There is a Softness to the Day! 10/01/2019.

Thursday, January 10th, 2019.

The Moon is in Pisces.

The Pisces Moon conjuncts Neptune.

The Moon is in Pisces and this Pisces Moon conjuncts Neptune. Now Neptune is the watery planet of dreams, psychic ability, intuition and creativity, and is much the same energy as watery Pisces and the Moon. Today expect your psychic openness and capacity to “tune in” to be off the raider.

As the Moon passes through dreamy Pisces along with the help of Neptune your dreams and ideas are support, especially in regards to inner growth and development.  Pisces Moon days can leave us feeling like we are in a haze, you may want to take a nap, call in sick from work to curl up and day-dream. It’s a day to get lost in a book or just work on creative projects. The Moon and Neptune offer us passive, intuitive and deeply emotional energies. We are very in tune with the vibrations around us, picking up on others energies and we’re psychically and intuitive very open now. Take some personal time and mediate today, do your tarot cards, write down inspirational ideas that come to you in your eyes mind or dreams. If you are an artist today is your day, you will have all the universes support. We also may feel vulnerable and sensitive than usual. Remember this as you interact with others, take people’s words and actions with a grain of salt.


Have a Magical day!

Andy J x

Expect a Few Surprises 09/01/2019.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019.

Jupiter in Sagittarius sesquiquadrates Uranus in Aires.

The Aquarius Moon forms a sextile Uranus.

The Moon then enters Pisces.

Good Morning, How did everyone’s day go yesterday with all that intense energy floating around? If words were said, today is the day to let go of resentment, frustrations and apologize if needed. Let it go and move on with the day.

Jupiter in Sagittarius sesquiquadrates Uranus in Aires. Jupiter’s transit in Sadge will be a long-term affair. Today marks the first of three for this year, we experience another in June then again in October. Expect some tension between the planet of expansion, abundance, excess and the cheeky rebel and revolutionary planet. The tense nature of this aspect could create overly excess energies of self-righteousness, relentlessness, over spending, general over doing and working, overly offending others and taking action without thinking of the consequences. Watch for the taking on of impractical ventures and projects especially if it is on a whim. Jupiter/ Uranus influence is not all doom and gloom it reminds us that taking on too many new projects/ goals/dreams all at once (This  is generated by Jupiter’s overly excitable and expansive nature) As this excess energy can overload us and weigh us down, that in turn affects our freedom and relations and life in general.

The Aquarius Moon forms a sextile Uranus, another unpredictable energy that could create some randomness and surprises for us today, so expect the unexpected. Uranus loves to throw us unexpected curve balls so it is a great day to pay attention to any unusual ideas or conversations that come your way. As the day progress the Moon leaves quirky Aquarius and enters Pisces. This will leave us wanting to take a step back from it all, we may get lost in day dreams or find ourselves wanting a nap or to go home early. Tonight take some time out to work on your meditation and spiritual practices, get lost in your imagination, have a glass of wine and get lost in a good book or create art.

Happy Hump Day!

Andy j x

Mercury Enters Sagittarius 12/12/18.


Wednesday, December 12, 2018.

Mercury Enters Sagittarius.

Mercury the communication planet leaves the depth of Scorpio behind to enter into Sagittarius. Mercury teaches us how to think and what to think about. The energy now will be shifting from shining the light within to getting on your bike and cursing along. Sagittarius is all about looking at the horizon and it doesn’t particularly do very well with the details of the here and now. Mercury rules over our thought process, our communication, travel, documentation, ideas and our general mental realm. It teaches us through words, thoughts, and conversations. So make sure you dot the I and cross the T. Remember to pay attention to what’s in front of you, own your responsibilities instead of running away. Don’t always believe the grass is greener on the other side

Mercury will remain in this free-thinking sign until January 4th, 2019. Over the next few weeks expect your attitude, communication, thinking and ideas to expand with optimism and excitement. Your thoughts will not be dull and your senses and drive for adventure and travel will expand. perhaps you may want to learn something new or engage in broadening your philosophical wisdom

This conscious shift from water to fire energy will have your mind expanding to new great heights, our thoughts have no boundaries. It’s a great time to plan and book a holiday. When Mercury is in Sagittarius we tend to have tactless humor, impatience and boisterous opinions. With this said, and with our new-found boldness we perhaps should watch how we converse with others, keep in check our attitude towards others and always take in account what others are trying to tell you.

“A fool is made more of a fool, when their mouth is more open than their mind”



Andy J x


Attention to Detail 02/11/18.

Friday, November 2, 2018.

Venus in Libra sesquiquadrates retrograde Neptune in Pisces.

The Moon enters Virgo.

Retrograde Venus in Libra semisquares Jupiter in Scorpio.

When you awake up this morning you will find yourself in a very different emotional environment. Retrograde Venus in Libra sesquiquadrates retrograde Neptune in Pisces. This may spark some friction and tension between our higher and our lower  heart. This is due to the fact that both  Libra and Pisces gravitate towards focusing on others and are very self-sacrificing when it comes to love.So the lesson we should take from this is… being able to put healthy boundaries when it comes to any relationship. There is no martyr or victim to be played out today! You will be able to pin point more clearly where you may need to forgive or retreat and where you may be in denial with the Moon entering into organised and diligent Virgo today.

As the Moon enters into this  productive and the precise sign of Virgo prepare for a weekend that involves a practical and very organised approach. Spend today creating constructive plans for the upcoming weekend, plan to have your grocery shopping, laundry and  house cleaning done early so you make the most of the weekend ahead.  Also remember the shadow side of Virgo, and don’t allow perfectionism and criticism to stop your progress. With spring here in Australia what a better time to work on projects especially health issues that you will benefit from coming into summer, this also includes doing a big spring clean and donating your items to charity! Virgo is all about service to others after all!

Retrograde Venus in Libra semisquares Jupiter in Scorpio. Another position that may cause friction between the two parts of you that just want to have fun and enjoy life. Venus along with Jupiter both crave and enjoy being social and having fun but they can both tend to overdo it, especially overspend, overshare and overeat, balance is key for this weekend!

Have a great weekend!

Andy J x

Think outside the Box 23/07/2018.

Monday, July 23, 2018.

The Moon is in Sagittarius

The Moon in Sagittarius forms a challenging aspect to both Venus and Neptune.

The Sun in Leo sesquiquadrates retrograde Neptune in Pisces.

There may be a sense of listlessness in the air when you awake this morning. You’d like to pull the covers over your head and resist facing the day at all.

The Moon is in Sagittarius which normally keeps us feeling upbeat, adventurous, open and ready to learn and experience new ideas and directions. However, the Moon forms a challenging aspect to both Venus and Neptune. Today don’t be surprised if you feel as you are being pulled in different directions, or somewhat unmotivated and lazy! As much as you’d like to pull the covers over your head and resist facing the day or looking for an easy escape may seem like the ideal thing to do, however I can assure you that if you push yourself to experience or see things differently you will be very pleased, the world may even look different if you try just a little today. This will be especially true if you push yourself a bit to see or experience something you have resisted in the past.

The Sun in Leo sesquiquadrates retrograde Neptune in Pisces. When the planet of mysticism and dreams clashes with our ego and conscious self it creates tension between OUR reality and delusions. Try not to avoid reality today, finding a happy medium between your spirit and ego is the key for today! It’s a day for working on your creativity, dreams and spiritual; practice, however don’t get to hard on yourself or caught up in the fine details try to honor your flaws and best qualities.

Happy Monday!

Andy J x

Getting personal 20/07/2018.

Friday, July 20, 2018.

Scorpio Moon forms a challenging square aspect to retrograde Mars

The Scorpio Moon forming a sextile to Venus and then forming a conjunction to  Jupiter.

This morning may start out a bit rough for some as the Scorpio Moon forms a challenging square aspect to retrograde Mars. This can cause some tension and friction between you and anyone on your path! Try to avoid arguments or blowing your fuse this morning as it will be very easy to lose your cool and frustrations can go from 0 to 100 in a split second.Keep in mind that retrograde Mars’ provides us with an opportunity to explore, dissolve, and eliminate toxic anger.

Good news is that the day smooths out and exciting for enough for us,offers us an evening that is made for love, romance and an opportunity to form close and deep connections with close friends and lovers. This is all thanks to Moon forming a sextile to Venus and then forming a conjunction to expansive and lucky Jupiter. Jupiter will expand your emotions and feelings and Venus’s energy means that the bond with others is one of deep love and connection. A love that expands and fills your heart on a deeply profound soul growth level. Don’t settle for light social fling tonight. Connect with others on a powerful deep level for maximum satisfaction.


Happy Friday!

Andy J x

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer 201/8.

Thursday, July 12, 2018:

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer forms an opposition to both the Sun and Moon to Pluto in Capricorn.

Today we have a partial solar eclipse at 20’41 Cancer.  This eclipse is the first in the Cancer/Capricorn polarity series! What is activated or brought to Light for you right now can give you insight into the next 19 months. The effects of the Eclipse can last up to six months. The energy being brought forth will be one of family, home life and career and work life, most importantly finding a healthy balance between them both. Look in your chart to see if either of the signs are present, it will give you a clue on what to work and focus your New Moon intentions on!

So not only do we have a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer, we have the Sun opposing Pluto and then the New Moon opposing Pluto.This opposition happens once a year. Therefore it is important for us to understand that we may not be to familiar with this combination of energies. To add into the mix, all these energies we will experience will be intensified by the New Moon solar eclipse! This opposition of power will creating a potent clash between our conscious self and  the Lord of transformation. When Pluto is in play its very important that we remember its energy is one of healing, rebirth and transformation. Can you think back and review whats been happening over the past 6 months? Whats been building up? Any control or power dynamics have arisen? What issues or problems that need to be healed?  Whatever began for you then is now fully illuminated in all its power or darkness. Open your eyes to look deeply. This could well be a pivot point /personally or collectively.

This New Moon draw in the Cancer’s energy which is related to family, home, relationships and nurturing. Also there is huge focus on our feelings, emotions and intuition right now. As I have mentioned this eclipse opposes Pluto in Capricorn, so expect some intense and powerful light to any shadow areas concerning important relationships both personal and family.

Pay special attention to your New Moon ritual and wishes. As whatever seeds you plant for a new beginning or anything you want to manifest at this New Moon will have far more strength and magic, pushing your growth and dreams forward. Be mindful of the fact that everyone’s emotions are heightened. Pay special attention to your New Moon ritual as whatever seed you plant for a new beginning at this New Moon will have far more strength pushing your growth forward.

Traditionally a New Moon is about making new intentions, new beginnings, planting seeds that you inspire to grow. This month the Moon is in its home sign of Cancer, so our New Moon manifestation bucket list should focus on matters that Cancer rules over such as safety, intuition, emotions, food,  family, domestic domains, and a focus on what our basic foundations are set upon, to focus on what we call “Home”. This eclipse is going to strengthen and magnify your new beginnings especially if your focus regarding all of these matters.

Another focus of Cancer is our sense of belonging and security, it’s about where we feel ” At Home” our weakness, vulnerability, our strengths. Cancer’s energy is about finding our ability to move forward and shake off past hurts especially in romance department or relationships with our parents. It’s about forgiving our self and others. This a time to recognize and appreciate the importance of our family or whom we call family, this includes your friends, animals and people who make you feel welcome and safe! If any relationship needs healing or forgiveness use this months New Moon intentions and wishes to build up, heal or strengthen your relationships and most importantly to work on your own relationship with yourself.

This New Moon learn to feed your soul or work on home improvements. Cancer loves food so what better time to enroll yourself and take a cooking class, have ” you” time, take a bath  and honor your innermost feelings. Re-decorate your home or work place and if your domestic home life needs a tweak this is the time to work on it.


Happy New Moon manifestation guys!

Andy J x


Sharing is Caring! 02/07/2018.

Monday July 2nd, 2018.

The Moon enters dreamy Pisces.

The Moon sextiles Uranus in Taurus.

The Pisces Moon sextiles Saturn in Capricorn.

The Moon leaves Aquarius behinds to enters dreamy Pisces. The Moon in Pisces has a sensitive energy and it leaves us feeling more emotional, creative, spiritual, caring passionate and intuitive! Which means these wonderful traits are awakened within us. The Moon than sextiles Uranus in Taurus. This positive and harmonious relationship with the great rebellious planet means we will have great new outrages ideas to old stale problems! The energy is also about personal freedom and self revolution!

The Pisces Moon then forms another harmonious sextile to Saturn in Capricorn. Saturn is all about structure and  hard work. Today we will find that we are more empathetic and have deep compassion and connection with others, this will be combined with the focus and hard-working strategies of Saturn in Capricorn to help us to break down barriers! The key for today is to help others by lending them your special expertise! Whether this is listening, work skills, your time, ideas or a simply compassionate smile! It’s also a great day to put in the ground work and make to effort to heal yourself, especially if it is YOU who really needs this TLC energy.  If times are especially hard at the moment or you are in an upheaval stage of your life, this energy is perfect to lighten the load! This could mean you sit and mediate on answers you need or meditate and hand over your problems to the universe, get some Reiki or a de-stressing massage.

Just a heads up, this week is full of water energy! Water is about the other side, intuition, healing, emotions and spirituality! This is a time when the Universal veil is thin and making connection to the other side will be easy. So look out for life’s synchronicity, repetitive numbers, write down your dreams and listen to your gut feelings! The other side may be trying to get a message to you!


Happy Monday!

Andy J x

New Moon in Gemini 2018.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018.

New Moon in Gemini.

Mercury in Cancer sextiles Uranus in Taurus.

Venus moves out of Cancer and into Leo.

We have a lot going on today starting off this morning we begin with Mercury who is currently sitting in sensitive in Cancer forming a sextile aspect to innovative, unearthing and some would say potentially life-changing Uranus. This exciting aspect will help us to link our mind, thoughts and communication with the planet of rebellion and unexpected twist in very unusual ways. This is a day about radical thinking, “Aha moments” and situations coming to light. With Cancer and Taurus energy involved these heighten awareness will come in the form of security, home, family, love and the past as these signs have deep connections to these areas…This is a great day to find an opportunity to let go of that which we hold onto, especially with a New Moon in the mix. Search around your home, your self and your routines and seek that of which does not serve you anymore, make room for the new. If you can get out in nature today, do so, touch a tree, put your feet in the sand, open yourself to what the Natural World has to teach you. You may be surprised!

The New Moon is at 22° Gemini. The New Moon is a time when we begin a new lunar. A new cycle of emotional and personal growth. Traditionally this is the time to plant seeds of intentions, of change and growth you want to tend over the coming month. Each month we are assisted by the energy of the sign the Moon sits in and this month we have are showered with Gemini energy. Gemini who is ruled by Mercury, energy is all about communication, ideas and expression.

In Gemini, we begin a cycle of understanding and communication. Consider your newest thoughts and ideas. Wait until tomorrow or later tonight to do your New Moon ritual. This gives you all day to contemplating new  ideas, thoughts, learning and ways of expressing yourself. This New Moon focus your intentions and New Moon wishes on working on your communication skills, engaging your mind and creativity, expanding your knowledge, and strengthening your understanding of ourselves and the world around us.Social skills will also be highlighted this New Moon. Get out and about this month, you just may meet someone or have a conversation that leads you one step closer to your dreams and goals. New ways of thinking and learning are another top priority for this New Moon in Gemini.

Venus, the planet of money, love and our deepest values, enters playful , proud and fun-loving Leo. Shifting the Goddess of Love and Beauty from yin to yang and from water to fire. We are now moving from a focus on the inside, to a shift to a more outward focus. Venus in Leo means passion, self-love, excitement and playfulness.Venus in Leo loves to have fun! We all require a bit more attention and adoration when Venus in Leo. You will feel best if you go out of your way to give the gift of attention and love to others.You may notice the world looking a little less vulnerable as we leave sensitive Cancer behind and we feel a little brighter. Over the coming weeks of Venus’ transit through Leo it is a great time to get in touch with the your inner child, enjoy life, love and beauty. However Leo is eccentric, overly self focused,  narcissistic and sometimes can be to proud, try not to take this energy on in your relationships, attitude towards others and being overly generous and silly with your money!

Happy New Moon wishing.

Andy J xx



Be string and take risks 08/05/2018.


Friday, June 8th, 2018.

The Moon is in Aries.

Mercury in Gemini quincunxes retrograde Pluto in Capricorn.


You should wake up this morning feeling strongly driven! If like me I was able to  and able to tap into fierce determination and cut procrastination in the butt and get my jobs done. It’s a day for self courage. Find a way to use that intestine positive ” go and get them ” energy before it slips into impatience, agitated and aggressive energy. If you are feeling short-tempered or aggressive, it is best to go for a run, take it out on a punching bag or flirt with the idea of a hot sexual encounter or date. It is a day  to take on a challenge, be competitive, take a risk, prove something to yourself.

Mercury in Gemini quincunxes retrograde Pluto in Capricorn. Hmm, there will be some   tension between our  logical mind and thought [process and  the Lord of the Underworld and transformation.Mercury in Gemini prefers things to be light, witty, carefree and social. Pluto, on the other hand, asks us m, well demands us to  go down into the depths our being and find what is bugging us and what needs to be let go and transmuted. This aspect is good for therapy especially if you can find a great friend to talk with, and perhaps over a social dinner or a wine.

Have a great weekend and happy Friday!

By Andy j xx