New Moon Solar Eclipse in Capricorn 2019


New Moon Solar Eclipse in Capricorn 2019.

Happy New Year! This weekend brings our first New Moon for the 2019! New Moons are all about setting intentions for the next Luna cycle…This New Moon is at 15° Capricorn. To make it extra special, it will be a partial solar eclipse. A solar eclipse is practically the same as a New Moon, when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun and is darkened. However, a Solar Eclipse is more powerful because the Moon darkens the Sun.  This Solar Eclipse in January 2019 astrology speaking means we will feel its effects for six months, unlike a New Moon which energy is felt for the coming month. New Moons are all about a fresh new start, and what a perfect time to begin as it is the new year to set practical intentions you want to achieve over the coming few months.

The Moon and the Sun are both in Capricorn sitting both 15 degrees. The Moon is pitch black at this point and its recharging itself for the new Luna cycle ahead. This month it is recharging itself and pulling in lots of with Capricorn energy. Capricorn is represented by the goat, it’s an earth sign that is hardworking, practical and takes each step in life carefully. Capricorn strives to get to the top, its ambitious, its leader, it takes charge. Capricorn is responsible as it is ruled by Saturn that Master teacher planet responsible for hard work , teaching and life lessons.

As the Moon represents our inner self, we will go internally and reflect on what opportunities are awaiting us for 2019 and what practical actions you can take to reach these opportunists to make your life better. Remember the seeds of opportunity we plant now will last for six months!

Now that we are in Capricorn season,  it is about taking any visions/goals/dreams and making them practical.. Its time make a plan, plants seeds of intention, set goals. Its time to really put in the hard work and make it real!

This is the ideal time to make a fresh start, it is also a great time for a life review! It is a time to self reflect and to question your old ways of living, your old habits and behaviors. The Universe is behind you as you have the ability to create or design new ways to grow and make progress. So take some time out to write your new goals on paper, make a bucket list, plant your seeds of intentions, journal your dreams and start making plans.

As I have mentioned the New Moon in Capricorn is practical and very willing to put in the hard-yards to achieve goals. Its hardworking and organised. This month incorporate these energies into your New Moon wish list. Plant seeds of abundance and prosperity. Whether it is in the form of your career, your home, perhaps starting a family, starting a business, organisation of your daily routine or achieving your dream job! Capricorn does not give up, it forges ahead no matter the obstacle! The grounded energy of this sign means we wont give up, so if you come across challenges such as your creative or business plans efforts don’t immediately kick off, don’t get frustrated, think long-term and remember this New Moon will keep you focused and determined. keep your eye on the prize and remember all the hard work you put in now will pay off when the time is right!

Slow and steady wins the race, the goat doesn’t sprint to the top of a mountain it is prepared for the long hall marathon to get to the top. Do not get frustrated and stressed over the trivial small things, think about your long-term goals. Start off small, write down practical achievable goals that will help thrust you into your dreams. Think about were you want to be in  six months?

These  first few weeks of January are a perfect time to set your intentions not only just for this Luna cycle, but also a ripple for the year 2019 ahead.

What a great start to 2019

Happy New Moon wishing and Happy New Year!


Andy J x



New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer 201/8.

Thursday, July 12, 2018:

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer forms an opposition to both the Sun and Moon to Pluto in Capricorn.

Today we have a partial solar eclipse at 20’41 Cancer.  This eclipse is the first in the Cancer/Capricorn polarity series! What is activated or brought to Light for you right now can give you insight into the next 19 months. The effects of the Eclipse can last up to six months. The energy being brought forth will be one of family, home life and career and work life, most importantly finding a healthy balance between them both. Look in your chart to see if either of the signs are present, it will give you a clue on what to work and focus your New Moon intentions on!

So not only do we have a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer, we have the Sun opposing Pluto and then the New Moon opposing Pluto.This opposition happens once a year. Therefore it is important for us to understand that we may not be to familiar with this combination of energies. To add into the mix, all these energies we will experience will be intensified by the New Moon solar eclipse! This opposition of power will creating a potent clash between our conscious self and  the Lord of transformation. When Pluto is in play its very important that we remember its energy is one of healing, rebirth and transformation. Can you think back and review whats been happening over the past 6 months? Whats been building up? Any control or power dynamics have arisen? What issues or problems that need to be healed?  Whatever began for you then is now fully illuminated in all its power or darkness. Open your eyes to look deeply. This could well be a pivot point /personally or collectively.

This New Moon draw in the Cancer’s energy which is related to family, home, relationships and nurturing. Also there is huge focus on our feelings, emotions and intuition right now. As I have mentioned this eclipse opposes Pluto in Capricorn, so expect some intense and powerful light to any shadow areas concerning important relationships both personal and family.

Pay special attention to your New Moon ritual and wishes. As whatever seeds you plant for a new beginning or anything you want to manifest at this New Moon will have far more strength and magic, pushing your growth and dreams forward. Be mindful of the fact that everyone’s emotions are heightened. Pay special attention to your New Moon ritual as whatever seed you plant for a new beginning at this New Moon will have far more strength pushing your growth forward.

Traditionally a New Moon is about making new intentions, new beginnings, planting seeds that you inspire to grow. This month the Moon is in its home sign of Cancer, so our New Moon manifestation bucket list should focus on matters that Cancer rules over such as safety, intuition, emotions, food,  family, domestic domains, and a focus on what our basic foundations are set upon, to focus on what we call “Home”. This eclipse is going to strengthen and magnify your new beginnings especially if your focus regarding all of these matters.

Another focus of Cancer is our sense of belonging and security, it’s about where we feel ” At Home” our weakness, vulnerability, our strengths. Cancer’s energy is about finding our ability to move forward and shake off past hurts especially in romance department or relationships with our parents. It’s about forgiving our self and others. This a time to recognize and appreciate the importance of our family or whom we call family, this includes your friends, animals and people who make you feel welcome and safe! If any relationship needs healing or forgiveness use this months New Moon intentions and wishes to build up, heal or strengthen your relationships and most importantly to work on your own relationship with yourself.

This New Moon learn to feed your soul or work on home improvements. Cancer loves food so what better time to enroll yourself and take a cooking class, have ” you” time, take a bath  and honor your innermost feelings. Re-decorate your home or work place and if your domestic home life needs a tweak this is the time to work on it.


Happy New Moon manifestation guys!

Andy J x



Thursday, February 15, 2018.

The Aquarius New Moon and Solar Eclipse at 27° Aquarius.

This New Moon in Aquarius takes place in a month where there is no Full Moon. We just had two Full Moon in January and there will be two Full Moons in March. A month with no Full Moon traditionally  was sometimes referred to as a dark month, or a Black Moon.

The New Moon partial Solar Eclipse is at 27’08 Aquarius. Although Aquarius is an Air sign, she makes connections with Juno and Mercury.  Juno is the ancient goddess of partnerships, love and commitments and Mercury is the planet that rules our mental realm, communication and thought process. This means for us that these areas will be highlight during this New Moon phase.

Lets back track and reflect the Lunar Eclipse that opened the portal on January 31st. Eclipses are in the sign of nodes. Typically Eclipses are always within 18.5 degrees of the node. The North Node aka the lunar eclipse and the South Node aka the solar eclipse. Node’s astrologically speaking are connected with karma and evolution and eclipses are all about change. We have and will  feel the amplification of these energies this month. The North node last month, was in relation to our destined path of growth and evolution and now we have the partial eclipse in the South Node which is to do with our Karma and Karmic patterns.

Eclipse are great at illuminating where change and growth is needed and if we are off our path. It’s about rectifying our actions and doing what is needed to make things whole again. This can seem a burden to some in order to grow and evolve we must something let go of something and someone.To reorient ourselves this upheaval of situations and relationships in our lives is a necessity. To get a more in-depth look, you need to search in your personal natal chart for a deeper answer and a grasp of what these eclipses mean for you personally.

Although Aquarius is usually quite a detached Air sign when it comes to matters of the heart such as feelings, emotions and connections. This eclipse as I mentioned is tightly conjunct with both Juno and Mercury. Soulmates, love and communication will be brought o our attention. Also bringing into focus is not only our personal relationships but partnerships of all kinds romantic, committed, business, financial and otherwise.

Lets have a quick run down on the asteroid. Juno is the wife of Jupiter. Her and Venus share the theme of love and relations but as Venus is all about making connections and attractions , Juno is about soul mates committing to them. Juno is related to soul mates, marriage, long-term relationships and beauty. She is the patron mother of relationships and true love. The energy is feminine, soft and diplomatic.

With the Juno energy closely linked. Romantic relationships will be the main theme at this Eclipse. Yes, this means our romantic self and relationships will be up for review. You may deepen your connection to your special someone, or it can bring to surface that you are both at the highest place you two can journey to and that in order for you to move up you may have to move on.

With Mercury the planet known for ruling communication added into the mix, it is highly possible that this New Moon talk of love, loyalty, devotion, moving in with someone, making plans for the future, romantic holidays, travel and possibility of engagements and marriages will be on the cards. Especially as the New Moon’s energy radiates intensely for a few days, before and after.. Hello Valentines day!

Typically New Moons ignite new beginnings, are a starting point to make changes and manifest what we want to bring into fruition over the next lunar cycle. However, we need to remember that this New Moon is aligned with the South Node so in order to bring into our life our desires, we need to figure out what needs to end or be completed first in order for something new to take hold. With any change we need to remember that we need to work for it!

During this New Moon  Eclipse the veil will be thin, our illusions will be  lifted. This makes it an amazing time to really get to know yourself, seek out your authentic genuine self even if it makes you feel uncomfortable.  This Aquarius New Moon Solar Eclipse carries a positive and loving energy that is going  allow us to awaken to the fact that we are all connected, we all have similar needs and that we all need each other to thrive.

incorporate all the themes and energies I have mention into your New Moon wishes this month.I can assure you, you wont be disappointed! Nurture them and watch them blossom! Happy manifesting!


Andy J xx


Wednesday, February 14, 2018.

The Sun cojoins Juno at 25’41 Aquarius.

The Moon is in Aquarius.

When the Moon is in free thinking and open-minded Aquarius, today allow yourself to surprise others with an authentic and true expression of your most unusual self. It is Valentines day after all, and Aquarius allows us to detach from uncomfortable emotions and move forward with excitement.

Happy valentine’s day to everyone who celebrates. With the solar eclipse conjuncting Juno (the Asteroid Goddess of love and partnership) love is being highlighted and a main focus this week. Relationships are most definitely in the midst of change and growth! What do you want in love? What do you value? Healing happens when we can others and ourselves clearly and judgement free. Its a great time to get down to earth and get honest, with yourself and others. As it’s the only way to move forward and progress.

This Valentine’s Day, it is a chance for us to appreciate and look objectively at our loving partnerships. What unique and far out ways do you admire about your partner? What makes your relationship special? What unconventional needs of your particular relationship you do praise? Today is not so much or expression of mushy tenderness, its gratitude on what makes you unique!

The Sun cojoins Juno at 25’41 Aquarius. Bringing Light to the focus on relationships and commitments that is present this week. Aquarius energy as I mentioned is about independence, freedom, feeling and expressing yourself in unconventional ways. Aquarius energy means they want an evolutionary partnerships, give yourself and your partner the space to express independence and individualism one craves.


Happy Valentines day everyone!

By Andy j x

Find a Balance… 07/02/2018.

Wednesday 7th February 2018.

First Quarter Moon in Scorpio.

The Aquarius Sun squares  the Scorpio Moon.

The Scorpio Moon joins with expansive Jupiter.

Today brings us to the First Quarter Lunar Phase in Scorpio. The Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio brings us to a point of activating our consciousness. Some may call it a crisis point or a “freak out” moment, in which we are being asked to work out and sort out what is working for us and what isn’t.  This can include, problems or issues in our daily routines, people, feelings, stress, home life, work life , personal life or health routine. Take some time out and go deep. Discover what inst working or what could be left behind or tweaked. We need to start preparing for next week New Moon/Solar Eclipse ( How exciting).  We need to sort out the old and make changes, so we can bring in and manifest what we want or new changes to come about at the New Moon.

A challenging square aspect is forming between the Aquarius Sun and the Scorpio Moon. If you feel pulled between two directions today, this will be the energy causing it. The ego vs our emotion will have us torn today, our job is to find a balance between our deep running emotional side (Scorpio) and our intellectually over stimulated and logic side(Aquarius). You will also need to balance how you express both these sides of yourself today!

The Scorpio Moon joins with expansive Jupiter this afternoon. This begins a cycle of growth, abundance, becoming fruitful and we have a chance of expansion. This will be done through expanding your understanding of  your emotions, passion and through deep introspection. If you have a desire to improve and grow today is your chance. Feel the emotions that arise go hard or you may be left behind.


Happy Wednesday!

By Andy J


Release and Surrender 29/01/2018.

Monday January 29th, 2018.

Mercury in Capricorn semisquares Neptune in Pisces.

The Moon  in Cancer.

The Moon forms connections with Neptune is Pisces and Jupiter in Scorpio.

The Moon is in sensitive nurturing Cancer. When the Moon is in its own sign of Cancer, the energy and mood is intuitive, caring and emotional. This Moon than forms a connection with Neptune in Pisces. Now Neptune is the planet the rules over the realm of dreams, intuition and creativity, it’s a water planet that is highly tuned in as well as highly emotional. We see the both energies combining together, and this makes for a nurturing, selflessness, inspirational and creative day. This aspect is also great for those seeking to  deepen your connection with your higher self and will be done though your strengthened and active intuition. The Moon than connects to Jupiter also in a water sign of Scorpio. Three planets is water signs, three emotional, sensual, creative, flowing, psychic and intuitive signs that about seeking emotional truths and feeling ones feelings, especially during this big time of change. Its time to take a day for yourself and to heal, nurture and care for you on all levels, mental, physical, emotional and spiritual. If you have been feeling stuck or seek an answer to a question, today is a great day to look within yourself. To meditate on the answer, to write in your journal or sit in silence and ask your guides for help. It’s also a great day to deepen your intimate relationships and allow your vulnerability be your key to straighten your relationships. Surround yourself with people you love today!

However, we do see Mercury in Capricorn semisquare Neptune in Pisces. This can cause some tension or give false messages to us, as the planet of communication and thought clashes with the planet of dreams and illusion. Our dreams, aspirations or messages you receive today may be misleading or false. The key for today is ask yourself and your guides, angels, higher self or whomever you believe in that works with you on a 5D soul plane, what the answer YES feels like inside and then the answer NO. This way when you get these flashes of intuition and inspiration you can go within and see how they make you feel on the inside as to whether you follow the guidance or not. Like I mentioned before if you feel confused or unclear today take time to meditate and turn within for the clarity you seek.


I would like to ay a big congratulations to my cousin who had her baby Matilda on 26/01/2018. Welcome to the family beautiful soul!

Happy Monday!

By Andy J xx

Practicality is the Name of the Game! 16/10/2017!

Monday October 16th, 2017.

The Sun in Libra sextiles Saturn in Sagittarius.

The Moon is in Virgo.

The Sun in Libra sextiles Saturn in Sagittarius. When the forces that rule our ego and conscious and planet that rules karma and lessons align, it can result in energies that keep us grounded. Today we will have more discipline, we will be conservative and our actions are responsible and though out. Today is a great day to plant seeds of action and intent that are safe, trusting, practical and rational. Sticking to task’s are easier today and we are accountable for our actions. This aspect is also great for relationships, personal, business or friendships as Saturn supports us making the right judgement decision.

The Moon spends the day in detail oriented and organized Virgo. Which is excellent at adding into the Sun/Saturn energy of helping us become more grounded, discipline and helpful. Plans, actions and inspirations are very realistic and planning future goals are a great way to make the most of the energy today! The Moon in Virgo is also a great energy for looking at the finer details of life, what and where in your life needs more organisation and order? With the New Moon happening this week, take a stock take and notes of any changes you want to make in your life. Make notes on what you want changed and manifested into your life this month. Get clear on what intentions  you what to make and use today’s energy as a comic boost to achieving the perfect New Moon manifestation list!

Happy Monday!

By Andy J xx

Jupiter enters Scorpio 10/10/17

Tuesday, October 10, 2017.

Jupiter enters Scorpio.

What a massive shift we experience today, as lucky Jupiter leaves harmonious Libra and enters into sassy Scorpio, where it will spend the next year expanding and enlarging the qualities of Scorpio. Jupiter is the planet of luck, expansion,success and abundance! Jupiter has just spent a year in harmonious, balanced, diplomatic and relationship oriented Libra. Now, as she enters Scorpio, we will experience the qualities of Scorpio expanding over the coming year until November 2018.

Jupiter is moving from an air sign into a water sign. Air signs energy is great for communication, exchanging of ideas, networking, being very light, very superficial and social. Scorpio is a fixed water sign, as a fixed sign Scorpio is more grounded and solid, it’s about control and handling of ones feelings and emotions, its intelligent and very influential to other people as they are emotionally stable, intuitive and grounded.

Pluto is the planet that rules over mysterious Scorpio, and Pluto is about transformation, birth and death. It’s about looking at the bigger picture, healing, intuition and imagination, making deep genuine relationships and making universal connections.

Jupiter in Scorpio is also exceptional for empowering ourselves, entering into deep journeys to discover ones self.  Scorpio also rules all things taboo (or things society deems taboo) like sex, power, money, darker things in life, death and control. Jupiter in Scorpio can help our self to become empowered in these areas and face any fears we may also have in these areas. It  can also be great for deepening  intimacy and partnerships, from romantic but also business and financial.

Scorpio is a great sign to teaches us to go deep within. Scorpio has the gift to look into the eye of darkness, it has the ability to uncover hidden truths, uncover secrets and to destroy what is not working in order for full transformation to occur. When Jupiter is in Scorpio its expanding this energy, its magnifying our ability to go deep within, focus on your self and the emotional side of life. We can learn so much about our self in Scorpio. It would be very handy to look at your chart, Consider what house holds Scorpio, to understand where expansion and transformation will be building in your life during this time.

However, Scorpio can be very intense, and form very intense relationships. Jealously can arise as well as distrust, anger, power control and power plays in relationships. Be aware that over the coming year you will feel things more deeply, you may act out on an emotional impulse. If you are one who is more sensitive to emotions, anxiety or prone to arguments, anger, and love deep take care of yourself and be aware we are entering into an emotional time.

 This coming year can be an amazing one for growth and evolution!

Have a great day!

By Andy J xx

Full Moon in Pisces 2017.

Full Moon in Pisces 06/09/2017.

This is going to be a power Full Moon in Pisces, as it will be the first Full Moon after the powerful New Moon in Leo Solar Eclipse.. Eclipse are very powerful, they open up doorways and are supercharged . A New Moon for those who aren’t sure on the meanings of Luna cycles, are about new beginnings, as the Moon enters into the new cycle. This Solar eclipse was highly charged and activated new areas in our life, opened up new door ways and new paths we want to follow or change in regards to our self. Now at the Full Moon an influx of new information in regards to these new pathways and plans will be activated as the light of the Moon illuminates and shines down upon us. We will get new ways of accessing the powers to fully reach our potential also release what no longer serves us and is holding us back from reaching this new awakened higher self!

Its being about authentic and standing in the Full Moon of our divine self.

This month the Full Moon is in Dreamy Pisces. This means for us down on earth, the Full Moon is drawing in and illuminating us with Pisces energy! The Full Moon in Pisces is at 13 degrees.

This is interesting because all of this Pisces energy, especially our emotional certainty is going to come in strong and it will be a wonderful opportunity to look at your feelings and to identify whats really going on with yourself.. This Full Moon will be an emotional one, it is in Pisces the last sign of the Zodiac that rules the 12th house. Pisces rules the realm of mysticism, spirituality, intuition,creativity, feelings, companion, empathy, sharing, community, caring for others and considering others needs.. However this Full Moon these feelings of belonging, caring and compassion belong to you. Meaning that you will be sacrificing some time for yourself this Full Moon, drawing your attention to “what about me, and my feelings”. Over the next few days you will take a stock of whats going on for you, not around you and dig deep into what you want and gain some authentic answers. So get a pen and paper and start writing, emotions, repetitive thoughts, feelings and so on!

Back to the Full Moon in Pisces at 13 degrees, 3 plus 1, which adds up to the master number 4. Four vibrates at a level of security, structure and foundation. In numerology 4 is down-to-earth, dependable, hard-working, reliable, methodical, conscientious. Four is about stability. It’s the emperor of the tarot deck. The emperor is depicted as sitting high on his concrete seat or throne made of a sturdy strong foundation. Strong enough to build an empire on, but unless you have that strong foundation, especially in regards to your emotional  security you wont be able to build on it because you may not have the security you need to support yourself and your dreams. To build yourself up and make a concrete foundation for your life, you need to really figure out whats going on for yourself. This Full Moon please,  really slow down and stop,  identify what your flaws are, or what cracks you feel within yourself that may need strengthening. This Full Moon it’s about laying things out in front of you, seeing whats there, and really loving yourself regardless of what you see in front of yourself. It’s about self forgiveness, acceptance, remembering there will be certain areas or parts of yourself that you may not be happy with, parts you want to change and parts that you can’t change. Loving yourself means accepting all  of these areas and loving every part just as much as the others, and thank you Universe this Full Moons gives us such a great opportunity to release what is no longer serving us, what no longer needs to take up room within our self, what needs to be transmuted and turned into a positive aspect. It’s an emotional release, and Pisces Moon gives us a great aspect to be on the outside looking in and not stuck on the inside trying to look up and out on the horizon.

To make this Full Moon deepen even more, today in conjunct’s with Neptune – in simple terms it blends it energy with Neptune!! Neptune is the planet of dreaming, imagination, this planet rules Pisces, so even more water and Pisces energy is being brought about and blended with this Full Moon.So our emotional state will be very heightened, Neptune gives us the gift of lifting the veil and going deeper into our self more than ever. Neptune is sitting at 12 degrees, which is 1 degree away from the Full Moon. 12 adds up to 3, and 3 in numerology vibrates to communication, exchange of ideas, expression and exchange of information and for us this is happen with our self. It’s really time to learn and discover your true self. It’s so important to take stock take of our self, what you have, what is being put forth, what needs to be brought in to offer the best possible self to the world and your divine authentic self.

 This is a super mystical Full Moon on the 6th September! Its energy is best handled when we can connect with our inner psychic, guru and higher self.

The Moon is known to represent our emotions and If you want to live in alignment with the universe, connect with yourself through a Full Moon ritual, yoga , Meditation, journaling and please try to go easy on yourself and just be in the present! Don’t get caught up to much on the urgency and impulses of your emotions, and how others come across as everyone’s emotions are a tad what little crazy at the moment , hence why so many of us go a little crazy at the time of the Full Moon.

Release, Revive, Nurture and Heal this Full Moon.

Andy J x

Here we go! The Full Solar Eclipse we have waited for is finally here! 21/08/2017


Monday, August 21, 2017.

New Moon Solar Eclipse.

Good Morning, here we go! The Full Solar Eclipse we have waited for is finally here!

Today we experience the New Moon Solar Eclipse! The Sun and Moon align with each other this afternoon in the sign of Leo. This New Moon is a total Solar Eclipse, oh La La  and this can affect our lives for the coming six months.

Leo is the sign of confidence, romance, enthusiasm , fun, creativity, recreation, sports and being playful. All of Leo positive aspects will be extra highlight during this New Moon. However on the more negative side of Leo aggression, arrogance, and selfishness energy can also be floating around. The New Moon will be pulling in these energies during this solar eclipse and the effects will be lasting for six months, so this is why this solar eclipse is so important.

This eclipse will be making us really look deep into who we are, what we stand for, what your passions are, your desires and goals. It will also have you questioning what you want out of life and what changes need to be made. Major developments in the personal areas ruled by Leo in your chart are likely to occur over the course of the next 3-6 months, so don’t forget to check your chart!

What is your identity? You will have a strong desire to focus on a personal level. New Moons are all about new beginnings, planting seeds of intention, growth, change and healing. New Moons are a great time, especially when solar eclipse in the sign of Leo are involved that we can focus on, and uncover our unique creative powers, building our self-confidence, and make a conscious effort to deal with others in a more personal, involved, and loving manner.

Use the Leo energy and incorporate it in your manifestations this month. Where do you need to re commit, or find your enjoyment, rekindle a romance and find more time for ” Play” in your life.  Do you need more time for leisure in your busy schedule? or the need for a more progressive change in your life?

Today take some time out and access your life, look at your flaws as they may reveal where and in what area in your life needs a boost. It will give you a prompt to what needs re doing or what we need to start afresh! Happy New Moon wishing!

Happy New Moon Day!

Andy J x