year . This eclipse illuminates the hidden light within, and we have to face the reality of who we really are.This solar eclipse will give you the power to dissolve thoughts, ideas and beliefs that are holding you back.

The essence of Pisces is the element- water, water delves into our emotional realm, Pisces connects us with the energy of feminine compassionate, we get a stronger connection to our intuition , we dedicate ourselves to Selfless Service, Unite with the Divine, Dreaming the undreamable and making it a reality and bringing out our Creative side. An important gift of the Pisces sign is our creative imagination, our ability to listen through our imagination to the Earth as well as to other beings.

Because of all the mystical energy around when the Pisces energy is so strong, it’s a wonderful time to work on your intuitive skills. As you align with the energy radiating from the Universe, you attune yourself with high frequency vibrations and this greatly accelerates your spiritual growth. Sit quietly and ask the universe.. What message do you have for me?  it may come to you then, or hours later. It can come as a direct message, a thought a repetitive feeling, watch out for the synchronicities  the universe is giving you, truly open yourself to receiving the gifts of the divine, what thought or idea has been popping into your mind lately???  Gracelessly accept all the divine intervention you get with gratitude.

During an eclipse, the fundamental laws of the universe no longer apply. At the solar eclipse, something is trying to get your attention. So give the reins over to the universe, stop trying to control the outcome of your life and just go with the flow of this Pisces energy. It’s a time for new beginnings, and for us to expect the unexpected. All we need to do is set our intention sit back surrender and enjoy the ride. This is a great time to do activities that heighten our intuition so get that yoga mat out, go out and re connect with nature and meditate, charge those crystals and play around with your tarot deck.

Pisces New Moon energy encourages you to dream and envision a peaceful compassionate world. There is the potential for profound healing for you, send healing energy to the world and anything you feel needs healing and uplifting in your world. If things have been tough recently, ask/pray for some help from the divine source and then let the Magic happen. This total solar eclipse will enable us to see the shadow parts of our personality, giving us the courage to see life and accept reality exactly as it is, allowing too see all the blessings! Let the darkness of the New Moon and eclipse shine light on the shadows parts of your soul and personality., allowing you to see the unconscious destructive behaviours that stop us from shining bright.

As the Sun and Moon align with the Earth ,it opens a powerful cosmic portal to release what is not working and step into who you truly are. Remember as one door closes another one opens, this is the time to truly let go of what has been holding you back, any fear based energy, old attachments, negative thoughts and feelings about yourself and others so that the new life energy that’s been gestating within can begin to grow.

Pisces says that life’s too short and there’s important non-work to do. “Each day listen to your desires and follow them exclusively. That’s the wisdom of flow. Let your imagination run free. Business can take care of itself.

New Moons are always about New Beginnings and taking action steps towards your dreams, and well we all know how much Pisces love to dream, you will experience , if you have not already leading up to this New Moon vivid, crazy and very trippy dreams. Pisces represents our unconscious, subconscious mind, emotional nature, and inherited emotional patterns that keep us prisoner within our own psyche & life and this is highlighted in your dreams, your day dreams and repetitive thoughts and crazy notions you may of been experiencing over the past week and will continue to experience over the next two weeks until we get to the Full moon and Lunar eclipse on March 23rd , 2016. The wishes you make under this New moon  now may indeed be super-powered, New  Moons are potent times, especially if you want to visit the invisible world , forge  alliances with the gods,

The solar eclipse, will use the energy of the  the Moon which is intuition, wordless and irrational to  overpower your creative center and power which is the the Sun.so  make a note of your hunches or your premonitions  today and see what transpires. Play around with tarot or Angel cards, try and guess who is calling before you pick up, tap into the mystical energies that are flowing, have fun, relax and take it all as it comes.

If during this period people from the past or the present appear on the scene, and to behave in inexplicable ways, don’t resist them just understand the cosmic influences this Super New Moon has , and can affect people differently. Some things have surfaced to let you know that it may not be healed like you thought, or a situation or relationship has not quiet taught you what you needed to learn , use the healing energy of Pisces and the New Moon to bring forth change and new beginnings.  Some people may be withdrawn and lethargic and some may be energised and over the top, just ride the magical Pisces wave and have a little giggle and let it go.

“As the Ocean tides ebb and flow, the inner rhythms of your feelings move in harmony to this flow. Spiritual Waters nourish the parts within that are dry, empty or are withering away”

So enjoy this Combined potency of the New Moon in Pisces and the Total Solar Eclipse. Embrace the super-energized ultra sensitivity being experienced during this time. ts potential, super charged new beginnings with clarity, conscious awareness, It is important to be in touch with feelings, Spirituality, peace and  compassion Surrender is a big theme. Enjoy writing your New Moon wishes, and if you need help on how to do a New Moon ritual Click Here

Written By Andy Jackman xx