Release and Surrender 29/01/2018.

Monday January 29th, 2018.

Mercury in Capricorn semisquares Neptune in Pisces.

The Moon  in Cancer.

The Moon forms connections with Neptune is Pisces and Jupiter in Scorpio.

The Moon is in sensitive nurturing Cancer. When the Moon is in its own sign of Cancer, the energy and mood is intuitive, caring and emotional. This Moon than forms a connection with Neptune in Pisces. Now Neptune is the planet the rules over the realm of dreams, intuition and creativity, it’s a water planet that is highly tuned in as well as highly emotional. We see the both energies combining together, and this makes for a nurturing, selflessness, inspirational and creative day. This aspect is also great for those seeking to  deepen your connection with your higher self and will be done though your strengthened and active intuition. The Moon than connects to Jupiter also in a water sign of Scorpio. Three planets is water signs, three emotional, sensual, creative, flowing, psychic and intuitive signs that about seeking emotional truths and feeling ones feelings, especially during this big time of change. Its time to take a day for yourself and to heal, nurture and care for you on all levels, mental, physical, emotional and spiritual. If you have been feeling stuck or seek an answer to a question, today is a great day to look within yourself. To meditate on the answer, to write in your journal or sit in silence and ask your guides for help. It’s also a great day to deepen your intimate relationships and allow your vulnerability be your key to straighten your relationships. Surround yourself with people you love today!

However, we do see Mercury in Capricorn semisquare Neptune in Pisces. This can cause some tension or give false messages to us, as the planet of communication and thought clashes with the planet of dreams and illusion. Our dreams, aspirations or messages you receive today may be misleading or false. The key for today is ask yourself and your guides, angels, higher self or whomever you believe in that works with you on a 5D soul plane, what the answer YES feels like inside and then the answer NO. This way when you get these flashes of intuition and inspiration you can go within and see how they make you feel on the inside as to whether you follow the guidance or not. Like I mentioned before if you feel confused or unclear today take time to meditate and turn within for the clarity you seek.


I would like to ay a big congratulations to my cousin who had her baby Matilda on 26/01/2018. Welcome to the family beautiful soul!

Happy Monday!

By Andy J xx

The Moon An Ancient Guide


The Moon As A Guide

Humans have gazed up at the nighttime sky for thousands of years, looking for meaning and guidance from the moon and stars. If you think about it, its really amazing how the Moon has a profound effect on the Earth, the gravity it generates is powerful enough to stir up and move water in our oceans , causing high and low tides.

The revolution of the Moon around the Earth makes the Moon appear as if it is changing shape and colour in the sky, but as we all know the Moon doesn’t generate any light itself,  its illuminating glow  is just the reflection of the light caused by the different angle of the Sun, in which we see as the bright part on the Moon’s surface.

The moon is our closest neighbor in space, and the moon has a profound effect on the Earth and on the human imagination. The moon & its phases were understood as early as 500 BC by the Greeks.  The shadow it cast is dark enough to obscure our sun in a solar eclipse. Its brilliance can illuminate a traveler’s path on a long winter’s night.

Being aware of the moon and seasonal changes has always been important to those who choose to focus the lunar energy on their goals and objectives, the moon cycles were used to keep track of seasons, and thus designated different agricultural markers.

In most neo-Pagan and Wiccan traditions, the names given to the various moon cycles are based upon a couple of different sources. the moon cycles were used to keep track of seasons, and thus designated different agricultural markers. The farmers almanacs ( An Almanacs is a calendar containing events such as phases of the moon, tides,sunrises and sunsets, astronomical or meteorological information,including future positions of celestial objects, star magnitudes, and culmination dates of constellations and other statistical information and related topics.) Where based on lunar cycles. The phases of the moon were very important to the farmer’s who timed their harvesting according to the moons cycles.
Knowing the moons phases can help you plan and prepare for change, new beginnings and endings. Ancient ways can still be used in modern times, working with the moons energy increases your own personal power and supports your intention. it is used in goal setting and self-empowerment,  and, of course, the moons energy play’s an important role for people that use the various phases of the moon in ritual work, magic and other ceremonies.

Rituals undertaken during certain moon phases can be enhanced by using the moon and its cycles for specific purposes.


The Moon As A Guide

Southern Hemisphere full moon names by month

    • January: Hay Moon, Buck Moon, Thunder Moon, Mead Moon

    • February: Grain Moon, Sturgeon Moon, Red Moon, Wyrt Moon, Corn Moon, Dog Moon, Barley Moon

    • March: Harvest Moon, Corn Moon

    • April: Harvest Moon, Hunter’s Moon, Blood Moon

    • May: Hunter’s Moon, Beaver Moon, Frost Moon

    • June: Oak Moon, Cold Moon, Long Night’s Moon

    • July: Wolf Moon, Old Moon, Ice Moon

    • August: Snow Moon, Storm Moon, Hunger Moon, Wolf Moon

    • September: Worm Moon, Lenten Moon, Crow Moon, Sugar Moon, Chaste Moon, Sap Moon

    • October: Egg Moon, Fish Moon, Seed Moon, Pink Moon, Waking Moon

    • November: Corn Moon, Milk Moon, Flower Moon, Hare Moon

    • December: Strawberry Moon, Honey Moon, Rose Moon