The Taurus Full Moon illuminates beauty, Love and Sensuality! 2018


Happy Full Moon Day! This Full Moon is going to be something else! The Full Moon enters Taurus today. I like most I have felt the energy of this Full Moon build all week. A Full Moon is when the Sun in Scorpio at 1 degrees fully illuminates the Moon, it also conjuncts Retrograde Venus in 4 degrees Scorpio. The Moon also conjuncts Uranus.

The Scorpio Sun at 1 degree wants some sort of emotional experience and Venus in retrograde at 4 degrees tells us that we are entitled and deserve to have an amazing emotional experience. The energy reminds you that “Yes” are meant to explore, experiment, have fun and live a little. It also invites us to dig deep, to seek and experience things you have never experienced before. Perhaps on the naughtier side of life. This week Venus and the Sun are both in a planetary placement that tempt you to try out new things, be adventurous behave in ways you normally wouldn’t.

The Full Moon is when the Sun sits opposite to the Moon at 180 degrees from each other. Full Moons are a time of strengthened intuition, heightened emotions, and you can observe unusual activity happening around you or occurring to other people. I can tell you the Full Moon makes my pets a little loony, and others can report some sleep disturbances!

This Full Moon in Taurus astrological speaking, with the rest of the universe in play is going to be pretty much bag of mixed energies. As I mentioned earlier we are in a Retrograde Venus however we also have Uranus, the planet of sudden change, revolt and the unexpected conjunct the Full Moon!

So my dear friends, ready or not BIG CHANGE is coming for us… The real challenge for us is going to be are we ready to embrace change, all the positive side and traits of Scorpio? Are you ready to go beneath the surface? To really let go of yourself and to feel intensely? Are you ready to allow yourself to transform? We must remember for change to occur we need to release old patterns and habits along with any old attachments. We must let our old identity die so we can embrace whatever change life throws at us. Particularly with all these retrograde about, telling and showing us the old beliefs that needs transforming.

This month’s Moon will be illuminated with Taurus energy that will shine down on us. Taurus energy is all about the real world, stability, structure,  finances, practicality, money, wealth, relationships, enjoying life, food, being grounded in nature, sensuality, physical body and beauty. This Full Moon is going to urge us to do something, to create something wonderful, something physical or birth something new in any of the areas I just mentioned.  This Full Moon is about  putting yourself out there and experience all the sensuality the world has to offer. Uranus the planet of eccentricity is sitting on top of Taurus stirring the pot for unexpected, radical excitement and unexpected change. This along with Venus retrograde will help illuminate you with all those twisted desires and energies that will results in physical manifestations and actions that in no means would you normally act on.

This Full Moon being in the sign of Taurus, will feel comfortable and safe. The Moon likes sitting in this sign, as we know the Moon represents our feelings and inner world. Taurus is about solidity and sensuality in aspects not only physical but in our taste, our touch, or views, using all the senses. Taurus is about if you can sense it and touch it, than it is real. The Moon in Taurus wants us to take a change, get rid of the feelings of old, the feelings that weigh you down and blur your vision of the beauty that is around you. Take all that stagnant, emotional energy and stomp it on the ground. Awaken your senses be alive! This transformational Full Moon combined with the Sun in Scorpio is really guiding us to in touch with our own complexity and how we respond in any relationship.


Happy Full Moon week!

Andy J x

We Enter Scorpio Season 23/10/2018.


Tuesday, October 23rd, 2018.

Gibbous Moon in Aries.

The Sun enters Scorpio.

The Sun leaves behind diplomatic and harmonious Libra to enter the deep, mystical and emotional waters of Scorpio where it will remain until November 22nd. When the Sun which represents our ego swims in the darkness of Scorpio, inner and outer transformation is now highlighted for us. Power, liberation and our need to create emotional and powerful connections with others is our motivation this month. We seek experiences that engage and strengthen our intimacy and seek hidden truths. Scorpio governs matters to do with life, death, transformation as Scorpio is associated with the rising phoenix, sexuality, intimacy, relationships, destruction, renewal and regeneration.

With the Sun now entering Scorpio our eyes are more open to realms of the mystic. The veil between the worlds is lifted only enough for us to encounter the spirit realm and all things ghostly. Halloween’s history originates back to the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain. The Celts, who lived over 2,000 years ago celebrated their new year on November 1. Its symbolic nature is one of marking the end of summer and the embarking of a cold, dark winter which mean,t unfortunately for a lot of people, it was a time of year that was often associated with death. The Celt tradition also talks about the last day of October, the night before their new year, in which the boundary between the worlds of the living and the dead became blurred or as I mention the veil was lifted. On the night of October 31 they celebrated Samhain, when it was believed that the ghosts of the dead returned to earth. Allowing us to see beyond the boundaries we generally assume are firmly in place. So keep your eyes open as you never know you may encounter small ghouls on our doorstep seeking treats to keep evil away!Happy Halloween!

Don’t forget, this week brings the Full Moon in the sign of Taurus.

The Full Moon on October 25th  at 2 Taurus times are as follows…

SYDNEY: October 25, 3.45am
NEW YORK: October 24, 12.45pm
LONDON: October 24, 5.45pm

Full Moon in Taurus 2017

This November’s Full Moon, marks the first of a trilogy of Super Full Moon happening over November & December 2017, followed by one in January 2018.

During a Supermoon, all the energies of a normal Full Moon are heightened!! Eek! Full Moons are already a time of strengthened intuition, emotions running high, spooky things around you occurring, people going a little looney and some experience sleep disturbances! Now that this months Full Moon is closest to earth, all of these key points become electrified!! Expect lucid dreaming, heightened intuition and emotions, synchronicity are becoming more repetitive (the numbers 10:10 have popped up at least 4 times a day for the past week for me) overall energy is running high and people are more sensitive than usual, I know I’ve been one of them!! 

This Full Moon in Taurus astrological speaking with the rest of the universe is going to be pretty much straight forward, it will be grounded, its practical and very uncomplicated in regards to lessons. This Full Moon will be one of feeling at ease, at peace and you will feel like you will finally get that emotional load off your shoulders. It is a relief from all the pressure of Scorpio’s and Chirons intense water energy, that has been forcing us to look inside and do deep emotional inner work. This months Moon will be illuminated with Taurus energy. Taurus energy is all about the real world, stability, finances, practicality, money, enjoying life, food, being grounded in nature, sensuality, physical body and beauty.

The Sun is at 11 degrees in Scorpio and that will conjunct with Jupiter in Scorpio. These two planets are sitting next to each other and bouncing back that sassy Scorpio energy. The Sun astrologically represents our identity, our outer world and who you are. We are in Scorpio season so the focus this month will be on emotions, talking about emotions, discovering new emotions and having the courage to speak up about how you feel to others. Lucky for us we have the Jupiter on our side who is all about luck, abundance and growth. That means all our hidden emotional truths and discoveries are not for nothing. They can impact and have great positive significance on your self, your life and others. Jupiter is about growth and expansion so take this and use it to grow, to heal and expand on building yourself up!

This Sun, being expanded by Jupiter is shining down on us deep emotional, intuitive energy. Sitting exactly 180 degrees away from the Sun is sitting this magnificent Full Moon in the sign of Taurus. These energies than are shining down on us. Full Moon and the Sun are always sitting in the opposite signs of each other in the zodiac. They balance their weakness and build up their strengths. They  invite us to work to achieve a balance between the opposing energies.

Both the Sun and the Moon this month are both sitting at 11 degrees, which is the master number of service, spirituality and higher self growth. Not only will this Full Moon start to make us feel good in our skin, but we will be inspired to take practical actions that help others, such as volunteering, and being of service to others, however and whatever form it comes to you to help. Donate old clothes, de clutter, recycle things. You will really have a sense of how good your life is and how much worse other have it and want to do something about it. Offer your time and help and make a positive contribution. 

This month is November which is also lucky number 11. Like I’ve mentioned 11 is a master number and in numerology it vibrates at a level of divinity, higher purpose, synchronicity, higher self, angels and the spirit world. This energy of the master number 11 is with us for a whole month, so what not better time to work on and tune into our dreams and goals. Where do you feel lack of abundance, love, money, opportunities , time and success? This Full Moon release these fears as you plant and make way for better things to come to you! Out with the old and in with the new! Get clear on what you want and watch the magic grow into reality! 

With all of this in play it makes this Taurus Full Moon quiet a spiritual one! Even though Taurus seem to be the most grounded sign and semi disconnected from all the mystical magic! But let me assure you that if you, like me have felt more intuitive or emotions are very heightened and you want to cry for no reason this week that’s because of this Super Full Moon stirring up the universal energies! 

This Full Moon being in the sign of Taurus, will feel comfortable and safe. The Moon likes sitting in this sign, as we know the Moon represents our feelings and inner world. Taurus is about solidity and sensuality in aspects not only physical but in our taste, our touch, or views, using all the senses. Taurus is about if you can sense it and touch it, than it is real. The Moon in Taurus wants us to take a change, get rid of the feelings of old, the feelings that weigh you down and blur your vision of the beauty that is around you. Take all that stagnant, emotional energy and stomp it on the ground. Awaken your senses be alive! This transformation Full Moon combined with the Sun in Scorpio is really guiding us to in touch with our own complexity and how we respond in any relationship.

This week If your intuition tells you something, do yourself a favour and listen, especially during the Full Moon at its peak. Do you feel stuck somewhere in your life? Do you need clarity? especially in areas of love, abundance and success which Taurus dominates, sit in stillness under the illumination of the Moon, ask and listen for the guidances that comes your way. 

The Taurus Full Moon will remind us of the abundance of what we already have, be grateful and thankful for all the positives, as like attracts like. Full Moons are all about releasing what no longer serves a purpose in our life, so get releasing whether its physically, emotionally or spiritually. Make room for the things you want to come into your life!
Transformation will happen this Full Moon so you may as well surrender and evolve with grace and ease.The Full Moon being in Taurus is potent and fertile and can serve as a form of self awakening to our desires and feelings. The Taurus energy will help us have more stability and structure, its an emotional time of romance and relationships. Taurus loves to get out in nature, to really connect with it, get out doors and ground yourself this Full Moon. Have you done a Full Moon ritual?? Get out doors and try one. 

Happy Full Moon Day!

By Andy J xx



Dream Big! 03/11/17

Friday, November 3, 2017.

Venus forms a sextile between Saturn.

The Sun Scorpio forms a trine aspect to Neptune in Pisces

The Moon is in Taurus.

In the early morning hours this morning , lovely Venus forms a sextile aspect to mature Saturn. This harmonious aspect will help those in relationships to get real, to get deep and stabilize what you have! This time is great for understanding what your needs are, your values, loyalties and those needs of your partner. It is truly wonderful for really tuning into each other. We do have a Full Moon tomorrow which just adds to you and your partner releasing something that no longer working for you both, lack of time together, passive communication, and helping you understanding each other on the same level.This releasing can be really simple, and really doesn’t need to be hard! Listen to the messages and feelings you are getting, and hay what could be better than a nudge from the Universe to make things better between each other along with strengthening your self-love!

The Moon has entered Taurus this morning, eek so close to being at its fullest! Have you had a stressful week? All this Chiron energy, intense Scorpio energy, healing energy and Saturn energy can be a little harsh on us, so this Full Moon in Taurus will help take some of the edge off  some of the possible feelings of being weighed down, anger and frustration from the last few days. When the Moon is in Taurus we can not help but connect to nature, to yummy food and all things beautiful, it’s also encourages you to connect with your sensual physical body.

The Sun Scorpio forms a trine aspect to Neptune in Pisces. This supportive aspect with the planet of our dreams helps align our egos with our spirituality, mysticism and compassion. Be of service today, help a stranger, get creative and smile at everyone you meet today. For all the creative peeps out there get day dreaming and get lost in your new project. Get that guitar out, grab that sketch book sit in nature and get inspired.

Happy Friday!

By Andy J x

Pay Attention! 02/11/2017

Thursday, November 2, 2017.

Mercury in Scorpio trines Chiron in Pisces.

Saturn forms a challenging square to Chiron.

Saturn is in the midst of triggering a Uranus and Chiron semisextile.

Mercury in Scorpio trines Chiron in Pisces. This aspect will give us the ability to  strengthen our communication skills. When Mercury is in Scorpio it can get overwhelmed, our thinking and communication is highly emotional, and we can act out on strong emotions and thoughts, especially when you are communicating with others. Scorpio loves to speak the truth and well sometimes it can come across harsh, cruel and abrasive, just be cautious on how truthful you are to people today.

When Mercury trines Chiron, just remember that Mercury is the communication planet and it is getting around with the wounded healer Chiron. This can be a wonderful thing, a wound is only a wound until it is brought up, addressed and talked over. Mercury’s energy will help us bring these deep emotional wounds up. Today, listen to yourself, a message may come through emotional realizations and you may have the remedy for healing.

Saturn is still forming a challenging square to Chiron. I spoke about this yesterday. Chiron is the wounded healer and Saturn the master planet of lessons, is giving us the tools to reach an outcome and learn the lesson needed to move on, to grow and work on your own healing . Ask yourself today, where do feel restricted or held back. What has been bugging you lately? Your job? A relationships? Home situation? Your health?. Where do you feel broken or stuck? Chiron has the ability to heal that wound! So pay attention to what is coming your way!

Saturn is also in the midst of triggering a Uranus and Chiron semisextile. Ouch this could mean for some that some big time lessons are about to surface. Lessons in regards to what needs healing, what needs to be acknowledged and any needs or issues that require evolution or transmutation. This all will happen, either on a personal level and/or our collective lives. With all of these aspects in play today, consider your integrity, your values and your temperament. Pay attention, as Chiron loves to bring to focus our biggest, deepest wounds and pain! Focus your attention on your emotional health, if you can uplift yourself and work on this you can be of service for those around you. luckily for us  Uranus is also about liberation and release, this aspect can be great for revelations, sudden insights, and aha moments!

The Moon spends the day in Aries.The Aires Moon will provide powerful energy so embrace this to take action and move forward. Bust down your obstacles, however look out for your temper if things don’t go the way you want it! Watch for any frustration with others! This only ends up with you creating difficulties for yourself in your personals, profession relationships.


Today remember to release, and  if we choose to do the work asked of us right now we will be rewarded! If things feel intense for you it will probably work best if you can spend time on your own as you process all these energies today.



By Andy J xx

November Super Moon 2016

On Monday 14/11/16 we will get a chance to experience a once in a lifetime (or maybe twice for some of us) event. Sure most of us have witnessed amazing Moons and Super Moons but next week the Full Moon will be the closet to Earth than any other since 1948! This Full Moon in Taurus is known as “perigree moon” It’s a fancy scientific term for ” The Moons closet point to Earth on its orbit”  but for us mere Moon Children it means the Moon is going to extra bright, extra-large and more jaw dropping than ever!

Whilst Super Moons have been shown to affect the tides, it also has the power to affect us humans here on Earth ( no surprise as we are made up of 70% water). Super Moons are supercharged and have the profound ability to amplify our emotional, physical and mental state! Our energetic bodies are effected differently all depending on your own individual astrological charts. Full Moons have the power to heighten our energy and emotions, amplify our intuition, disrupt our normal sleep patterns (either over sleeping or not at all).

So what else does this mean ? Expect synchronicities, lucid dreams, ecstatic irrational emotional burst, sensitivity to the energy of people, places and animals.

Traditionally Full Moons are a time for releasing ,they are a time for closure, for letting go of what no longer serves a purpose your life, Full Moons are a time for finales. Take a look back over the last month or so.. is there something or someone who needs healing and letting go of? Change is certain, things pass away and new things come into existence.

This amazing Supermoon in Taurus will be very positive and practical! This Full Moon will provide us with an understanding of the physical and practical side of your life, like your career , health, relationships, money and the everyday day things that we all experience . This Supermoon provides us with a great insight into these areas of our lives and we can align our energy too really experience change!

Taurus is the most practical earth sign of the zodiac. It’s the bull, and the bull energy is interested in maintaining the status quo, security, is a much grounded energy. Taurus admires and adores beautiful things, luxury, money and well good food and eating. Taurus love connection with other people along with  physical health, and well all of the things that involve planet earth. With the illumination of the Supermoon these Taurus qualities will be shining down onto us.

If anything in your life to do with those areas that you are not satisfied with, this  is the time for change! Use this powerful energy for closure, resolve the issues that are outstanding, get busy, get practical, sort things out! Do the work and get things sorted.Work on the mundane things of life that can bring you inner peace, joy and satisfactions, making your life for the better.

Is your personal relationships suffering in any way? Discus the practical circumstances of your relationship , what needs to be worked out? talk it out and be ready to accept the terms that you both agree on.

With your physical health, look inwards, what isn’t working for you?? Get in line with your body, listen to your body, what is it saying? what are you putting into your body that (much to your dismay) is not agreeing with you? It is the time for change! Cut those carbs, start eating breakfast, get up and walk on your lunch break , small changes can have the biggest impact!

If you are feeling up in the air with this intense energy floating around, the best way to balance is to ground yourself. This can achieved by walking bare foot on the ground, put your feet in the sand, take a hike in nature, swim in the ocean or  in a lake. If you are into connecting with Crystals hold them, surround yourself , meditate, find what helps sooth and ground you and work with that.

Hope you survive and get some amazing photos of this spectacular Super Moon.

Andy Jackman xx