Wake Up Sleepy Head! 14/12/18

Friday, December 14th, 2018.

The Moon is in Pisces.

Venus in Scorpio semisextiles Jupiter in Sagittarius.

As we awake this morning, the Moon is in dreamy Pisces, making it a little harder to get out of bed and  a bit less productive than you normally could be, not the best news for your boss. The Moon spends most of the day in Pisces so we can expect to be more creative, intuitive and sensitive. Day dream big today, have a nap if you find time or go and have some “You” time to recharge yourself from all the busyness of life. Pisces Moon day’s however are not so good for anything mentally or physical, oh and watch out for being overly sensitive and moody, no one likes arguments or drama at this joyful time of year.

On a more uplifting note, Venus in Scorpio semisextiles Jupiter in Sagittarius. Bringing together the planet of luck and abundance with the plant of beauty and love. With these two powerful planets aligning, it means there is great potential to have a great day. A day to get out and socialize, take your partner on a date, catch up with friends. If the energy of the Pisces Moon hasn’t made you susceptible to sleepiness and needing some separation from others, go out and  have some fun, get into the festivities of Christmas and enjoy life today.

Happy Friday!

Andy J x

New Moon in Pisces! Profound Healing is happening! 17/03/201.

Saturday, March 17, 2018.

New Moon in Pisces.

Saturday, 17th we had a New Moon in Pisces. A New Moon is when the Moon is black! At this lunar point, the Moon is recharging and getting prepared for its next Lunar cycle. This New Moon will be recharging and pulling in Pisces energy. This New moon energy is going to be very welcomed one! Its positive, it’s that feeling of “finally the fog is lifted” and we are returning back to our normal state. Connection, passion, our drive, it’s the return of you. Have you felt like you have retreated and hidden over last few months ?learning lessons, expanding, experiencing growth? Even if it has made you uncomfortable, unsure, unsafe, some of you may of experienced heartache and difficult challenges? However those periods of discomfort have got you to a point now that you can appreciate the return of yourself! I know I have felt over the past week that my dreams, desires, my inner light has sparked back up again. It’s a nice feeling to be me again. If you, like many of us have been challenged in the lead up to this New Moon, just remember you don’t need to suffer alone by trying to solve your challenge. Ask for help, assistance, advise and healing. Surrender your burdens, to whom ever you talk to, your family, friends, angels, guides, the universe, god or your ancestors.

This is a time to slow down, take a breath remember who you are. Take a moment to go inwards for revelations and reflections. Breath and release any and all tension! Its been a tough firy few months for everyone!

As we know Pisces is a water sign, its connections are to anything mystical, spiritual, imagination, emotional, intuitive and creative. Pisces is also about be of service to others. The Moon and Sun both will both sit at 26 degrees. If we add up two and six we get eight. Eight in numerology is a power play number! This New Moon in Pisces will be, in a sense a very powerful one and will be pulling in extra powerful Pisces energy. Being around others, sharing your dreams, dreaming up creations and projects, day dreaming about the future and building up others will be a high priority. Do you have a passion for something? Cooking? photography? Art? Music? People? Mysticism? This New Moon is going to help you get your creative intuitive juices flowing!

This New Moon pay attention to your dreams, psychic imprints repetitive numbers symbols, situations and thoughts. Tune into your energy and especially tune into others to get more of an idea of the people around you. Become selfless and give your self in a way that benefits everyone. This Pisces New Moon will really help people of service, such as nurses, medical professionals, careers, artist, volunteers etc.. Pisces being a water sign is all about nurturing , love and being caring. As you write your New Moon manifestation list try to incorporate these qualities and energies into your wish list.

As I have mentioned it’s the power of the eight energy so you will feel things more deeply, passionately, intently. You may feel more in love with life, fall in love, deepen your love for someone. You will feel compassion for others and feel attractions strongly. However with every up there is a down, we may feel the more negative side of Pisces, such as feeling negative emotions. If someone criticizes you, does not reciprocate your feelings or communications, you may get jealous, or if you experience rejection you will feel this on a much larger scale.

This New Moon in Pisces conjunct Chiron. As the New Moon conjuncts Chiron it brings awareness and a focus on healing and enlightenment. It also illuminates those dark deep wounds and pains that need healing along with any repressed emotions. As we release and heal we let go of situations that bound us down and restrict us for being free, from having to be in control. Ask for divine intervention if needed!

This New Moon is going to have the ability to free us, it will be the return of you. Blocks will be lifted so when you write down your manifestation list incorporate your dreams, any healing needed, compassion, what you want for others or world peace. Be grateful for what you have and focus on working on what you can manifest that benefits everyone around you!

Happy New Moon manifesting!

Andy j x




Go with the flow! 30/10/17

Monday October 30th

The Moon is in Pisces.

The Pisces Moon than conjunct Neptune in Pisces!

The Moon and Neptune trine the Sun in Scorpio and Jupiter in Scorpio!

Happy Monday!!! Today the Moon is in Pisces, now remember the Moon’s energy is related to our emotions, it what gives us peace and comfort and with that energy reflecting Pisces, what immediately what comes to mind is that we will be more in tune with the spiritual world, Pisces energy is intuition, creativity, self giving and being in touch with your self. Your instincts for doing the right thing by others are also excellent today!

This Pisces Moon than conjuncts Neptune in Pisces! Conjunction is where two planets sit together, sitting and working with each others energy. This means for us today,  more water energy, emotional energy, and lets not forget Neptune is ruled by Pisces, so Pisces energy is going to be exploding in the air today. Neptune is all about the energy of dreams aspirations, creativity, imagination, intuition and spirituality. Today will be great for those who want to work on these particular energies, emotional self work, intuition, receiving cosmic guidance and hay its Halloween tomorrow what better energies to tap into to connect with all things mystical as the veil is at its thinnest tomorrow!

This intuitive, insightful Moon and Neptune than trine the Sun in Scorpio and Jupiter in Scorpio!! Wow even more water energy added into this Monday mix. This will just add to the harmonizing energy! Today just stay in a positive state of mind, relax and don’t stress over the small things! Go with the flow!

Have a great Monday, and remember the build up to Halloween is intuitive, emotional transformative and a big chance to uncover deep hidden things about yourself!


By Andy J xx


Full Moon in Pisces 2017.

Full Moon in Pisces 06/09/2017.

This is going to be a power Full Moon in Pisces, as it will be the first Full Moon after the powerful New Moon in Leo Solar Eclipse.. Eclipse are very powerful, they open up doorways and are supercharged . A New Moon for those who aren’t sure on the meanings of Luna cycles, are about new beginnings, as the Moon enters into the new cycle. This Solar eclipse was highly charged and activated new areas in our life, opened up new door ways and new paths we want to follow or change in regards to our self. Now at the Full Moon an influx of new information in regards to these new pathways and plans will be activated as the light of the Moon illuminates and shines down upon us. We will get new ways of accessing the powers to fully reach our potential also release what no longer serves us and is holding us back from reaching this new awakened higher self!

Its being about authentic and standing in the Full Moon of our divine self.

This month the Full Moon is in Dreamy Pisces. This means for us down on earth, the Full Moon is drawing in and illuminating us with Pisces energy! The Full Moon in Pisces is at 13 degrees.

This is interesting because all of this Pisces energy, especially our emotional certainty is going to come in strong and it will be a wonderful opportunity to look at your feelings and to identify whats really going on with yourself.. This Full Moon will be an emotional one, it is in Pisces the last sign of the Zodiac that rules the 12th house. Pisces rules the realm of mysticism, spirituality, intuition,creativity, feelings, companion, empathy, sharing, community, caring for others and considering others needs.. However this Full Moon these feelings of belonging, caring and compassion belong to you. Meaning that you will be sacrificing some time for yourself this Full Moon, drawing your attention to “what about me, and my feelings”. Over the next few days you will take a stock of whats going on for you, not around you and dig deep into what you want and gain some authentic answers. So get a pen and paper and start writing, emotions, repetitive thoughts, feelings and so on!

Back to the Full Moon in Pisces at 13 degrees, 3 plus 1, which adds up to the master number 4. Four vibrates at a level of security, structure and foundation. In numerology 4 is down-to-earth, dependable, hard-working, reliable, methodical, conscientious. Four is about stability. It’s the emperor of the tarot deck. The emperor is depicted as sitting high on his concrete seat or throne made of a sturdy strong foundation. Strong enough to build an empire on, but unless you have that strong foundation, especially in regards to your emotional  security you wont be able to build on it because you may not have the security you need to support yourself and your dreams. To build yourself up and make a concrete foundation for your life, you need to really figure out whats going on for yourself. This Full Moon please,  really slow down and stop,  identify what your flaws are, or what cracks you feel within yourself that may need strengthening. This Full Moon it’s about laying things out in front of you, seeing whats there, and really loving yourself regardless of what you see in front of yourself. It’s about self forgiveness, acceptance, remembering there will be certain areas or parts of yourself that you may not be happy with, parts you want to change and parts that you can’t change. Loving yourself means accepting all  of these areas and loving every part just as much as the others, and thank you Universe this Full Moons gives us such a great opportunity to release what is no longer serving us, what no longer needs to take up room within our self, what needs to be transmuted and turned into a positive aspect. It’s an emotional release, and Pisces Moon gives us a great aspect to be on the outside looking in and not stuck on the inside trying to look up and out on the horizon.

To make this Full Moon deepen even more, today in conjunct’s with Neptune – in simple terms it blends it energy with Neptune!! Neptune is the planet of dreaming, imagination, this planet rules Pisces, so even more water and Pisces energy is being brought about and blended with this Full Moon.So our emotional state will be very heightened, Neptune gives us the gift of lifting the veil and going deeper into our self more than ever. Neptune is sitting at 12 degrees, which is 1 degree away from the Full Moon. 12 adds up to 3, and 3 in numerology vibrates to communication, exchange of ideas, expression and exchange of information and for us this is happen with our self. It’s really time to learn and discover your true self. It’s so important to take stock take of our self, what you have, what is being put forth, what needs to be brought in to offer the best possible self to the world and your divine authentic self.

 This is a super mystical Full Moon on the 6th September! Its energy is best handled when we can connect with our inner psychic, guru and higher self.

The Moon is known to represent our emotions and If you want to live in alignment with the universe, connect with yourself through a Full Moon ritual, yoga , Meditation, journaling and please try to go easy on yourself and just be in the present! Don’t get caught up to much on the urgency and impulses of your emotions, and how others come across as everyone’s emotions are a tad what little crazy at the moment , hence why so many of us go a little crazy at the time of the Full Moon.

Release, Revive, Nurture and Heal this Full Moon.

Andy J x

Dreamy and in Love! 09/08/2017.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017.

The Moon is in Pisces.

The Moon opposes Mercury in Virgo.

Mercury in Virgo trines Venus in Cancer.

The Moon continues on her journey through mystical, Pisces.When the Moon is in this sign its much more emotional, loving, spiritual and caring. Today, do allow yourself to float unburdened and take some time and listen to your intuition and allow space for dreamy sensitivity.

The Pisces Moon opposes Mercury in Virgo. Mercury governs the way we think, and communicate and in Virgo it takes charge and is a machine. It takes in all information, it gathers it and makes sense of it. Its rational, looking at information for what it is.

Mercury trines Venus in Cancer, Venus is all about love and beauty and in cancer she is very nurturing emotional . This however can cause a problem for Mercury in Virgo. The Pisces Moon and Venus in Cancer means today our feelings will beat logic so watch out for that. Logic and reasoning will step aside for love and passion, be careful as the urge of sudden emotions and impulses can override your sensibility, so think before you stand under your partners window holding a boom box and declaring your love.

Happy Wednesday!

Andy j x


The Energy is shifting. Daily grind 21/4/17

Friday April 21st, 2017.

The Moon enters Pisces.

Venus squares Saturn.

Mars enters Gemini.

Friday is not a simple day! First, you will feel the shift as Mars moves out of Taurus and into Gemini, and as Venus and Saturn dance together in the sky.

Mars moves out of Taurus and into intellectual Gemini, where it will transit until June 4th. When Mars in Gemini the energy shifts from body to the mind. from a grounded earth energy to air and mind. Mars in Gemini, is laser focused, versatile and flexible, we find our self quick at thinking and talking.

This morning, the planet of beauty and luck Venus forms a square to Saturn.This energy will remain with you throughout the day and suggestive of a time of questioning, and for some it may be the final push for you to finally self reflect and to recognize your limits, and see realistic expectations when it comes to money and financial stability, your values, your intimate relationships, and with your little pleasures.

The Moon continues its transit of Aquarius until it enters Pisces this afternoon. When the Moon is in dreamy Pisces we are more compassionate and lucid, spiritual and what a great time for healing and pouring our energy into self-improvement, growing and nurturing our self especially with all this intense energy that been around this week!


Happy Friday! Have a great weekend!

By Andy J xx

Friday 17/03/2017

Friday, March 17, 2017.

The Moon is in Scorpio and trine the Sun in Pisces.

The Pisces Sun squares Saturn in Sagittarius.

The Scorpio Moon trine the Sun in Pisces.The Pisces Sun squares Saturn in Sagittarius. Hmm, today may not be the best day to make any sound and rash life decisions. Saturn in Sagittarius can be very unclear and somewhat fuzzy, especially in regards to the right path forward and what life is really about . The Sun being in the dreamy, watery, airy fairy sign of Pisces means our thoughts, emotions and decision-making skills are also up in the air. It’s not a good day for life changing decisions such as buying a new house, changing careers,dumping your partner, anything that will affect your life over the next 15 – 20 years. Today you will find you are better focused on the interpersonal side of life and having a good time, and well-being St Patrick day you couldn’t ask for a better day to relax and enjoy life!

Sun squaring Saturn today will also provide a great opportunity for us to step back and be willing and ready to look reality in the face, especially if we have been in denial or deflecting responsibility, another key for today is to not be quick to blame or express our anger and frustrations but take responsibility for ourselves,our actions and our decisions.

Happy Friday!

Andy J xx




Monday January 30th, 2017

The Moon is ion Pisces.

The Moon is in Pisces conjunts Neptune in Pisces, sextiles Pluto and Mercury in Capricorn.

The Moon is in Pisces and it conjunts Neptune in Pisces and sextiles Pluto and Mercury in Capricorn . This means for us its an intense day of balance between our emotional side and our physical practical side. Today if you really feel or sense something that you are thinking about, than it will immediately make sense and will be easily put into action. Today there will be no doubt or distance to what you are feeling and the practical matters needed to make it happen. What you feel will match how you think today it is one and the same. However with the Moon in dreamy Pisces all day, and we are inclined to daydream just watch out you don’t stray too much from routine today but with the  Moon’s cooperation with Mercury and Pluto today  we will gain that clarity and concentration.

When the Moon is in  Pisces we can find ourselves becoming compassionate, spiritually aware, perceptive, adaptable and also a little sensitive. So today wander off into day-dream land and dream of what you want from your life but do be some what practical in the things you wish to manifest – we are still in a New Moon phase of manifestation so dream big and write your New Moon wishes if you haven’t yet so done it.. Tap into the New Moon energy!

Have a great day

Andy J xx

Wednesday 25/01/2017

Wednesday January 25th, 2017.

The Moon is in Capricorn.

Venus and Chiron in Pisces.

The Moon is in responsible Capricorn and it conjunts Mercury in Capricorn. Today energy is great to get things done! The Moons alignment with Mercury can be a good time for clarifying feelings and prioritizing what needs to get done. It’s a wonderful day for anything to do with work , as there is responsible and dedicated work energy in the air, administration, contracts and purchases will be easy done and dealt with today.. so if your tax needs lodging, sort out registrations, sign new contracts or anything practical and official that  you need to organise will be handled quick and efficient today.

Venus in Pisces aligns with Chiron in Pisces. Vulnerabilities and sensitivities will arise and we will be in tuned with them, so don’t be surprised if you find yourself crying, retreating for no good reason, just be willing to go inside, make sense of them and accept them. Remember you are loved.

Have a great day

Andy J xx

Monday 23/01/2017

Monday 23rd January, 2017.

The Moon in Sagittarius.

Moons squares with Venus, Neptune and Chiron in Pisces.

Mars is in Pisces.

The Moon is in Sagittarius today. This Sagittarius Moons forms a lot of square with major planets. It squares Neptune , Venus and Chiron and they  all happen to be in the sign of  Pisces.

With the Moon in Sagittarius all day,  we require less prompting and encouraging  to get moving and to experience life. Anything that breaks the routine and maybe the rules is appealing now. A change of scenery may be in order. Try something new today either a new place for lunch or order a new coffee,try a new activity or dream big and look for a new holiday.

Today you will have a strong desire to push away or retreat from your feelings. You will have this rebellious streak to do things against the grain, and in spite of how you actually feel , you will contradict yourself especially in how you really feel. This results in you making yourself very awkward in terms of how you feel and overall how you want to get rid of them.  It has the feeling of ” Out of sight, Out of mind” .

Mars is in Pisces and this combination can be the meeting of our spiritual self and our  warrior self. With Neptune, Chiron and Venus also in Pisces expect to have some serious spiritual downloads. Downloads about truths, our relationships, and the path to compromise and collaboration are incoming in, so open up! Allow these synchronicities, messages, repetitive numbers, words conversations.We just need to have the ears to hear and our eyes to see those  important insights and messages.

The shadow side of Mars, we can be fiery and feisty, and over react to situations that normally would not bother us. It also has the potential to bring up stuff or issues in relationships, business partnerships , prior commitments and more. The key today is to be discerning in our connections in our lives and try see things clearly from all points of views

Happy Monday and have a great day

Andy J x