The Taurus Full Moon illuminates beauty, Love and Sensuality! 2018


Happy Full Moon Day! This Full Moon is going to be something else! The Full Moon enters Taurus today. I like most I have felt the energy of this Full Moon build all week. A Full Moon is when the Sun in Scorpio at 1 degrees fully illuminates the Moon, it also conjuncts Retrograde Venus in 4 degrees Scorpio. The Moon also conjuncts Uranus.

The Scorpio Sun at 1 degree wants some sort of emotional experience and Venus in retrograde at 4 degrees tells us that we are entitled and deserve to have an amazing emotional experience. The energy reminds you that “Yes” are meant to explore, experiment, have fun and live a little. It also invites us to dig deep, to seek and experience things you have never experienced before. Perhaps on the naughtier side of life. This week Venus and the Sun are both in a planetary placement that tempt you to try out new things, be adventurous behave in ways you normally wouldn’t.

The Full Moon is when the Sun sits opposite to the Moon at 180 degrees from each other. Full Moons are a time of strengthened intuition, heightened emotions, and you can observe unusual activity happening around you or occurring to other people. I can tell you the Full Moon makes my pets a little loony, and others can report some sleep disturbances!

This Full Moon in Taurus astrological speaking, with the rest of the universe in play is going to be pretty much bag of mixed energies. As I mentioned earlier we are in a Retrograde Venus however we also have Uranus, the planet of sudden change, revolt and the unexpected conjunct the Full Moon!

So my dear friends, ready or not BIG CHANGE is coming for us… The real challenge for us is going to be are we ready to embrace change, all the positive side and traits of Scorpio? Are you ready to go beneath the surface? To really let go of yourself and to feel intensely? Are you ready to allow yourself to transform? We must remember for change to occur we need to release old patterns and habits along with any old attachments. We must let our old identity die so we can embrace whatever change life throws at us. Particularly with all these retrograde about, telling and showing us the old beliefs that needs transforming.

This month’s Moon will be illuminated with Taurus energy that will shine down on us. Taurus energy is all about the real world, stability, structure,  finances, practicality, money, wealth, relationships, enjoying life, food, being grounded in nature, sensuality, physical body and beauty. This Full Moon is going to urge us to do something, to create something wonderful, something physical or birth something new in any of the areas I just mentioned.  This Full Moon is about  putting yourself out there and experience all the sensuality the world has to offer. Uranus the planet of eccentricity is sitting on top of Taurus stirring the pot for unexpected, radical excitement and unexpected change. This along with Venus retrograde will help illuminate you with all those twisted desires and energies that will results in physical manifestations and actions that in no means would you normally act on.

This Full Moon being in the sign of Taurus, will feel comfortable and safe. The Moon likes sitting in this sign, as we know the Moon represents our feelings and inner world. Taurus is about solidity and sensuality in aspects not only physical but in our taste, our touch, or views, using all the senses. Taurus is about if you can sense it and touch it, than it is real. The Moon in Taurus wants us to take a change, get rid of the feelings of old, the feelings that weigh you down and blur your vision of the beauty that is around you. Take all that stagnant, emotional energy and stomp it on the ground. Awaken your senses be alive! This transformational Full Moon combined with the Sun in Scorpio is really guiding us to in touch with our own complexity and how we respond in any relationship.


Happy Full Moon week!

Andy J x

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