111 Master Number… What does this Number symbolize?

Do you ever see the same repeated numbers everywhere you look? Lately whether it is on my clock, the bus route, on a receipt, my heart rate on my fit bit today and most other days 111 BPM , I keep seeing 111. Even the date today is 11/1/18,  hence why I thought it great day to write a little blurb about the number 111! These numbers aren’t coincidences, they are messages from the universe inviting us to be an example of positive change, especially for people who are known as light workers.

Lets start from the beginning. In numerology, numbers hold a certain vibration and a certain power behind them, some more than others. 111, well this number carries the combined attributes and energies of the number 1 and the master number 11. Oh La La! 111 is one of the most powerful numbers in numerology, as each number is not as special as others, and this crazy cool combination has special powers, including manifestation and magic.

OK let me give you a quick run down of each number..


The number 1 in numerology or if your birth number is 1 (Mine is) is known for being unique, independent and very assertive. The number 1 also resonates with qualities of new beginnings, moving forward, motivation, inspiration and most importantly self-leadership. Number 1 is a very positive number.

The number 11 in numerology, is hands down one of the most powerful karmic master numbers there is. This number vibrates at a level of spiritual awakening and enlightenment. This number resonates with our inner calling, our own inspiration, our sensitivity, our intuition and self-expression. This master number helps those who want to connect with their higher self, to learn about the spiritual world, manifestation, to get clarity on their life purpose or your souls mission in this life time.

When these two numbers are combined together, not only do they fuse their own energies together, they explode with nothing but power! 111 has a history of being associated with the way we think manifest. It’s about watching your thoughts, words, actions and ideas. It’s about being aware of how you think and feel, and we all know how  the Law of Attraction works. 111 is strongly linked up to manifesting our dreams and connecting with the divine. When you are continually seeing repetitive 1, 11, 111 it’s a time to give yourself a tune up and watch your thoughts, having positive thoughts will quickly manifest your dreams into a reality.

111 is giving us a wonderful opportunity to expand. It means the gates are open for us and we are ready to receive. You should monitor your thoughts carefully and only think about what you want, and for some, what you don’t want, like debt, pain, blockages in connecting to the divine.

Many also claim, such as Doreen Virtue, Kyle grey and other metaphysical leaders that the number 111 is a message from your higher – self, Angels, master teachers, Ascendant Masters or your spirit guides. It is the ideal time to make use of this manifestation gift and open lines of connection to the divine. You can ask your angels, guides, master teachers, higher self what they are trying to tell you. Sit quietly and simply ask, have faith and watch, listen and feel for any impressions, tingling, gut feelings you get, it could come to you in a dream, as an idea, as a thought, even to simply take a left turn rather than a right on the way home one day.

The biggest message for this number is, that it is so important to pay special attention to your thoughts to help manifest your desires. The thoughts you are thinking are manifesting at record speed. It is the ideal time to make use of this manifestation magic.

Some key points to remember

  • Use your  inner wisdom and intuition to guide you.
  • 111 is a number that will help you bring out the best in yourself , it will also give you a boost and point you in the right direction to further make progress on your life path.
  • Use positive affirmations during this period and have an optimistic attitude to make the most of the number 111.
  • This is a time when you think it.. Boom it manifest into form.
  • Focus only upon your desires and not upon your fears.
  • Keep your thoughts, emotions , actions, and words positive, from a place of love and light!
  • focus on the blessing and abundance you have, like attract like.
  • it’s extra important to keep your thoughts focused upon your desires, dreams and what you want to bring into your life.
  • Remember, you are literally in touch with the divine, be excited!
  • It’s all about the frequencies you are admitting out, the universe matches this and responds, so stay positive!
  • Another great way to use this magic is to focus your thoughts on something that is contributing to the healing, saving,  growth and nurturing of this beautiful  world.

Remember everyone, when you consistently see the number 111. It also means it’s time to take action! It is a call from source, the creator, God, the Universe, your guides, the Angels whomever is your higher power its letting you know they arrived and its time for you as a light worker to step up and do the job you love and are meant to do. Be a leader, spread some happiness and love, it helps to raise your vibration. Be a leader or inspiration in this beautiful world we live in. You are the light, and gratitude is the best attitude to have, and shift your vibes to a happy, loving and positive feel.



By Andy J xx




New Moon Solar Eclipse in Leo 21/8/17.

The New Moon in Leo Takes place this week! It will also be a Solar Eclipse!

Here are the eclipse times around the world:
New Moon Eclipse at 29 Leo.

SYDNEY: August 22, 4:30am.

NEW YORK: August 21, 2:30pm.

LONDON: August 21, 7:30pm.

This will be a total Solar Eclipse happening August 21st 2017. The Sun totally disappears behind the Moon today! Especially for the lucky folks that live in America. Astrologically, The Sun is in Leo and the New Moon in Leo is pulling in lots and lots of Leo energy that will reflect in our lives.

The New Moon occurs in Leo  at 28o, now from a numerology standpoint, 2 plus 8 equals 10. In numerology 10 reduces to 1, and the energy of 1 is all about leaderships. It vibrates new beginnings, power, starting new things and really stepping into your power. Hmm ad into the mix the Leo energy which is also about makes this New Moon Solar Eclipse more powerful! Leo is fire energy, the Sun is also in Leo and Leo is ruled by the Sun so it’s about power, confidence and about positive outlooks, playful energy, children and enjoying life. This Leo energy being pulled is about stepping into yourself and taking back your power, having access to your own passions and desires internally and grasping them dreams and making them a reality!

This New Moon in Leo will be one of  creation, its essence is one of primal force. This New Moon will force us to make changes that get results. The energy is powerful and we will see results, we will not be limited, nor will we allow anyone or anything to hold us back from reaching our potential. Leo is aggressive and does what is necessary energetically to create and produce results. The Leo energy that is being pulled in pushes obstacles aside or simply drills right through them like a fierce lion, much like the vibrational force that number 1 resonate with.

This New Moon in Leo Eclipse means you’re getting a big restart in life. How exciting if you ask me! Have a look at where Leo is taking place in your chart. This will give you a huge clue as to where in your life you can expect something new and exciting to develop.

This month takes your flaws and use them as a guide to make changes. Take this Leo energy, this number 1 energy and spear point the direction you want your life to be , especially what you want to achieve over the next coming 3 – 6 months.  Eclipses are nothing to fear, they are actually great for moving forward, especially if you have been feeling stuck lately.

This month I want you to walk upright with pride and purpose. When writing your New Moon manifestations and wish list incorporate Leo energy, be strong, be determined, unwavering and with specific goals in mind. This month and over the next half of the year there is a real potential you can turn dreams and ideas into reality.

The Solar Eclipse will bring in lots of fiery energy, a sense of buzzing or a jolt of energy. Be aware that we are in a Mercury Retrograde period, so miscommunication and getting our wires crossed can happen. Along with all this proud Leo energy being channeled through us. With the feeling that the world is our oyster and we can do whatever we like, be warned in the way you think and communicate, be cautious when we voicalise what these needs are, dot your I’s and cross your T’s. Especially when talking to friends and family, as simple misunderstandings can lead to offending others and insulting them. Its ging to be a tricky balance we must achieve and when we are flying so high with all this confidence energy our attitudes and behaviors can be destructive as we may not be able to see past ourselves and make mistakes. When we are ultra confident , so please make sure you have all the correct information to back your self up!! This is a big key during this period! Confidence with caution should be the motto.

Use this Solar eclipse and pull that power into your chart. If you are a Leo or a fire sign, you are going to feel at home with the energy. If you are an Earth sign you will feel more inspired when you take practical action. If are an Air sign you may feel a tad bit flighty or indecisive as too much of a good thing is too much for you to handle. If you are a Water sign you may feel either very passionate or very frustrated in regards to the feelings you have and if things don’t go your way!


Happy New Moon Manifesting and Solar Eclipse!

Andy Jackman.