Full Moon Lunar eclipse in Leo 21/01/2019.


Monday 21st January, 2019.

Full Moon Lunar eclipse in Leo.

Early this morning and late last night while you were sleeping the second eclipse of the month, a Full Moon lunar eclipse occurred. Lunar Eclipses are just like regular Full Moon only stronger, its effects will be felt for the next 6 months. During this Full Moon lunar eclipse, we are offered a unique opportunity to reset our emotions along with a chance to clear away much discomfort or old energy from recent months. Think back over the past few months? Can you see a past issue or problem that clearly has seemed beyond view until now? Open your eyes, you may be surprised at what you have missed over the past few months that is now so clearly obvious.

This month’s Full Moon is in the playful sign of Leo. A Full Moon traditionally is when the Sun and the Moon are at 180 degrees of each other, this mean the Sun in Aquarius forms an opposition with the Moon in Leo. A Full Moon is a completion point of the Luna cycle. As it is completely illuminated with light, it showers us with not only Luna but solar energy. Lunar Eclipse’s interrupt this recharging of the Moon that is why eclipses are so powerful, important and its effects last six months.

This Full Moon in Leo will be fiery, energetic, charged and upbeat! This Moon will also be a Super Moon, meaning it appears much larger to our naked eye here on earth. The total lunar eclipse at 0 degrees Leo will mark the half way point of the current Eclipse season we are in. We had a partial Solar eclipse in Capricorn on 5th January, 2019. Eclipse are basically a radical time of change, growth and healing, and this Eclipse lines up with the North Node which is all about our destiny and karma.

This month, the Sun is in Aquarius at 0 degrees. It will be focused mainly on service to humanity. Aquarius is looking to the future and learning about how it can make life better for everyone as a whole. Its focus is at a more of a local point, its intelligent, witty, loves technology and its advancement. Aquarius asks “how can I be of service to others”. It’s interested in learning and making positive, radical change. This energy will be illuminating and charging up the beautiful Moon this month!

The Moon represent the most sensitive parts of us, it’s all about who we are and how we feel. The Moon is sitting at 0 degrees in Leo. In Leo, our inner child or your internal feelings are magnified and heightened! You want to explore, you want to feel alive, you are self-motivated and life becomes 10 shades of dramatic. You will find that you want to harness your power, you will get a much-needed cosmic confidence boost. You will be the life of the party, communicating and interacting with others will be a high priority over the coming weeks. Leo is ruled by the Sun, and we all know the Sun is the center of the solar system as is Leo personality, it illuminating, its life, it’s all about you and how you are as a person, and it represents your identity and sense of self. Leo loves being confident, it’s about “you being you” and not compromising that for no one!  Leo’s energy encompass optimism, being enthusiastic and enjoying life! Its fiery energy can burn through obstacles singe any stagnant energy that’s holding you back!

This Super Eclipse Moon is sitting next to the north node in 26 degrees Cancer. Whenever the Moon is near the north node it’s pulling energy in, karmic/ destiny energy. Numerology speaking 26 degrees adds up to eight. Eight is the number of abundance and power. So not only will we feel the effects of this powerful Moon, we will have the added bonus of north node in Cancer to help us achieve our goals and desires. Perhaps it’s wise to remember that Cancer is ruled by the Moon, and lunar eclipses bring to attention our inner emotions, what’s working in our life, relationships, our home life and how we can heal and transform those areas. In particular things that have been brewing under the surface, you will find surface up for transformation and change… Expect Fun, laughter and love as well as our relationships, children and family will be under a spotlight and become very important to us. Imagine a lioness taking care of her cubs! All these energies are intertwined and illuminated in us for the next 6 months. Make the most out of these energies. It’s time to not only get in touch with ourselves but those around us we love.

This Lunar Eclipse will have the ability to get us to review and access at our own emotions, our needs and what we “feel” is lacking from our life. The polarity between Leo and Aquarius is going to deal with our personal and our impersonal self, the key this Full moon is to find a balance between our egotistic, confidence and self-expressive side and the part of us that wants to help others, that is selfless and objective. The Leo Moon is proud, self-reliant and dramatic Aquarius Sun is values a more team player and individual approach to life.

Lunar Eclipses trigger a self-awareness in all of us, it allows matters come to light. From areas of your life that only may need a fine tune to areas that need a complete revamp. With so much energy floating around you should take a look at your natal chart for a clue to where you need to put your energy. See what areas of Leo rules over what house, this can give your insight to the areas that may come into focus now.  Deep down inside, despite all we ignore we know that change is necessary for growth.

On the shadow side with Leo Moon, you may face challenges or small hurdles with dramatic self-expression, resulting in your ‘inner-child’ being on full display. Over reacting, being overly dramatic, self-centered and always the center of attention, also watch out for the urge for temper tantrums. Another dark side includes taking situations and emotions to extreme for example arrogance, vanity and self-absorption Remember with a Leo Moon “Pride before a fall”. With an awareness of these tendency, it would be wise to determine if this full expression is in your best interest and adjust your behaviour and actions accordingly.


Happy Full Moon Day!


Andy J x




What a way to start off February 01/02/18

Thursday, February 1, 2018.

The Full Moon enters Virgo.

The Sun in Aquarius semisextiles Neptune in Pisces.

The Virgo Moon forms a challenging square aspect to Mars in Sagittarius.

Morning, Wow a way to start off February, how was everyone experience with the Super Blood Blue Moon last night? Anyone bask in its glory? Unfortunately here in Australia we had a visit from mother nature and its stormed all night. Blue Blood Moons historically have been a Oman for change, usually a positive change but change no less. At least I hope you got to do a Full Moon ritual or charged up your crystals last night! Even holding the intention is powerful enough to start change!

The Sun in Aquarius semisextiles Neptune in Pisces. This has the ability to create a harmonious and easy aspect between our conscious self and the planet of empathy and mysticism. This placement makes it great for those after an intuitive and mystical pursuit, its amazing for mediation or connecting with your higher self. It’s also great energy at figuring out what you want to release this Full Moon! This time is so important for those who are wishing to make a positive change!

Today begins with the Full Moon still in playful, dramatic Leo. However, she is much quieter than normal especially in such an energetic sign. Instead responding in a withdrawn manner throughout the morning. You may find that you want to retreat and focus on a creative and personal project. By the time the Full Moon enters Virgo after lunch you will be able to focus more on the fine detail and organisation of your project or whatever you have been creating up! So if things don’t seem yo add up or you have a block this morning, just remember there is a chance for you to see things from a different more structured light later on in the day, slow and steady will win today’s race

By tonight, the mood may change as the sometimes overly particular and critical Virgo Moon forms a challenging square aspect to Mars in Sagittarius. It would be easy to say that some may get into a hotheaded and intense argument or find people’s views unrealistic and arguable,that however you may will soon regret. If you find your tempers rising or emotions getting intense , just breath and let any aggression roll off your back, walk away and whatever you do not engage yourself in. This energy is only temporary and will pass.


Happy Thursday!

Andy j x


Your Hopes are Dreams are Really going to something this New Moon. 18/12/17

Happy New Moon Day!

Today we have New Moon at 27o Sagittarius

This New Moon in Sadge occurs world-wide on;
SYDNEY: December 18, 5.30pm
NEW YORK: December 18, 1.30am
LONDON: December 18, 6.30am

This months Full Moon is the sign of Sagittarius, its wonder to align yourself with the new moon energy, to  feel whats being pulled in and in this case, its optimistic, fun-loving, happy, adventurous, philosophy and helpful energy.

It’s a New Moon , so pull it in, channel it and it will give you ideas, dreams for the future. It is the light at the end of tunnel we have been waiting for. We have the chance to make our dreams become reality in the most positive way.

Over the new few days under this fire sign influence. It will give us a cosmic push and  sparks up the fire within you. Its going to give you energy to explore! The motto is, if you can feel it, want it you can have it.

The Sun and Moon both at 180 degrees opposite each other at 26 degrees Sagittarius. The New Moon occurs in the flamboyant sign of Sagittarius. Sagittarius is represented by the Centaur. This New Moon will be pulling in the traits of Sagittarius! The energy is that of the Archer, the optimistic, eager to learn, to explore, is enthusiastic, honest, independent and adventurous.

This month it is wise to focus and incorporate these energies and qualities when making your New Moon intentions. The Sadge centaur is rare, and is one of hope. The Centaur, has the bottom half of a horse. His top half is man ( Human). He is ready to shoot his bow and arrow to get to a goal or reach its desired destination. This symbol of the Centaur represents momentum, transcending our animistic natures, giving us the strength, freedom and speed to gallop to our goals.

I over head someone wise say… Its quicker to reach our destination, goals and ideas running on four legs than two. A mystical creature with the brain of a man with desires, intelligence, ideas, speed, logic and know’s where he wants to gallop to. Because of this, he can take his bow and arrow and decides where he wants to shoot it (or gain focus). Rather than the half animal beast making impulsive actions and plans out irrational decisions that are more in the here and now and not for the great future.

Our ego this month, like every month will raise its naughty face. Self doubt, over thinking, trying to tell you that you can’t do things, or you are not god enough, not smart enough to further your education or travel, pretty enough, qualified enough to reach your dreams. Thanks to our depressive Mr Ego, I know it’s there to protect us but it can turn people into version of themselves they rather not be. Don’t lose your way, if we can dream it we can have it. Its going to be a hopeful New Moon energy, we finally see light at the end of the tunnel and its gives you the scene of empowerment .

Yes my dreams can come true, I can be happy and reach for the stars.

As we know New Moon represent a time for new beginnings.  A time to planet seeds f intention that we wish to grow over the coming weeks. Here are the top ways to use today’s New Moon in Sagittarius!

26 degrees breaks down too,  2 plus 6 which equals 8. In numerology, 8 is the divine number of power.Its boost out ability to realize we can make our dreams come true, you do have the power to make it happen. The power of the New Moon will really help you release that yes I can go to university, yes I can enroll in cooking class, help you ssearch for the meaning of life. You may be thinking, yes I may not have the quantification but that doesn’t mean i cant get them by take a course and make my dream a reality. This takes power and energy and this New Moon provides both.

The vibration of 8 resonates more than any other number of  business, finances career, power and authority. 8 traditionally is also very known to be a the karmic balance. Infinity, as above as below, everything in this universe has an yin and yang, as above as below, action and reaction. Eight is a force that just as easily creates as it destroys. eight is a power  that you can be assured that you will reap what you’ve sown.

Some little hints  tips, taken out of the positive traits of Sadge for your New Moon list

 Sadge loves adventures, excitement , travel and freedom. it’s the end of the year, make a plan to get away from it all, it been a very harsh year for most. Go wondering, book a holiday, have a dinner party, get in a Van and start driving the excitement off not knowing is a thrill not even money can buy.

Study, enroll in a summer class, learn a new skill, volunteer! its brings freedom because it opens us up to more work opportunities. Learning new things can also help you getting some personal freedom and hay  in turn, can bring more cash and money from all the cool new things you have learnt.

Last but not least. If life has become a tad stale, ask yourself if you’re doing enough to change the vibrations?  When was the last time you went out on a date that seemed forced, such as ” we don’t spend enough time together”. Grab your love and just surprise them,be spontaneous, have fun, date, take a risk! Bring back the sunshine in your life, laugh, be silly lay under the stars and enjoy the simple things.


If you’ve been moaning or focusing on the negative this past couple of months, then  this time to turn that around. Take a moment now, write down the 3 people or situations you’re most grateful for! Sagittarius hate the mundane life. We now focus on goals that will increase our understanding and awareness of our inner, outer and the world around us, Sadge will give us the courage and a cosmic push to expand our horizons, and gain confidence.

Take note on everything I have mentioned. Make a list of the positive traits, than next to that write how you would like these key words, energies and traits in your life and write it down in your New Moon wishes.


Happy New Moon Day xoxox

By Andy j .


New Moon in Virgo.

Wednesday, September 20th, 2017.

The New Moon in Virgo.

Today the Sun and the Moon sit next to each other. The Moon is completely black and she is recharging, working up the energy for the next Full Moon . The New Moon represents the beginning of a new lunar cycle. The first since the big Solar Eclipse on August 21st. This months New Moon is at 27 degrees in Virgo. Virgo is the energy that will be pulled into this New Moon. The Sun and Moon both sit at 27 degrees in Virgo. Virgo is an earth sign, it is very good at taking in information breaking it down and coming up with meaning and answers.

Virgo is a great sign to sort out problems, it knows whats working, what isn’t, whats worth putting energy into and whats worth cutting your losses. Its deceive at looking at all the information and independently making sound meaningful decisions and actions. During this New Moon this is the sort of energy you will feel being pulled in.

New Moons equal new beginnings! This New Moon is an excellent opportunity for us to formulate some goals you want to achieve over the next month. Plant a seeds of commitment and intention and in the case of using Virgo’s energy! This means planting seeds of kindness, self-care, organisation, support and helping others out. Lets harness all the goodness of Virgo’s energy this New Moon. Organisation should be high on your list when making your New Moon intentions, especially so that we can free our minds of clutter. Organisation in regards to your health is very important ( I know it’s a priority for me, post winter body and sluggish), is there a new diet or exercise routine you have been wanting to try? Need more time and critical awareness in regards to your diet and eating habits? Now is the chance to focus you time and attention to making healthy changes! Do you need inspiration and a clear mind in handling the finer details of your day-to-day life? Does your work or home need some organization or rearranging for the better? Yes, you may notice a desire to clear space in your closets and cupboards! However, don’t forget to clear the clutter from your heart and minds! Setting up specific routines this month that will help us manage our lives in constructive, supportive and mindful ways, and all this should be a massive the clue when writing your New Moon wish list.

So today take an inventory of your life! Pay attention to the details, write down whats going well and whats working and what not an needs changing!Clearing out the spaces of your life is great so we can focus and support new areas of growth in our life, in others, in your relationships and in our self. Virgo is very analytical so pay particular attention to your daily routines and I bet you will be surprised in the outcome. Maybe getting organised gives you more time for yourself, your family and most importantly a clear, happy mind!

Just remember there is always a less positive side to any sign. Virgo’s are known to be perfectionist, critical (on themselves and others) and can be a little nit picky. Doing your best is one thing, but trying to be a perfectionist is another. Don’t go searching for flaws, imperfections or bad habits in people and your self! Avoid being too critical and don’t be hard on yourself. Remember this is an exciting fresh new start! It’s a New Moon wishing Day! If negative thoughts or habits pop up, refocus your thoughts to how can I help and commit myself to help build platforms of kindness and support for others. Really ask yourself.. How can I help? and most of all build a solid foundation  and self-care for yourself.

Happy New Moon Wishing .

if you need some advise on writing your intentions click here on  How to create a New Moon ritual .

By Andy J xx

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Leo 21/8/17.

The New Moon in Leo Takes place this week! It will also be a Solar Eclipse!

Here are the eclipse times around the world:
New Moon Eclipse at 29 Leo.

SYDNEY: August 22, 4:30am.

NEW YORK: August 21, 2:30pm.

LONDON: August 21, 7:30pm.

This will be a total Solar Eclipse happening August 21st 2017. The Sun totally disappears behind the Moon today! Especially for the lucky folks that live in America. Astrologically, The Sun is in Leo and the New Moon in Leo is pulling in lots and lots of Leo energy that will reflect in our lives.

The New Moon occurs in Leo  at 28o, now from a numerology standpoint, 2 plus 8 equals 10. In numerology 10 reduces to 1, and the energy of 1 is all about leaderships. It vibrates new beginnings, power, starting new things and really stepping into your power. Hmm ad into the mix the Leo energy which is also about makes this New Moon Solar Eclipse more powerful! Leo is fire energy, the Sun is also in Leo and Leo is ruled by the Sun so it’s about power, confidence and about positive outlooks, playful energy, children and enjoying life. This Leo energy being pulled is about stepping into yourself and taking back your power, having access to your own passions and desires internally and grasping them dreams and making them a reality!

This New Moon in Leo will be one of  creation, its essence is one of primal force. This New Moon will force us to make changes that get results. The energy is powerful and we will see results, we will not be limited, nor will we allow anyone or anything to hold us back from reaching our potential. Leo is aggressive and does what is necessary energetically to create and produce results. The Leo energy that is being pulled in pushes obstacles aside or simply drills right through them like a fierce lion, much like the vibrational force that number 1 resonate with.

This New Moon in Leo Eclipse means you’re getting a big restart in life. How exciting if you ask me! Have a look at where Leo is taking place in your chart. This will give you a huge clue as to where in your life you can expect something new and exciting to develop.

This month takes your flaws and use them as a guide to make changes. Take this Leo energy, this number 1 energy and spear point the direction you want your life to be , especially what you want to achieve over the next coming 3 – 6 months.  Eclipses are nothing to fear, they are actually great for moving forward, especially if you have been feeling stuck lately.

This month I want you to walk upright with pride and purpose. When writing your New Moon manifestations and wish list incorporate Leo energy, be strong, be determined, unwavering and with specific goals in mind. This month and over the next half of the year there is a real potential you can turn dreams and ideas into reality.

The Solar Eclipse will bring in lots of fiery energy, a sense of buzzing or a jolt of energy. Be aware that we are in a Mercury Retrograde period, so miscommunication and getting our wires crossed can happen. Along with all this proud Leo energy being channeled through us. With the feeling that the world is our oyster and we can do whatever we like, be warned in the way you think and communicate, be cautious when we voicalise what these needs are, dot your I’s and cross your T’s. Especially when talking to friends and family, as simple misunderstandings can lead to offending others and insulting them. Its ging to be a tricky balance we must achieve and when we are flying so high with all this confidence energy our attitudes and behaviors can be destructive as we may not be able to see past ourselves and make mistakes. When we are ultra confident , so please make sure you have all the correct information to back your self up!! This is a big key during this period! Confidence with caution should be the motto.

Use this Solar eclipse and pull that power into your chart. If you are a Leo or a fire sign, you are going to feel at home with the energy. If you are an Earth sign you will feel more inspired when you take practical action. If are an Air sign you may feel a tad bit flighty or indecisive as too much of a good thing is too much for you to handle. If you are a Water sign you may feel either very passionate or very frustrated in regards to the feelings you have and if things don’t go your way!


Happy New Moon Manifesting and Solar Eclipse!

Andy Jackman.

Lunar Eclipse 2017.

Monday August 7th, 2017.

The Moon is in Aquarius.

Full Moon Eclipse at 16 Aquarius
SYDNEY: August 8, 4.10am
NEW YORK: August 7, 2.10pm
LONDON: August 7, 7.10pm

Today  the 7th August, brings a Full Moon eclipse in the sign of  Aquarius. On saying this, for us poor folks down in the southern hemisphere the eclipse will take place in the early wee hours of tomorrow morning. However please note those lucky enough to live in the northern hemisphere you get to experience this Luna Full Moon Eclipse.

This Full Moon in Aquarius is only going to be a partial Lunar Eclipse. This Luna eclipses will be initiating us into a metaphysical eclipse portal that will unfold over the next 2 weeks bring issues in our lives to fulfillment.

Full Moons Lunar Eclipses emotional energy will be heighten. Some areas of your  life activated by this eclipse in Aquarius may see dramatic turns around, however, only after you have acknowledged, healed, forgave, let go, accepted those parts of you that may need tweaking or changing , released situations or areas in which you stay in denial over. After which, something will come to light . The path needs to be cleared so you can move forward on this journey you call life. Channeling the positive aspect of Aquarius energy to help heal and release!

If you have a chance , sit down and think about what no longer serves a purpose in your life, get a better idea of what needs to change, or what needs to go. Get in touch with your emotions.


Happy Full Moon day!

Andy J x


Power struggles, as Jupiter Squares Pluto. 04/08/2017

Friday, August 4, 2017.

The Moon is in Capricorn.

 Jupiter in Libra squares retrograde Pluto in Capricorn.

The Moon is in mature Capricorn. The Capricorn Moon does its best to keep  a level head and reasoning on the table but it will be a challenge. Do your best today to maintain some balance and maturity without letting the darker traits of Capricorn surface like pessimism and over ambitiousness. Maintain your integrity!!! Power struggles can get exacerbated right now, especially with this Jupiter/ Pluto square. Today instead, focus on standing centered in your own power and space and have others meet you half way.

Jupiter in Libra squares retrograde Pluto in Capricorn. This is the final in a set of three squares between Jupiter and Pluto that begun in November 2016. We might throw ourselves into working on resolutions or finding harmonious  answers.

The positive aspect of this square is that it has the ability to stimulate our inner ambitions.The energy fuels us up to set our goals high,high enough that we can achieve anything. This square basically stirs up and creates friction and tension between the planet of transformation and healing, and the planet of expansion! We now see our desire to transform and evolve and realize its not that far to grasp.

However, this Jupiter-Pluto square also stimulates a part in us that may be overreaching. We may take on too many interests, activities, change and desires under this planetary influence. We can place too much pressure and importance on what we want to achieve ignoring our energy and our limits burning the candle at both ends.

The key to managing the energies is to ease up on the pressure we place on ourselves and others, and not to stir up others with our strong point of view and stand point. As we can find the urge to exaggerate our importance or power we hold, either to ourselves or others.


Happy Friday!

Have a good weekend.

Andy j x


Friday 10/2/17

Friday February  10th, 2017

The Moon in Leo opposes the Sun and Mercury in Aquarius.

Mercury in Aquarius forms a sextile to Venus in Aries today.

The Moon in Leo opposes the Sun and Mercury in Aquarius. Than the Moon Sextiles Venus in Aires. Wow this is an amazing day for new beginnings, a new job, a new relationship, having an interview. Any kind of practical or physical circumstances that you can put out there in the world today will have positive outcomes. Today is the day to do so! This is because you will be more switch on, confident, articulate and you will find that you can put your ideas into practice. Communication and your thought process is sassy , quick, very new age and upbeat if you have been dreaming of that holiday maybe today you can put a deposit down or get out a map and plot the places you want to see! Anything you can put out there in the world today that benefits your dreams and the dreams of those close to you, well today is the day to do so. You can thanks the universe for this – because you will be more switched on, confident, articulate, focused and you will find that you can put your ideas into practice, and these ideas will be strong so if your gut tells you to peruse something go for it.

Mercury in Aquarius forms a sextile to Venus in Aries today. When Fire and Air combine we MUST take care when negotiating, please clarify feelings and miss communication particularly in love, with family and any partnerships and plans. Have a discussion with others and make sure that you are on the same path and have the same understanding. When Mercury the ruler of communication, travel and the mental realm dances with Venus the planet of love and creativity gives our charm a boost , social grace, romantic overtures, grand gestures of love, self-love and sensuality. We’re inclined to verbal or analyze our feelings and relationships more than normal. We might also communicate with more warmth and style and try to see others point of view.

The Moon is in Leo all day, reaching full tonight. How exciting as we are so close to the  Full Moon  Lunar Eclipse. Full Moons and Lunar Eclipses bring issues in our lives to fulfillment. have you felt the build up of intense emotions this week? People acting impulsive or strange. Our emotions can and will heightened or those around you. I can tell you I have barely slept all week, but still full of energy and my emotions have been like a whirlwind, but on that note, thank you Universe, as it’s all been positive emotions with a dash of over thinking lower emotions but I am a Cancerian and Moon Child so that is natural around Full Moons.

This weekend however with all this intense lunar energy, often some drama may evolve. The areas of our life that seem to be a problem or not resolving even if you have tried every resource to fix them may see dramatic turns , when activated by the Eclipse , after which the path is clear to move forward.Something may  come  light at the time of the Full Moon. Remember Full Moons are a time of release so do a physical, spiritual, emotional and mental cleanse this weekend. Epiphanies are likely now and can propel us into affirmative action.

So  get in touch with your emotions, only so you can get a better idea of what needs to change, needs to be cleansed or what needs to go.

Have a great Lunar Weekend! Down here in Australia we will be getting the hottest weekend since 1800’s the high will be 108 Fahrenheit  that 43 degrees Celsius to all us amazing humans down under.

Happy Friday.

Andy j xx

Full Moon Ritual

Full moon Ritual

As the full moon is upon us, it’s time to reflect and release those things that no longer serve us. Let go of what you no longer need in your life or any aspect of yourself that you may have outgrown. The moon, being the closest astronomical mass to Earth, has a profound effect on us. When the moon is full, it is at its high tide of power, amplifying energies. The moon traditionally represents the emotional, nurturing, creative and feminine aspect of our lives. When the energy is intense and as powerful as this, it enables you to take action, have you ever felt a pull or an urge leading up to the full moon? Many people feel this intensifying energy, it is a sign that you may need to release energies that no longer serve you, and you can do this by performing a Full moon ritual.

The full moon period is a great time to take action towards your new moon intentions you made two weeks prior and is a great opportunity for some self-reflection. The full moon can shed some light on what could be holding you back and what needs to be released that’s standing in your way .

A Full Moon ritual is a powerful way to invoke the intention of releasing and Letting go. You can purge yourself of any old identities, frame of mind, attitudes, behavior and situations. You may wish to take an inventory of thoughts and beliefs no longer serving you, clean out your possessions. Remember, you can release anything emotionally, physically, mentally or spiritually.  Release any addictions such as food or drama, emotional vampires,  unhappiness in your job , relinquishing suffering involved in hurtful relationships.

You can also seek guidance from your spirit guides or angels to help highlight what is ready to be shed from your life. Tools to help you connect with your guides include oracle cards, journaling and automatic writing, or mediation. Trust the guidance that comes to you, your gut instincts are usually right.

Write down all the things you wish to release and give thanks for what it’s already served. After writing them down you can visualise them being released and healed, do this by performing your ritual sitting under the moon or at a window with the moon shining down.

 What you need

Pen, paper, lighter, candle, small bowls (if you intend on burning your notes) , water, sage and other personal objects such as crystals.

  1. Create a sacred space. Find a quiet, clutter free place to sit, place crystals or other special tokens around you.
  2. Clear your energy. Burn sage and clear your energy space, or you can imagine standing under a silver or bright white waterfall of pure light and allow all negative and lower energies to be cleared away.
  3. Light the candle, Take a few deep breaths, center yourself and then begin to write on the piece of paper what you wish to release from your life
  4. When you have finished your list, sign and date the page.
  5. Go into your heart space/chakra and declare “I now let this go. I ask you angels to please take this list for healing and transmutation, and I thank you, Amen.” Then place the piece of paper over the candle allowing the flame to light your page, you then place it in the bowl and watch as the flames consume and release your request to the universe for healing.
  6. Use your intuition to guide you. You may just want to sit under the moon and read your list aloud, or with a lit candle and not burn your page. You may want to meditate on what to let go of. Just the intention of releasing and letting go can work.

Just remember… our words have power. Saying – “Be Gone” audibly and loudly can be very freeing. Thank the spirits and angels. Be safe and don’t forget to have some fun.


Written by Andy Jackman x




Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, Friday 16/9/16

Friday September 16, 2016

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces

Mars in Sagittarius trines retrograde Eris in Aries

The lunar eclipse in Pisces today is marking the midway point of the current lunar cycle eclipse that began with the solar eclipse in Virgo on 1/9/16. With the Virgo-Pisces axis involved in this Lunar Eclipse, it presses us to look more closely at our lives, what needs do we have?, What do we feel is lacking? and want do we to bring into our lives? When this axis is activated  we search for a balance between our material world and our spiritual reality. Virgo energy is all about bring balance in our daily life and routines. Virgo is about bringing order in our physical and general health and learning new too tools and techniques to deal with day to day life. Pisces is the sign that rules the tools that we use to deal with our spiritual selves. So just go with the flow, ride the emotional wave and pay attention to your intuition as it will surely  guide you in the right direction.

The Full Moon lunar eclipse can make our emotions high! It is particularly an emotional day with the lunar eclipse falling in Pisces. Our intuition will be heightened so pay attention to your gut feelings, thoughts, repetitive emotions and images that come to you today and over the next few days as it’ll take a while before the real effects of the eclipse can be seen.

This Lunar Eclipse in Pisces is known to thrust us into a state of heightened awareness. This time can be great to be creative, to be inspired as Pisces flow of emotions and creativity is extraordinary. This Full Moon some of us may move towards feelings of love, or romantic declarations and revelations. Feeling a burst of love for everyone in your life and people you may just meet… and then some of us will be irritable and won’t know exactly why! Another effect of Full Moon eclipse is some people’s common sense is temporarily ” eclipsed” as they walk around in a daze like state and others will experiences a new idealistic side that makes us charge full speed ahead

Mars in Sagittarius trines retrograde Eris in Aries  aligning the fiery warrior planet with his sister planet of chaos and disruption. This could unearth any unprocessed or unaddressed anger and aggression along with the Full Moon which is about releasing what no longer serves us we will find a way to let go off what we need to in order to move forward. This aspect will help us set up boundaries for ourselves and we will learn to say NO..luckily the aspect between the two is harmonious and very passionate, so harness this energy and take charge.

Have a great day and happy Full Moon eclipse

Andy Jackman xx