New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer 201/8.

Thursday, July 12, 2018:

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer forms an opposition to both the Sun and Moon to Pluto in Capricorn.

Today we have a partial solar eclipse at 20’41 Cancer.  This eclipse is the first in the Cancer/Capricorn polarity series! What is activated or brought to Light for you right now can give you insight into the next 19 months. The effects of the Eclipse can last up to six months. The energy being brought forth will be one of family, home life and career and work life, most importantly finding a healthy balance between them both. Look in your chart to see if either of the signs are present, it will give you a clue on what to work and focus your New Moon intentions on!

So not only do we have a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer, we have the Sun opposing Pluto and then the New Moon opposing Pluto.This opposition happens once a year. Therefore it is important for us to understand that we may not be to familiar with this combination of energies. To add into the mix, all these energies we will experience will be intensified by the New Moon solar eclipse! This opposition of power will creating a potent clash between our conscious self and  the Lord of transformation. When Pluto is in play its very important that we remember its energy is one of healing, rebirth and transformation. Can you think back and review whats been happening over the past 6 months? Whats been building up? Any control or power dynamics have arisen? What issues or problems that need to be healed?  Whatever began for you then is now fully illuminated in all its power or darkness. Open your eyes to look deeply. This could well be a pivot point /personally or collectively.

This New Moon draw in the Cancer’s energy which is related to family, home, relationships and nurturing. Also there is huge focus on our feelings, emotions and intuition right now. As I have mentioned this eclipse opposes Pluto in Capricorn, so expect some intense and powerful light to any shadow areas concerning important relationships both personal and family.

Pay special attention to your New Moon ritual and wishes. As whatever seeds you plant for a new beginning or anything you want to manifest at this New Moon will have far more strength and magic, pushing your growth and dreams forward. Be mindful of the fact that everyone’s emotions are heightened. Pay special attention to your New Moon ritual as whatever seed you plant for a new beginning at this New Moon will have far more strength pushing your growth forward.

Traditionally a New Moon is about making new intentions, new beginnings, planting seeds that you inspire to grow. This month the Moon is in its home sign of Cancer, so our New Moon manifestation bucket list should focus on matters that Cancer rules over such as safety, intuition, emotions, food,  family, domestic domains, and a focus on what our basic foundations are set upon, to focus on what we call “Home”. This eclipse is going to strengthen and magnify your new beginnings especially if your focus regarding all of these matters.

Another focus of Cancer is our sense of belonging and security, it’s about where we feel ” At Home” our weakness, vulnerability, our strengths. Cancer’s energy is about finding our ability to move forward and shake off past hurts especially in romance department or relationships with our parents. It’s about forgiving our self and others. This a time to recognize and appreciate the importance of our family or whom we call family, this includes your friends, animals and people who make you feel welcome and safe! If any relationship needs healing or forgiveness use this months New Moon intentions and wishes to build up, heal or strengthen your relationships and most importantly to work on your own relationship with yourself.

This New Moon learn to feed your soul or work on home improvements. Cancer loves food so what better time to enroll yourself and take a cooking class, have ” you” time, take a bath  and honor your innermost feelings. Re-decorate your home or work place and if your domestic home life needs a tweak this is the time to work on it.


Happy New Moon manifestation guys!

Andy J x


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