Wise Choices 12/02/2019.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019.

The First Quarter Moon is in Taurus.

The day continues with the steadfast Taurus Moon now in its first quarter phase. The Taurus Moon allows us a slow sensual awareness to the day full of all life pleasure.

In astrology they say that the first quarter Moon phase energy is surrounded by a “Crises” theme.Keep in mind that crisis implies not only difficulties or obstacles but opportunities for us as well. It’s a time to take it easy and reflect instead of rushing into ideas or plans without thinking it through. If we can take a more relaxed approach to life know your plans will develop easily. Don’t bite off more than you can chew it’s about creating a balance between taking action and overdoing it.

We are heading towards a Mars and Uranus conjunct early tomorrow, the fierce energy is starting to build throughout today. Mars in Aires will conjunct Uranus the planet of rebellion chaos and the unknown. Mars loves being in its home sign of Aires, it’s all about our desire to succeed, change as well as our drive and our wants. Its energy is also associated with our desire to protect and in some cases destroy. Being independent, knocking down obstacles and overcoming any resistance is the main theme for Mars in Aires. Uranus and Mars energy combined means electricity, will power and a strong force to achieve the un- achievable. Nothing or know one is going to stand in your way of your inner desires. Mars conjunct Uranus represents the beginning of a cycle of demanding change and for us to break free from some situation in our life that is restricting you from future growth and abundance.


Have a great day!

Andy j x



Full Moon Lunar eclipse in Leo 21/01/2019.


Monday 21st January, 2019.

Full Moon Lunar eclipse in Leo.

Early this morning and late last night while you were sleeping the second eclipse of the month, a Full Moon lunar eclipse occurred. Lunar Eclipses are just like regular Full Moon only stronger, its effects will be felt for the next 6 months. During this Full Moon lunar eclipse, we are offered a unique opportunity to reset our emotions along with a chance to clear away much discomfort or old energy from recent months. Think back over the past few months? Can you see a past issue or problem that clearly has seemed beyond view until now? Open your eyes, you may be surprised at what you have missed over the past few months that is now so clearly obvious.

This month’s Full Moon is in the playful sign of Leo. A Full Moon traditionally is when the Sun and the Moon are at 180 degrees of each other, this mean the Sun in Aquarius forms an opposition with the Moon in Leo. A Full Moon is a completion point of the Luna cycle. As it is completely illuminated with light, it showers us with not only Luna but solar energy. Lunar Eclipse’s interrupt this recharging of the Moon that is why eclipses are so powerful, important and its effects last six months.

This Full Moon in Leo will be fiery, energetic, charged and upbeat! This Moon will also be a Super Moon, meaning it appears much larger to our naked eye here on earth. The total lunar eclipse at 0 degrees Leo will mark the half way point of the current Eclipse season we are in. We had a partial Solar eclipse in Capricorn on 5th January, 2019. Eclipse are basically a radical time of change, growth and healing, and this Eclipse lines up with the North Node which is all about our destiny and karma.

This month, the Sun is in Aquarius at 0 degrees. It will be focused mainly on service to humanity. Aquarius is looking to the future and learning about how it can make life better for everyone as a whole. Its focus is at a more of a local point, its intelligent, witty, loves technology and its advancement. Aquarius asks “how can I be of service to others”. It’s interested in learning and making positive, radical change. This energy will be illuminating and charging up the beautiful Moon this month!

The Moon represent the most sensitive parts of us, it’s all about who we are and how we feel. The Moon is sitting at 0 degrees in Leo. In Leo, our inner child or your internal feelings are magnified and heightened! You want to explore, you want to feel alive, you are self-motivated and life becomes 10 shades of dramatic. You will find that you want to harness your power, you will get a much-needed cosmic confidence boost. You will be the life of the party, communicating and interacting with others will be a high priority over the coming weeks. Leo is ruled by the Sun, and we all know the Sun is the center of the solar system as is Leo personality, it illuminating, its life, it’s all about you and how you are as a person, and it represents your identity and sense of self. Leo loves being confident, it’s about “you being you” and not compromising that for no one!  Leo’s energy encompass optimism, being enthusiastic and enjoying life! Its fiery energy can burn through obstacles singe any stagnant energy that’s holding you back!

This Super Eclipse Moon is sitting next to the north node in 26 degrees Cancer. Whenever the Moon is near the north node it’s pulling energy in, karmic/ destiny energy. Numerology speaking 26 degrees adds up to eight. Eight is the number of abundance and power. So not only will we feel the effects of this powerful Moon, we will have the added bonus of north node in Cancer to help us achieve our goals and desires. Perhaps it’s wise to remember that Cancer is ruled by the Moon, and lunar eclipses bring to attention our inner emotions, what’s working in our life, relationships, our home life and how we can heal and transform those areas. In particular things that have been brewing under the surface, you will find surface up for transformation and change… Expect Fun, laughter and love as well as our relationships, children and family will be under a spotlight and become very important to us. Imagine a lioness taking care of her cubs! All these energies are intertwined and illuminated in us for the next 6 months. Make the most out of these energies. It’s time to not only get in touch with ourselves but those around us we love.

This Lunar Eclipse will have the ability to get us to review and access at our own emotions, our needs and what we “feel” is lacking from our life. The polarity between Leo and Aquarius is going to deal with our personal and our impersonal self, the key this Full moon is to find a balance between our egotistic, confidence and self-expressive side and the part of us that wants to help others, that is selfless and objective. The Leo Moon is proud, self-reliant and dramatic Aquarius Sun is values a more team player and individual approach to life.

Lunar Eclipses trigger a self-awareness in all of us, it allows matters come to light. From areas of your life that only may need a fine tune to areas that need a complete revamp. With so much energy floating around you should take a look at your natal chart for a clue to where you need to put your energy. See what areas of Leo rules over what house, this can give your insight to the areas that may come into focus now.  Deep down inside, despite all we ignore we know that change is necessary for growth.

On the shadow side with Leo Moon, you may face challenges or small hurdles with dramatic self-expression, resulting in your ‘inner-child’ being on full display. Over reacting, being overly dramatic, self-centered and always the center of attention, also watch out for the urge for temper tantrums. Another dark side includes taking situations and emotions to extreme for example arrogance, vanity and self-absorption Remember with a Leo Moon “Pride before a fall”. With an awareness of these tendency, it would be wise to determine if this full expression is in your best interest and adjust your behaviour and actions accordingly.


Happy Full Moon Day!


Andy J x




Expect a Few Surprises 09/01/2019.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019.

Jupiter in Sagittarius sesquiquadrates Uranus in Aires.

The Aquarius Moon forms a sextile Uranus.

The Moon then enters Pisces.

Good Morning, How did everyone’s day go yesterday with all that intense energy floating around? If words were said, today is the day to let go of resentment, frustrations and apologize if needed. Let it go and move on with the day.

Jupiter in Sagittarius sesquiquadrates Uranus in Aires. Jupiter’s transit in Sadge will be a long-term affair. Today marks the first of three for this year, we experience another in June then again in October. Expect some tension between the planet of expansion, abundance, excess and the cheeky rebel and revolutionary planet. The tense nature of this aspect could create overly excess energies of self-righteousness, relentlessness, over spending, general over doing and working, overly offending others and taking action without thinking of the consequences. Watch for the taking on of impractical ventures and projects especially if it is on a whim. Jupiter/ Uranus influence is not all doom and gloom it reminds us that taking on too many new projects/ goals/dreams all at once (This  is generated by Jupiter’s overly excitable and expansive nature) As this excess energy can overload us and weigh us down, that in turn affects our freedom and relations and life in general.

The Aquarius Moon forms a sextile Uranus, another unpredictable energy that could create some randomness and surprises for us today, so expect the unexpected. Uranus loves to throw us unexpected curve balls so it is a great day to pay attention to any unusual ideas or conversations that come your way. As the day progress the Moon leaves quirky Aquarius and enters Pisces. This will leave us wanting to take a step back from it all, we may get lost in day dreams or find ourselves wanting a nap or to go home early. Tonight take some time out to work on your meditation and spiritual practices, get lost in your imagination, have a glass of wine and get lost in a good book or create art.

Happy Hump Day!

Andy j x

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Capricorn 2019


New Moon Solar Eclipse in Capricorn 2019.

Happy New Year! This weekend brings our first New Moon for the 2019! New Moons are all about setting intentions for the next Luna cycle…This New Moon is at 15° Capricorn. To make it extra special, it will be a partial solar eclipse. A solar eclipse is practically the same as a New Moon, when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun and is darkened. However, a Solar Eclipse is more powerful because the Moon darkens the Sun.  This Solar Eclipse in January 2019 astrology speaking means we will feel its effects for six months, unlike a New Moon which energy is felt for the coming month. New Moons are all about a fresh new start, and what a perfect time to begin as it is the new year to set practical intentions you want to achieve over the coming few months.

The Moon and the Sun are both in Capricorn sitting both 15 degrees. The Moon is pitch black at this point and its recharging itself for the new Luna cycle ahead. This month it is recharging itself and pulling in lots of with Capricorn energy. Capricorn is represented by the goat, it’s an earth sign that is hardworking, practical and takes each step in life carefully. Capricorn strives to get to the top, its ambitious, its leader, it takes charge. Capricorn is responsible as it is ruled by Saturn that Master teacher planet responsible for hard work , teaching and life lessons.

As the Moon represents our inner self, we will go internally and reflect on what opportunities are awaiting us for 2019 and what practical actions you can take to reach these opportunists to make your life better. Remember the seeds of opportunity we plant now will last for six months!

Now that we are in Capricorn season,  it is about taking any visions/goals/dreams and making them practical.. Its time make a plan, plants seeds of intention, set goals. Its time to really put in the hard work and make it real!

This is the ideal time to make a fresh start, it is also a great time for a life review! It is a time to self reflect and to question your old ways of living, your old habits and behaviors. The Universe is behind you as you have the ability to create or design new ways to grow and make progress. So take some time out to write your new goals on paper, make a bucket list, plant your seeds of intentions, journal your dreams and start making plans.

As I have mentioned the New Moon in Capricorn is practical and very willing to put in the hard-yards to achieve goals. Its hardworking and organised. This month incorporate these energies into your New Moon wish list. Plant seeds of abundance and prosperity. Whether it is in the form of your career, your home, perhaps starting a family, starting a business, organisation of your daily routine or achieving your dream job! Capricorn does not give up, it forges ahead no matter the obstacle! The grounded energy of this sign means we wont give up, so if you come across challenges such as your creative or business plans efforts don’t immediately kick off, don’t get frustrated, think long-term and remember this New Moon will keep you focused and determined. keep your eye on the prize and remember all the hard work you put in now will pay off when the time is right!

Slow and steady wins the race, the goat doesn’t sprint to the top of a mountain it is prepared for the long hall marathon to get to the top. Do not get frustrated and stressed over the trivial small things, think about your long-term goals. Start off small, write down practical achievable goals that will help thrust you into your dreams. Think about were you want to be in  six months?

These  first few weeks of January are a perfect time to set your intentions not only just for this Luna cycle, but also a ripple for the year 2019 ahead.

What a great start to 2019

Happy New Moon wishing and Happy New Year!


Andy J x



New Moon in Sagittarius

New Moon in Sagittarius 2018.

Last week we had a New Moon on Friday, December 7th, in the sign of Sagittarius.

The Sun and Moon conjunct each at 15 degrees and 7 minutes, which created the darkness of the New Moon. This New Moon occurs in the flamboyant sign of Sagittarius. Sagittarius is represented by the Centaur. This New Moon will be not only recharging but pulling in the traits of Sagittarius! The energy is that of the Archer, the optimistic, eager to learn, to explore, is enthusiastic, honest, independent and adventurous. This New Moon is in the fiery, mutable adventurous Sagittarius, and we all know Sagittarius love fresh starts and new beginning. It is a time to align yourself with the New Moon energy, to feel whats energy is being pulled in by the Moon and in this case, its optimistic, fun-loving, happy, adventurous, philosophical and helpful energy of Sagittarius.

It’s a New Moon, so pull it in energy, channel it, meditate on it, journal it and it will give you ideas, dreams for the future. It is the light at the end of tunnel we have been waiting for. We have the chance to make our dreams become reality in the most positive way.

Over the next few days under this fire sign influence. It will give us a cosmic push and  sparks up the fire within you. Its going to give you energy to explore! The motto is, if you can feel it, want it you can have it.

This month it is wise to focus and incorporate these energies and qualities when making your New Moon intentions. The Sadge centaur is rare, and is one of hope. The Centaur, has the bottom half of a horse. His top half is man ( Human). He is ready to shoot his bow and arrow to get to a goal or reach its desired destination. This symbol of the Centaur represents momentum, transcending our animistic natures, giving us the strength, freedom and speed to gallop to our goals.

Unlike a the full moon which focus on  purging old ways, a New Moon is optimistic, a magical time for planning and seeding your intentions. It’s a time of  birthing new ideas, dreams and planting seeds of intention you want to bring into your life over the next few months.  It is an opportune time to attract your heartfelt, wholehearted longings by doing a New Moon ritual focused on manifestation and birth.

Sagittarius is all about adventures, learning , explore and visionaries. So when making your new moon wishes here are some great ideas to incorporate into your manifestation goals. Perhaps its time to plan your next epic vacation. Make a dream board on what places you want to see over this Christmas break,. Sadge love to explore the unknown and different cultures. Go camping, book a last-minute flight, start a holiday or education savings fund. Where there’s a will, there’s a way, where in the world is calling at you?

Sagittarius as we know are very intrigued in regards to learning, teaching and expanding their horizon. This month, makes it a personal mission to seek wisdom in unusual places. Maybe your new-found excitement for travel or a  higher understanding of the world especially ones that can take you to places that connect you with new cultures and new profound philosophies. Suspend your judgment or criticism and take it all in. Be the light you want to see in others.  Better yet, be your own guru.

This New moon gives us the courage to expand our horizons, and gain confidence and optimism from a broader perspective.It also provides us with power to focus on goals that will increase our understanding and awareness.


Happy New Moon Manifesting!

 Andy J x








New Moon in Scorpio 2018!

Happy New Moon Day!

A New Moon in Scorpio November 7th, 2018.

As we wake up today we will be entering the darkest point of the Lunar Phase a New Moon. This New Moon in Scorpio is sitting with Jupiter, mere hours before the planet leaves Scorpio and enters Sagittarius which won’t happen again is for over a decade. Traditionally a New Moon is when the Sun and Moon join together. They both will be sitting on each other in 15 degrees Scorpio. A New Moon in our sky looks completely dark, it’s black & the Moon is making herself invisible as the Sun’s rays overtake, she is taking a meditation break and recharging. This month the Moon is recharging itself for the next Luna cycle in the sassy sign of Scorpio. This time of the Luna cycle is all about stopping focusing inward and pulling the energy in and revaluation where yin your life needs changing and working about making a list of changes or intentions you want to plant for the next month. What is it you want to do or achieve this next Luna cycle? Every New Moon gives us a chance to make some life changing decisions each month so use this New Moons energy wisely.

Scorpio is water sign and it’s the sign of the zodiac that dives deepest. Scorpio is associated with intense emotional connections and emotional truth. Diving deep into the emotions of others and along with themselves being a detective and getting down to the nitty-gritty. Scorpio is connected with darker side of life such as all things taboo, secrets, sexuality and the a cult. Scorpio is about transformation, healing and rising out of the ashes and working on a higher self-awareness. Scorpio highlights the importance of bringing what is hidden into the light, to be excavated, and to be brought forth for healing.
With the New Moon in Scorpio, the seeds of intentions you plant will be ones of deep emotional significance. You must be willing to look deeper than usual and take an emotional risk. Scorpio energy invites us to open up and be enlightened by emotional experiences as we also gain a stronger emotional intelligence.

This New Moon in Scorpio will pointing us in a new direction and beginning of powerful changes. It’s going to help us purge old ways of being, feeling, thinking, addictions, old emotional wounds, and burdens and we will seek out new and meaningful enriching feelings and ways of thinking.

For this Scorpio New Moon, set your monthly manifestations around the Scorpio energy. Include intentions to manifest emotional transformation, passion perhaps taking on a new lover or deepening a passionate connection with a current lover, deep introspection and expanding your creativity. Create opportunities for yourself this month either to make yourself happy or someone else be connecting the dots on what motivates, irritates and drives either you or them. Start planting powerful seed by starting a journal or using a New Moon ritual this month to work deeply on self-reflection or perhaps your own hidden secrets.

If you know what house in your birth chart holds or sits in 15° Scorpio, it will give you a greater insight into which area of your life will be most influenced or effected this New Moon. If you don’t know what house is involved with Scorpio energy, just take a moment focus on your breath work, intuition and meditate on the answer,! If you have Scorpio in your chart see which house it is in for example if it is in your 4th house, which represents our home, laying roots and family life, set an intention to transform and intensity anything you want to change in regards to your home/ family. By doing this it will help you become more aware or clarify where any issue are or areas that need to be changed and transformed.

This New Moon forms a harmonious connection with Neptune and Pluto! Making it a very powerful, healing, spiritual and extremely intuitive New Moon. Nevertheless we also see Jupiter and Uranus move towards a quincunx. Jupiter is at the end of its cycle in Scorpio but it manages a couple of hours before it moves into Sagittarius. With saying that, we need to be careful and oversee how much we act on our impulses, our energy is chaotic and we may feel rushed into making decisions and with Uranus energy into the mix you can expect the unexpected, expect a spanner in the works or a sudden change in your direction. Perhaps it’s not the best day to make profound decisions until you know or are clear on what you really want. It’s a day for contemplation and review. Jupiter grows, expands and is the Midas touch, making anything it touches abundant, while its transit through Scorpio over the past 12 months, Jupiter has tried to teach us how to shed old skins and beliefs so that we might get closer to our own sources of power. Where our intention goes energy flows!

New Moon ritual.

Later tonight or anytime on Thursday, set some time aside and plan or perform your New Moon ritual. Keep it simple but hold sacred place within yourself to honor this magical ritual. Click here if you need help performing one  How to create a New Moon ritual. 

If you are short of time or the process is to overwhelming take a moment to write down what changes you wish to begin, create, or increase in the coming month and potentially up to the next 6 months.

Happy New Moon Day!

Andy J x

Find The Balance! 05/11/2018.

Monday November 5th, 2018.

The Moon in Libra forms a square to Saturn in Capricorn.

The Sun in Scorpio sesquiquadrates retrograde Chiron in Pisces

The Sun in Scorpio trines retrograde Neptune in Pisces.

The Moon in Libra forms a square to Saturn in Capricorn. The Moon in Libra is very sociable and creates or tries to create a harmonious and balanced atmosphere, its goal is make everyone get along and reduce stress especially in relationships, as it forms this square to Saturn in Capricorn there is gong to be some friction between socializing and work and meeting your own needs and reaching personal goals. Achieving what you want to accomplish is possible and the key to this is using your time wisely today and finding a balance, we get an extra cosmic push from the Libra Moon that will encourage us to go to extra mile to get along and make things work.

The Sun in Scorpio trines retrograde Neptune in Pisces, as we head towards this trine aspect which will help us align our conscious self and the planet that represents our spirituality, intuition and mysticism. As the day goes on we may get sudden burst of inspiration, our creativity increases as well as our romantic and dreamy side. Its also great news for all the artistic folk out there. We are ready to align and to tap into our intuition so pay special attention to emotions and inner experience. There are wonders out there to discover with this influence so do not dismiss anything that comes such as ideas and thoughts to quickly. Pay attention to emotions, intuition and inner experience. there are riches there to discover.

The Sun in Scorpio sesquiquadrates retrograde Chiron in Pisces. This will create unwanted pressure and possible friction between our conscious self and ego and the part of use that need’s healing and transformation.The Wounded Healer has the ability to can bring up old wounds and pains particularly around past hurts and old emotions that have been stuffed away or you deny exist. Today be willing to face what is within or what has surfaced is the key!

Happy Monday!

Andy J x

Attention to Detail 02/11/18.

Friday, November 2, 2018.

Venus in Libra sesquiquadrates retrograde Neptune in Pisces.

The Moon enters Virgo.

Retrograde Venus in Libra semisquares Jupiter in Scorpio.

When you awake up this morning you will find yourself in a very different emotional environment. Retrograde Venus in Libra sesquiquadrates retrograde Neptune in Pisces. This may spark some friction and tension between our higher and our lower  heart. This is due to the fact that both  Libra and Pisces gravitate towards focusing on others and are very self-sacrificing when it comes to love.So the lesson we should take from this is… being able to put healthy boundaries when it comes to any relationship. There is no martyr or victim to be played out today! You will be able to pin point more clearly where you may need to forgive or retreat and where you may be in denial with the Moon entering into organised and diligent Virgo today.

As the Moon enters into this  productive and the precise sign of Virgo prepare for a weekend that involves a practical and very organised approach. Spend today creating constructive plans for the upcoming weekend, plan to have your grocery shopping, laundry and  house cleaning done early so you make the most of the weekend ahead.  Also remember the shadow side of Virgo, and don’t allow perfectionism and criticism to stop your progress. With spring here in Australia what a better time to work on projects especially health issues that you will benefit from coming into summer, this also includes doing a big spring clean and donating your items to charity! Virgo is all about service to others after all!

Retrograde Venus in Libra semisquares Jupiter in Scorpio. Another position that may cause friction between the two parts of you that just want to have fun and enjoy life. Venus along with Jupiter both crave and enjoy being social and having fun but they can both tend to overdo it, especially overspend, overshare and overeat, balance is key for this weekend!

Have a great weekend!

Andy J x

We Enter Scorpio Season 23/10/2018.


Tuesday, October 23rd, 2018.

Gibbous Moon in Aries.

The Sun enters Scorpio.

The Sun leaves behind diplomatic and harmonious Libra to enter the deep, mystical and emotional waters of Scorpio where it will remain until November 22nd. When the Sun which represents our ego swims in the darkness of Scorpio, inner and outer transformation is now highlighted for us. Power, liberation and our need to create emotional and powerful connections with others is our motivation this month. We seek experiences that engage and strengthen our intimacy and seek hidden truths. Scorpio governs matters to do with life, death, transformation as Scorpio is associated with the rising phoenix, sexuality, intimacy, relationships, destruction, renewal and regeneration.

With the Sun now entering Scorpio our eyes are more open to realms of the mystic. The veil between the worlds is lifted only enough for us to encounter the spirit realm and all things ghostly. Halloween’s history originates back to the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain. The Celts, who lived over 2,000 years ago celebrated their new year on November 1. Its symbolic nature is one of marking the end of summer and the embarking of a cold, dark winter which mean,t unfortunately for a lot of people, it was a time of year that was often associated with death. The Celt tradition also talks about the last day of October, the night before their new year, in which the boundary between the worlds of the living and the dead became blurred or as I mention the veil was lifted. On the night of October 31 they celebrated Samhain, when it was believed that the ghosts of the dead returned to earth. Allowing us to see beyond the boundaries we generally assume are firmly in place. So keep your eyes open as you never know you may encounter small ghouls on our doorstep seeking treats to keep evil away!Happy Halloween!

Don’t forget, this week brings the Full Moon in the sign of Taurus.

The Full Moon on October 25th  at 2 Taurus times are as follows…

SYDNEY: October 25, 3.45am
NEW YORK: October 24, 12.45pm
LONDON: October 24, 5.45pm

Today is a BIG DEAL!! A LUNAR ECLIPSE 27/7/18

Friday, July 27, 2018

Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse at 4° Aquarius.

Full Moon blessings, everyone. Today brings us to the big deal a Lunar Eclipse big deal. Today is the Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse at 4° Aquarius. A Lunar Eclipse always occurs on a Full Moon and is basically an amped-up magnified Full Moon on steroids. This eclipse is extra potent astronomically as it’s the longest total lunar eclipse in the 21st century, how exciting. This Full Moon is known as a Blood Moon and its energy is steering us in a direction of change and progress.

A Full Moon is where the Sun and Moon are sitting at 180 degrees from each other. The Moon is completely illuminated and thus showers us with its Luna energy here on earth. Traditionally a Full Moon is a completion point of the lunar cycle and is when the Moon recharges its batteries. We also experience a burst of strong energy as the Moon is highlighted with the Suns energy and that is why people here on earth can act strange or loony during a Full Moon.a Total Lunar Eclipse, is when  the Earth passes between the Sun & the Moon, the Earth with block the Suns rays from FULLY reaching the Moon, thus the Moon is fully cast within Earth’s shadow.

The Total Lunar Eclipse at 4’44 Aquarius is right smack on aggressive and sharp Mars retrograde on the karmic south node and comes in close contact to rebellious Uranus. These are very volatile energies coming into play. This also means for us we have some MAJOR  intensification of the karmic energies we are working with or through. I wont lie these next few days has the potential to cause emotional distress and detachment as Aquarius energy offers perspective and even indifference or distance if necessary.The difficulties deep rooted in this eclipse may unfold in our personal circumstances or you may watch it unfold in the outer world. Pay attention!

We also have Mars at closest alignment with Earth from July 27th-31st. He will appear to us  the brightest he has been since 2003 and a fun fact Mars will outshine Jupiter by 1.8 times.

Mars Retrograde is going to be a time when many of us are faced with shadow work. It’s main focus and a chance for us to change will be transforming our relationship, within and without of us. Unfortunately these shadow aspects are going to bring up certain dynamics around our ego, anger, jealously, aggression and rage in our personal relationships, but it does give us a chance to bring any underlying issues to light for transformation and change. Watch your temper and the urge to snap at those you love. Remember that trying to be all things to all people vs having real relationships is about finding a balance without giving to much away or alternatively taking to much for others. Aquarius luna energy means we will be more independent and creative whilst seeking change and being service to others.

As I mentioned this eclipse forms a square to Uranus, and Uranus loves to present us with the most unexpected plot twist! Today can be a sense of surprise, shock, or frustration as we get answers or revolutions into the emotions we’re confronted now with the eclipse.This Full Moon eclipse detach from others and your own mind and let go.

Look for the area or house in your chart that holds 4° Aquarius. This will highlight and indicates the area of life that requires a great deal of attention over the coming months. Remember this Eclipse energy can be felt for months after the event has happened. A new story or a change in the story in this area of life will develop from what occurs now. So pay attention.

This Full Moon the energy is steering us in a direction of change and progress. keep your eyes open as you give of yourself to help others. Helping others is the best way to care for yourself. Release what no longer works for you or is holding you down! Breath and let go, try to enjoy this eclipse it truly is a turning point.

Happy full moon day.

Andy J