Today is a BIG DEAL!! A LUNAR ECLIPSE 27/7/18

Friday, July 27, 2018

Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse at 4° Aquarius.

Full Moon blessings, everyone. Today brings us to the big deal a Lunar Eclipse big deal. Today is the Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse at 4° Aquarius. A Lunar Eclipse always occurs on a Full Moon and is basically an amped-up magnified Full Moon on steroids. This eclipse is extra potent astronomically as it’s the longest total lunar eclipse in the 21st century, how exciting. This Full Moon is known as a Blood Moon and its energy is steering us in a direction of change and progress.

A Full Moon is where the Sun and Moon are sitting at 180 degrees from each other. The Moon is completely illuminated and thus showers us with its Luna energy here on earth. Traditionally a Full Moon is a completion point of the lunar cycle and is when the Moon recharges its batteries. We also experience a burst of strong energy as the Moon is highlighted with the Suns energy and that is why people here on earth can act strange or loony during a Full Moon.a Total Lunar Eclipse, is when  the Earth passes between the Sun & the Moon, the Earth with block the Suns rays from FULLY reaching the Moon, thus the Moon is fully cast within Earth’s shadow.

The Total Lunar Eclipse at 4’44 Aquarius is right smack on aggressive and sharp Mars retrograde on the karmic south node and comes in close contact to rebellious Uranus. These are very volatile energies coming into play. This also means for us we have some MAJOR  intensification of the karmic energies we are working with or through. I wont lie these next few days has the potential to cause emotional distress and detachment as Aquarius energy offers perspective and even indifference or distance if necessary.The difficulties deep rooted in this eclipse may unfold in our personal circumstances or you may watch it unfold in the outer world. Pay attention!

We also have Mars at closest alignment with Earth from July 27th-31st. He will appear to us  the brightest he has been since 2003 and a fun fact Mars will outshine Jupiter by 1.8 times.

Mars Retrograde is going to be a time when many of us are faced with shadow work. It’s main focus and a chance for us to change will be transforming our relationship, within and without of us. Unfortunately these shadow aspects are going to bring up certain dynamics around our ego, anger, jealously, aggression and rage in our personal relationships, but it does give us a chance to bring any underlying issues to light for transformation and change. Watch your temper and the urge to snap at those you love. Remember that trying to be all things to all people vs having real relationships is about finding a balance without giving to much away or alternatively taking to much for others. Aquarius luna energy means we will be more independent and creative whilst seeking change and being service to others.

As I mentioned this eclipse forms a square to Uranus, and Uranus loves to present us with the most unexpected plot twist! Today can be a sense of surprise, shock, or frustration as we get answers or revolutions into the emotions we’re confronted now with the eclipse.This Full Moon eclipse detach from others and your own mind and let go.

Look for the area or house in your chart that holds 4° Aquarius. This will highlight and indicates the area of life that requires a great deal of attention over the coming months. Remember this Eclipse energy can be felt for months after the event has happened. A new story or a change in the story in this area of life will develop from what occurs now. So pay attention.

This Full Moon the energy is steering us in a direction of change and progress. keep your eyes open as you give of yourself to help others. Helping others is the best way to care for yourself. Release what no longer works for you or is holding you down! Breath and let go, try to enjoy this eclipse it truly is a turning point.

Happy full moon day.

Andy J

 Fine details and a day of Critical self-judgment as the Moon enters Virgo. 05/01/2018.


Friday, January 5, 2018.

The Moon enters Virgo.

Mars in Scorpio semisquares Saturn in Capricorn.

Today begins with the Moon moving out of playful Leo and into diligent, organised Virgo. When the Moon is in Virgo we find our self focusing more on the finer details. We are serious, organised and very particular in the way we set out to get task done. However remember that the Virgo Moon can bring you face to face with the imperfections in life. Especially your inner imperfections and we can become very critical of our self and others. I say this often and i mean it. Be kind to yourself and others. Extend kindness to everyone you meet today,  It is more important now than you realize.

Mars and Jupiter both in the sign of Scorpio, are forming sextiles to one another tomorrow. This is wonderful aspect as we are about to head into a period of self growth and expansion, new ideas, new relationships business and romantic. It’s a real go getting attitude. We will really get into new projects and the spirit of things.

Mars in Scorpio semisquares Saturn in Capricorn. This is going to cause some friction and intense energy between the planet that drives our will and desire and the planet of Karma and the Master teacher.  Both of these willful and over focused signs being in an intense aspect could mean that our ego’s may need to kept in check. We may feel the need to become dominating and controlling of situations, but this is not the approach we should have today. Saturn is about lessons, so remember when we make decisions and actions out of fear we are not steeping into our power. The key is to take action from a place of love and balance.

Happy Friday!

By Andy J xx

Venus enters Sagittarius 01/12/2017!

Friday, December 1, 2017.

Venus enters Sagittarius.

Mars in Libra opposes retrograde Uranus in Aries.

Early this morning Venus moves out of Scorpio and entered freedom-loving Sagittarius. Venus is the planet that represents our deepest values, beauty, money, love, relationships and thus shifts the Goddess of beauty from water energy to fire energy. Venus brings our awareness to the beauty of each sign. When Venus was in Scorpio the energy was passionate, intense and possessive and now that Venus is in Sagittarius we can find our self valuing our freedom, appreciating spontaneous acts of love and grand gestures. On the other hand, some may prefer to explore, be alone and free, reach out and expand. Now, as Venus moves into Sagittarius, the lessons of love take a lighter turn. Venus in Sagittarius is also a great time to explore, travel and expand our hearts, minds and all the beauty that surrounds us.

Venus will remain in Sagittarius until December 25th, 2017. It is time to think of love, money, and beauty as a philosophical quest, as an extension of us, as a time to be free and seek the space you need to be creative. Its a time to love on your terms, to let your mind expanded and a time to let the bonds that hold you back loosen as you fall into the arms of love this month. However do not fall into the trap of the shadow side of Venus in Sadge, such as that you can be seduced by the idea of a sudden flash of fortune, new love interest and be ready to drop the world in pursuit of what you perceive is happiness. Thinking that the grass is always greener on the other side, and that your actions and words don’t affect others around you. Being to impulsive and reckless and going to big and to far, beyond a point of no return.

Another highly significant planetary occurrence happens today an opposition between action-taking Mars forms and dynamic, unexpected and revolutionary Uranus. Creating tension between our will and drive and the part of us related to our inner rebel and revolutionary self! This cycle although it seems very doom and gloom helps us get more direction in regards to the part of us that may need courage to take revolutionary actions that need to take in place in your own life and for the humanitarian needs not just in our own life but the collective lives around the world. This cycle between Mars and Uranus is approximately a two-year cycle of bringing courage and direct action and it begun back in February this year. Looking back, carefully consider what began at that time, what was your vision and what actions have you taken to reach this vision? If you have planets or points between 23 and 27 degrees of Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn), in your birth chart, you can expect this will have direct significance in your personal life.

Happy Friday!

By Andy J xx




Temper Temper! 30/11/2017.


Thursday, November 30, 2017.

 The Moon is  in Aries before it transit Taurus.

Mars opposes Uranus.

With the Moon still  in Aries this morning, you may find yourself energetic and quick to act with courage or force. You may notice a desire to take risks, or a feeling of being more egotistical that normally would not appeal to you. Later this afternoon the Moon enters grounded Taurus. Bringing a steadfast calm and grounded energy to our personal and emotional environment. The Moon feels at home in Taurus and so will we, getting all cosy with the added bonus of indulging in the finer things in life sch as comfort food, wine and cheese and relaxing. However, we can have the tendencies to over indulge so if your watching your weight for Christmas and New Years don’t give too much into temptation today!

Early this morning, the Moon makes aspects to both dynamic Mars and eccentric unexpected Uranus. You tend to be focused on yourself and may be impatient with others and easily angered. We also may find our selves getting easily agitated and quite tense. Tempers could flare up today and we can act very impulsive and reckless. It’s a great day to take care with your actions and words. Even if you feel restricted or get confronted by others and their words today, center yourself and find balance there is not point throwing oil onto a fire. On a more positive note. this can be a time of more courage to free ourselves from certain restrictive situations we have been struggling with and to help us to push ourselves to break out of the routine and try new things.


Happy Thursday!

By Andy J xx






at 12:26am mars in libra quincunxes retrograde chiron in pisces- creating tension and friction between the will, warrior and drive and the Wounded Healer planetoid. mars/chiron brings up deep old wounds and pain around our masculine sides or around men in our lives. any issues around anger, aggression, taking action, taking a stand, saying no or setting boundaries can arise for us to face today. both libra and pisces are signs that tend to over focus on others at the expense of the self. not losing the self in others and being able to set and maintain boundaries is key for personal health as well as the health of any relationships we may be in. it’s a great day to be in therapy or getting body work. any healing modalities utilized today can assist you in getting into your core wound- not so you can stay stuck there but so that you can truly feel ALL if it and release the Unconscious hold it has on you.

Early today, it can be difficult to assert ourselves effectively without provoking, annoying, or concerning others. The trick is to combine both sensitivity and directness instead of going for either/or. The Moon continues its transit of independent, competitive Aries until 3:39 PM EST, after which its transit of Taurus may help settle us down. However, we’re building to a Mars-Uranus opposition, exact tomorrow morning, that’s potentially quite tense and can stimulate impatience. Tempers can flare and a tendency to take careless risks or jump into premature action is possible. We tend to challenge situations that make us feel restricted or people if they seem to be trying to hold us back. Arguments and confrontations are likely. Positively, this can be a time of more courage to free ourselves from restrictive circumstances or to push ourselves to break out of the routine and try new things. Confrontations may help clear the air.

Today is a VERY AUTHENTIC SELF DAY. 14/9/17

Thursday, September 14th, 2017.

The Moon is in Cancer.

The Moon in Cancer sexitles Mars in Virgo.

The Moon sextiles Mercury in Virgo.

Today hands down is the best day energetically wise of the week. Perfect balance between your feelings and your thinking. Facts, opinion are balanced, neither govern you, which is great for making sound balanced decisions especially if its to do with long-term decisions. It’s a day where you are confident and very certain in your choices! Cancer is intuition , Mercury is thought and Mars adds the element of confidence these three combined make for a great day!


When the Moon is in Cancer,your attention to anticipation towards your domestic home life and deeply emotional connections and relationships. Cancer energy leaves our hearts are tender and our sensitivity can sometimes be a challenge.The Cancer Moon is sensitive, allow your vulnerabilities to show, give, and receive love and kindness. Surround yourself with your family, friends to become more comfortable and safe today.

Have a great day.

Andy J x

Monday 12/09/2017.

Monday, September 11, 2017.

The Moon enters Gemini.

The Moon forms a challenges aspect to Mars and Mercury.

This Monday morning should start out slow and easy. As the Taurus Moon loves to encourage relaxation, earthly grounding and indulging in the finer things in life! However is it a VOC so don’t try top accomplish much as the Moon will enter Gemini later today! When the Moon is in Gemini, you may feel your thought process,communication and problem solving skills pick up. Socializing will also be high on your agenda later this evening, so it’s a great time to phone up friends, siblings and get together for  a yarn and a social meal!
The Gemini Moon will clash heads forming a challenging aspects to both  Mercury and Mars.This can make for some intense, fiery, and some what aggressive conversations. Watch our for pressure to take action on your thoughts! Mercury and Mars are both building up to a conjunction at the end of the week, so expect these clashing interest and energies to build all week. Mental realm verses the assertiveness of Mars can cause pressure, stress and is not the best time to make commitments.


Happy Monday.

Andy J x



Mercury stations Direct. 05/09/2017

Tuesday 5th, September 2017.

Mercury stations Direct.

The Sun in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces.

Mars enters Virgo.

Several important astrological shifts happen in the wee hours of this morning. First, at the Sun in Virgo , like yesterday opposes Neptune in Pisces. Expect vivid dreams and good night sleep, as you awake, happy and feeling mystical the mighty Moon enters Pisces to support this passive dreamy mood and mind state.

Remember, that Neptune rules Pisces so the energy of Neptune and Pisces reflect and support each other. This energy can leave you waking up feeling inspired, intuitive and soft however you may also be feeling, vulnerable, highly impressionable and in a confused like state of consciousness. The key for today is to find a balance between action and reflection and not to get caught up in our “dream perception and ideas of life is meant to be”.
Astrological with all this busy energy floating around, it may be difficult on  to maintain boundaries between yourself and others. Be aware of this and tighten them up where they are necessary. Remember these boundaries are generally necessary to manage your everyday life. Furthermore try to loosen them where they can help you connect to others from a place of love.

Mars, who encompasses the male and the all might male energy, who is very assertive, leaves dramatic, playful Leo behind to enter productive Virgo. Mars will remain in Virgo until October 22nd. The Mars energy will shift from fire to earth, yang to yin. When Mars is in Virgo he will become very careful and precise, calculated and analytical over the coming weeks. Mars in Virgo is also great for getting organized, becoming efficient, healthy and integrated.

Then… what we have been waiting for! Mercury turns direct at 28° Leo. Bringing the planet of thinking, communication and perception into strong focus. Nevertheless, Mercury will begin moving forward steadily from here on out. Any issues in Communication, technology and that foggy thought process will begin to correct itself! So if any of you out there have been waiting for the time to sign those contract and make holiday plans you are now in technically the safe zone to do so! I can tell you im looking forward to our computers at work to start working properly and the bitchy behavior to stop!

However…We can be overwhelmed and be flooded with these many energies at the moment, that are hard to make sense of as the change takes place today. With all this energy floating around any critical decision-making might be avoided for the next day or so whilst these energies settle, as there may be too many distractions or mixed feelings along with and a general lack of clarity to deal with now!

Happy Tuesday!

Andy J x


Good Vibes! 10/08/2017

Thursday, August 10th, 2017.

The Moon continues its transit of Pisces all day.

 Mercury in Virgo sextile Venus in Cancer.

The Sun in Leo sextile Jupiter in Libra.

Mercury in Virgo sextile Venus in Cancer. Aligning our heart and our mind in a sweet expansive way, so if you are up early you could start the day off all mushy with sweet pillow talk, tell your loved one you appreciate them and express your love. Remember Mercury is about to go retrograde (Sigh, I know). Venus and Mercury link up twice this month so pay attention to what you think, say and hear today as there can be intimations of what is to come during mercury’s retrograde journey.

The Moon continues its transit of  dreamy, intuitive Pisces all day. A void of course Moon occurs from later this afternoon with the Moon’s last aspect in Pisces before changing into Aires not to mention a square to Saturn.

There may be a bit of a glitch when the Moon squares restrictive Saturn and you must face reality and move into the workday. The key is to find balance between asserting oneself and seeking points of compromise with others.

The Sun in Leo sextile Jupiter in Libra. What a great energy to help stimulate abundance, hopefulness and positive opportunities! It’s a day to engage with others in playful ways, be generous and gaining confidence in yourself, some will also gain a stronger sense of who you are and your principles. We can grasp the “bigger picture” which expands our perspective. The Leo/Libra vibes also support you in your  growth of love within all types of partnerships. In general this is great astrology for growth, luck, confidence and optimism!


Happy Thursday.

Andy J x



Thursday 20/07/2017

Thursday, July 20th, 2017.

Mars enters Leo.

The Moon is in Gemini.

The Moon conjunts Venus in Gemini and continues to trine Jupiter in Libra.

Mars the archetype of the male. The planet that represents “what I want” moves out of nurturing Cancer and enters into Leo, where it will stay in the sign until September 5th. Mars is ruled by Aires who is represented by the Ram and its all about pushing through obstacles and getting whatever is holding you back out-of-the-way. Mars is quite happy when it is in Leo, Mars being the red planet of fire and heat, and Leo like Aires is a fire sign. Its confident in this position, especially in the public eye. over the next few weeks we have the drive to go after what we want in a direct, self-assured confident manner desiring dramatic results whether we have the full details or not.

The Moon is still in chatty Gemini. The Moon conjunts Venus in Gemini and continues to trine Jupiter in Libra. What a busy day astrological speaking. It’s a great day for a confidence boost, as you become passionate! Again it is not the best day to make long-term , solid plans as your discernment is blurry. Don’t plan your life this week, go with the flow, play , laugh and socialize!


Happy Thursday.

Andy J x


Daily Grind 12/05/17 A boost in Energy

Friday, May 12th, 2017.

The Moon is in Sagittarius and it trines Venus in Aires.

Mars in Gemini trines Jupiter in Libra.

The Moon is still in fun-loving Sagittarius and it trines Venus in Aires. Mars in Gemini trines Jupiter in Libra. Well let’s do another 360 energetically and expect a lot of high energy today! I am taking loads and loads of high energy, and as a bonus its a really lucky day for love, passion, relationships and romance! Make a point of being out and about today. This energy is similar to the Full Moon we had on Wednesday where there is a high chance for love and romance! Ahhh isn’t it nice to have our energy and drive back.

As Mars in Gemini refines its trine with Jupiter the luck planet, we get a confidence and stimulating boost! Thankfully this energy of optimism should stay with you for the most of the day and to add to this the Moon is in adventurous Sagittarius, this energy inspires us to seek out of the ordinary experience, a desire to entertain and mingle. We’re cheerful, hopeful, and resilient to negativity. A key clue for really using the energy today is to find a change of scenery and mix it up, you never know what could happen!

 “Positive attitudes create winning situations”
Happy Friday

By Andy J xx