Monday Madness 29/10/2018.

Monday 29th October, 2018.

The Sun in Scorpio trines the Moon in Cancer.

Mercury conjuncts the Jupiter.

Mars forms a semi-square with Saturn.


The Sun in Scorpio trines the Moon in Cancer. The Sun in Scorpio represents our identity, saying this… our inner energy is more intense, emotional and we feel more inclined to seek out hidden truths no matter the cost. The Moon however, is all about our emotional feelings, and in its home sign of Cancer that means that part of us that loves to nurture, be connected to family, to love, along with our intuitive and sensitive side and will be the emotions/energies strongest felt today.

Mercury conjuncts the lucky planet Jupiter. So today there will be a large focus on the way you communicate with others and how you communicate will determine how you bring about luck and expansion into your life and into theirs. This Mercury/Jupiter conjunction also inspires optimism, hope and a hint of excitement. Mercury and Jupiter reach their final alignment in star sign of Scorpio, which leads us to gaining insight into a problem, talking through issues, and seeing

Today is a unique day! It’s going to be all about forgiveness and healing. It will be about the “Why” you actually feel out with someone, or insight to any other type of miscommunication in any relationship breakdown. Healing is very possible today yay! Reconciliation is the theme for today as all parties will be able to acknowledge the part they played in a relationship breakdown. Have you been estranged from a family member, a partner or close friend? Today is the day to pick up the phone and say “i want you back in my life”.  This is largely to do with Venus retrograde in Scorpio. Venus being in Scorpio is a highly emotional position for Venus to sit in. Besides being very passionate, intense, and oh so very dark and sensual Venus in Scorpio treasures closeness along with our most valuable relationships are extremely important, actually overwhelming and consuming at times. So if you notice those around you or directly connected to you are having relationship problems this is due to the vulnerability Scorpio feels, the fear of being close or exposing your softer side to others, it’s also stemming from hidden truths and feelings being brought to the surface for healing and transformation. Dint put yourself in an all or nothing” situation if you think healing is available especially until October 31st when Venus enters into a new sign.

With Mercury in Scorpio, Venus in Scorpio and the Sun in Scorpio expect the energy to be intense and passionate, as you seeks truths in all that is hidden and hush-hush. Our communication and thought process especially around the matters of our heart, personal matters and the way we look at our self-will be more probing, deeply emotional and intense. Scorpio is great for self-healing and transformation if you are ready to take a real look at yourself and accept the parts of you that you may not like.  It’s wonderful that we all get an added boost of passion, mystery and strength, just watch out for the less favorable traits as jealously, manipulation and being vindictive.

However, it’s not all so nurturing and happy days… unfortunately we see a clash between Mars and Saturn. This morning expects to feel some tension rising as Mars forms a semi-square with Saturn. With these two masculine energies against each other today you may feel restricted and repressed. Saturn energy is all about learning, structure and mastering your life. Mars is the planet that drives our will and motivation so when they go head to head expect your strong desires to succeed and create to lead to road blocks and complications. Negative emotions such as frustration, jealously, anger and tempers will flare up today especially in regards to authority figures such as your boss, manager or family members. Don’t let yourself be effected by the limiting and rejecting feelings that may arise from the built up influences of Saturn and Mars, let your desire of finishing goals and ripping down restrictions and old beliefs be the drive you need today.  This is not a winning or overly pleasant transit and the best approach now is a not be over defensive but flexible especially if are feeling more resistance, just know everyone around you is being influenced the same so if tempers arise de-escalate the mood quickly even if you know you have not done a thing to feel someone else wrath.

Patience, perseverance and empathy will be your strong points today!

With so much going ion today just take it one person and one step at a time! Happy Monday gang!


We Enter Scorpio Season 23/10/2018.


Tuesday, October 23rd, 2018.

Gibbous Moon in Aries.

The Sun enters Scorpio.

The Sun leaves behind diplomatic and harmonious Libra to enter the deep, mystical and emotional waters of Scorpio where it will remain until November 22nd. When the Sun which represents our ego swims in the darkness of Scorpio, inner and outer transformation is now highlighted for us. Power, liberation and our need to create emotional and powerful connections with others is our motivation this month. We seek experiences that engage and strengthen our intimacy and seek hidden truths. Scorpio governs matters to do with life, death, transformation as Scorpio is associated with the rising phoenix, sexuality, intimacy, relationships, destruction, renewal and regeneration.

With the Sun now entering Scorpio our eyes are more open to realms of the mystic. The veil between the worlds is lifted only enough for us to encounter the spirit realm and all things ghostly. Halloween’s history originates back to the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain. The Celts, who lived over 2,000 years ago celebrated their new year on November 1. Its symbolic nature is one of marking the end of summer and the embarking of a cold, dark winter which mean,t unfortunately for a lot of people, it was a time of year that was often associated with death. The Celt tradition also talks about the last day of October, the night before their new year, in which the boundary between the worlds of the living and the dead became blurred or as I mention the veil was lifted. On the night of October 31 they celebrated Samhain, when it was believed that the ghosts of the dead returned to earth. Allowing us to see beyond the boundaries we generally assume are firmly in place. So keep your eyes open as you never know you may encounter small ghouls on our doorstep seeking treats to keep evil away!Happy Halloween!

Don’t forget, this week brings the Full Moon in the sign of Taurus.

The Full Moon on October 25th  at 2 Taurus times are as follows…

SYDNEY: October 25, 3.45am
NEW YORK: October 24, 12.45pm
LONDON: October 24, 5.45pm

Full Moon in Scorpio 29/4/18!

Full Moon in Scorpio.

Sunday, April 29th, 2018.

By the time you wake up on Sunday morning, the Full Moon has entered deep, intense and very mysterious Scorpio. A full Moon is exact 180 degrees away from the Sun and it’s totally illuminated and showers down on us its Luna energy. Full Moon have the ability to interfere with our sleep patterns, either you can get insomnia or become very lethargic and crave sleep. It has the ability to make people’s emotions and moods off-balance and out-of-order. Not surprising if the Moon has such an effect or our waters, ocean and tides who says it can play havoc in our bodies, we are made up of mostly water.

This is going to be a spectacular Full Moon, it will be in the sassy sign of Scorpio at 9 degrees, which means the Sun is sitting in the sign of Taurus at 9 degrees. This Full Moon is in its opposite sign of Taurus, Scorpio. Triggering a push-pull or integration effect between both of these signs energies. The Sun in Taurus is grounded, secure, practical especially in regards to possessions, home and money. It loves sensuality, chemistry and indulging the senses. Taurus is a fixed earthly signs about practicality, manifestation and nature. Taurus is the most invested in the physical and material world. It can also be lazy, slow and stubborn.

Scorpio is a water sign, emotional, intelligent and magnetic. When the Moon is in Scorpio we go deep, your emotions tend to go very deep, our shadow side is illuminated. Connections with others must be deeply powerful in order to be worth your while. We won’t be happy or content until we have looked below the surface, and we will not settle for nothing less than the truth. Key words to take from Scorpio energy is transmutation, transformation, intuition, healing, power, desire, calculated, passionate and intense. Scorpio however can also be controlling and manipulative.

If we look closely, both Scorpio and Taurus are associated with values, money, and worth.Taurus and Scorpio are both possessive in their own way. Scorpio is possessive of their loved ones whilst Taurus can be possessive with their physical things and money.

In next few days before and after this Full Moon in Scorpio, expect to experience on some level the polarity of these two signs playing out in our lives. The key here is find a balance and to integrate both signs, take some time out and incorporate and considerate all the energies that are available to us.

Scorpio, ruled by Pluto is known for death and rebirth, transformation, destruction and recreation. Under this Full Moon, the darkness that you’d rather avoid will not be easily silenced unfortunately. The shadow aspect of us is just as important as any other aspect of our self. The darkness can shine light and hold so much wisdom and insight in regards to our higher self and healing we must do in order to progress through life. It contains all the answers or clues on what to do next that you’ve been searching for. We will have opportunities for feeling this connection on our inner realms right now.

Scorpio’s are honest and real, and their honesty should be the most comforting thing in the world. The energy of the Scorpio Full Moon highlights our deep subconscious. We can discover what drives us, motivates us or what our deepest desires are. What are you longing for? What are you aspiring to be? This Moon will help us manifest this if we stay on track and align our will with our higher self. It is a time do so some self releasement. To release what no longer is working for us, physically, mentally emotionally, whatever is unhealthy and doing you no good. A spring clean, not just in our physical and emotional body but also within home, office or the people around us. This is also a great time to deal with healing on a soul level especially if you have trust issue.

The Full Moon in Scorpio is here to remind us of the need to consider others, contributions and support, others needs, input and wants, and it’s also here to force an awareness of any relationship imbalances. Now let’s look at the numerology of this Full Moon. Its sitting at 9 degrees, nine in numerology represents completion and  spirituality, which highlights what we’re doing, and are we on the right path? Is it right in terms of our long-term growth and success.

During this Full Moon, take a few moments and think about what you may want to release emotionally that is stopping you for your wealth and happiness. Be open and willing to receive.

Happy Full Moon Day!

Andy j xx