Full Moon in Capricorn 28/06/2018.

Full Moon in Capricorn.

Thursday, June 28, 2018.

Happy Full Moon Day!The Capricorn Full Moon is at 6 degrees. A Full Moon is where the Sun and Moon are sitting at 180 degrees from each other. The Moon is completely illuminated and thus showers us with its Luna energy here on earth. Traditionally a Full Moon is a completion point of the lunar cycle and when the Moon recharges its batteries. We also experience a burst of strong energy as the Moon is highlight with the Suns energy and that is why people here on earth can act strange or loony during a Full Moon. The Sun is at 6 degree of Cancer, the Sun is our ego and in Cancer its your emotional and spiritual side shinning through, you are creative, artistic and nurturing in this sign. This Cancer energy that shines all its light onto the Moon which will be at 6 degrees of Capricorn. This Cancer-Capricorn polarity that we will experience this month asks us to find balance between our public and work life and our home and private life! As the Sun shines on the Moon, the Moon than receives its energy and we are left with the feeling of responsibility and duty this month. You may ask yourself  questions this Full Moon such as.. “How can I love myself more and take care of my self” as well as asking yourself how can I be of service and take care of others” or  “how i can i show my love and caring side to other people”. The Moon being in Capricorn will give us the practical, logical way to solving these questions, as well as loads of ideas on how to be more nurturing and caring for others! As Capricorn is all about strong work ethics these manifestations and ideas will be incorporated and expressed by you in your work.

Saturn, the structured, organised planet of lessons and Karma is at 5 degrees Capricorn. Saturn is the Ruling planet of Capricorn and its the planet that makes us build a solid, reliable and strong foundation for yourself to build your life on. When it’s in Capricorn it gives us a cosmic nudge in the right direction. It allows us to focus on our goals and gives us the ability to look at the end results and not so much the short-term journey. Life is serious business today, and these energies will find a way to bring your awareness to that fact. This may not a bad thing.  You have important goals to set and things to accomplish and its wise to remember that your life also has consequences.

Today is all about looking to the future and building a strong foundation or platform to work off. With Saturn and the Capricorn Moon, any ideas or goals you have will be cemented.  It’s very important to make a list or make yourself very aware of your goals, especially those goals that involve helping or caring for others. If you have always wanted a career that helps others this is the time to begin that journey, are you unemployed? Volunteer at the local community center or nursing home.

Today use this Full Moon energy to contemplate the significance of your life and make necessary adjustments to move you in the direction that you need to go.This means letting go of old emotions, people, energies, belief systems and ways of thinking. There are times in life when we should dream, a time to be silly and play and unfortunately today is not a day for fun and games! Remember, if you feel stuck or lost, one simple step can start you off on a new direction.

Mercury moves out of Cancer and into Leo. This is a big shift as our mind and intellect moves from  being sensitive to being playful, from water to fire, we see a shift from inward thinking to a more of an external focus.Our thinking is more confident and our communication is gran. We are creative in our expressions and have fun during the process of it all. When Mercury is in Leo, the energy is great for thinking creatively and even better for self-expression. We tend to be overly dramatic and we pursue the lime light and center stage! However, we can be over self-assured and we must  just watch out for coming across as narcissistic and be open to other’s perspectives.


Happy Full Moon day.



Full Moon in Sagittarius 29/05/2018.

Tuesday May 29th, 2018.

Full Moon in Sagittarius.

Mercury moves into Gemini.

Happy Full moon day! Today we have the Full Moon at 8 Sagittarius. A Full Moon traditionally represents a time when the Sun and Moon are at 180 degrees of one and other, when the Sun illuminates the Moon to make it Full and bright. It’s the mid way point of a lunar cycle, if you can think back to the New Moon we had on May 15th. Grab your New Moon manifestation list, can you see what you wanted to begin, what seeds did you plant at that time? Have any of the seeds grown? Where has it brought you in this stage of your lifer? Any goals you set at the New Moon can now be adjusted as we are able to see situations from all angles and more clearly.The illumination of the Full Moon will stay with you for several days and give us the strength we need to be independent and reach a new level of personal freedom.

This month the lunar energy that will be shining down on us is of Sagittarius. This Full Moon is one of being positive and free. The Full Moon will be lit up by the Sun sitting in the opposite sign of Gemini at 8 degrees. The Sun in Gemini focuses on communication, ideas, information and perception of truth. Its upbeat and witty, its fun, articulate and interested in new things, its talkative and life feels likes it very opportunistic.

Full Moons traditionally are a time to let go, to make changes, to release which no longer serves a purpose in your life such as old emotions, fears, baggage, people, situations and ways of thinking. Sagittarius is all about freedom and breaking free. This opposition of the Sun and Moon highlights your ability to see both sides of a situation. Clarity is the name of the game this Full Moon. Your emotions are highlighted along with your awareness. Your ability to apply your sharp focus during this Full Moon in all of your circumstances, for good or ill will also be heightened.

The Full Moon is at 8 degrees, and 8 are a very powerful number, especially in the sign of Sagittarius. Sagittarius is represented by the mythical centaur, half man half horse with an uncontrollable and wild energy. This sign is adventurous and smart. It’s about setting goals and galloping to reach them. This sign loves adventure, to travel, to learn and expand their knowledge through these travels and journey’s. Sadges are very physical and abstract thinkers, they love the mental realm and make great teachers. It’s a time for opening the mind a celebrating life. It’s about personal freedom and being independent. The centaur holds in his hands a bow and arrow which gives us the courage to move forward in any area of your life especially if you have felt stuck or keep going around in circles, like an arrow shooting through the air we are ready to take the leap and now have the personal drive to break through obstacles and challenges. To leave old situations and gallop into a more positive and forward moving future, to be present in the here and now. A new wave of adventures on the horizon. Sagittarius is all about doing what you love and having fun in the process, this Full Moon is a good time to get back to the heart of things you love, to remember life is about enjoyment.

Mercury the planet that rules our communication and our thought processes leaves the sweet grounded stability of Taurus behind to enter its home and ruling sign of chatty  Gemini. Shifting our conscious mind and intellect from earth to air energy, from the  body to our mind. Mercury rules Gemini and is very happy in this sign! Communication and the way we process and gather information will be change as the energy picks up speed. Mercury and Gemini loves to talk, share, learn, explore, travel and connect with others! This goes hand in hand with the Full Moon Sadge energy we will be experiences over the next few days!

The key this Full Moon is how to learn to translate our emotions, intuitions, thoughts and inner knowing into a language that we can effectively communicate to our self  and others during this lunar transit. Especially if you are on a personal quest to broaden your mind and knowledge. This Full Moon is especially good for fire and Air star signs such as  Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius, but it’s will be more challenging for everyone else that includes me. Regardless of your star sign this Full Moon in Sadge will  leave you feeling the urge to take up a bold quest for greater meaning.

Happy Full Moon day!

Andy j x

Blue Moon in Leo 31/01/2018


Blue Blood Moon in Leo 31/01/2018

Syndey, February 1, 12.26am.
New York, January 31, 8.26am.
London, January 31, 1.26pm.

On January 31st, a Blue Blood Moon will be happening in the sign of Leo.This month we see our second Full Moon in the sign of Leo. This inst just any old Full Moon, it is a Blue Moon and a Blood Moon. Blue Moon is a name given to the second Full Moon of the month. This second Full Moon we see in the month of January is really rare, as you may have heard the saying before” Once in a blue Moon”. It’s also a Super Moon and will be very exceptional. Super Moon’s are closer to the earth and thus appear 14 per cent larger in our sky and 30 percent brighter than usual. Because of the Moon’s closeness to earth, the impact of the Full Moon energies will be stronger and a lot more powerful than normal. This includes the oceans tide so watch out for the big surf coming your way!

Typically there are only three Full Moons in every season, one each month. However, once in a “Blue Moon” happens every couple of years or so, that means we get a bonus Full Moon! This Blood Blue Moon will also be a total Lunar eclipse just to add more excitement to the mix. Blood Moon is a term used to describe a total Lunar eclipse. This eclipse is the first of three Blood Moon’s that will  occur between 2018-2019.

The last time we seen all three of these events occur in the sky (Lunar eclipse, Supermoon and Blue Moon) was in March, 1866. The term “Blue Moon”  is paved with mystery folklore and magic. The name ” Blue Moon’ with its mystery and beauty has even been written about in Shakespeare plays over 400 years ago.

Full Moons astrological are when the Sun and the Moon are both opposing one and other at 180 degrees. The Sun is shining all of its light to illuminate the Moon, and signifies to us that it this is a huge shift of perspective. It’s about completion of a cycle and its about being illuminated and reaching a completion point and shedding old energy.

This Full Moon being in the fire sign of  Leo, means that this month we are being showered with Leo energy. Leo is about being a leader, being creative, having confidence,pursing our dreams, self-expression and overcoming difficulties in a positive light-hearted way. We are playful, and enjoy forming connections to children and our inner child and simply wanting to have fun. Leo energy is one of self creative expression. It’s great for those who need an ego boost on individual or social level, and Leo makes this happen through pleasure, playfulness and romance. This Full Moon in Leo is really going to push us and urge us to find balance and harmony between romance and friendships, between expressing ourselves in a more personal  ways and to start feeling proud and confident in one self!

This Blue Moon in Leo is sitting at 11 degrees. 11 in numerology is the master number of service, it vibrates at a higher spiritual learning and enlightenment. The focus is to apply your energy, this passionate fiery Leo energy to being of service to others. How can you creativity benefit others, how can you use your connections to help… This Full Moon ask yourself.. “How can I be of service to others” How can my skills or talents help others”. The more you can give, whether its making someone laugh or using your mind to make a positive change to someones life. It’s as simple as.. if you can make someone even for a moment forget their fears, worries or sorrows, you will be giving the best gift you can give. Please never underestimate the power to make someone smile.

This Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Leo means its opposing sign is Aquarius energy.  Today, look at the opposing houses that are ruled by Leo and Aquarius in your personal chart. specifically, look at where  11-12 degrees of Leo and/or Aquarius in your own natal chart. This can be a great indication where you are currently seeking this balance especially in regards to personal issues.

Today’s Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is aligned with an opposition to Venus. This will cause friction and tension between the planet that resonates to the feminine principle, beauty and love and the Moon, which rules over our emotional intelligence. Venus represents that part of us connected to feminine ideals of beauty, resources such as money/finances, relationships and the ability to form loving partnerships. The Moon rules over our emotions and feelings, it represents our inner security, our emotional nature, and our deepest desires and needs.

As the Moon is in Leo, we are passionate, playful, inspired, fun seeking and we have an excitable approach to life. Venus in Aquarius is rebellious, seeks freedom yet closeness, unconventional and a very unique lover. Venus in air sign is always a bit detached and impersonal and that can really reflect today. As this opposition indicates that some of us may face a challenge in the way we express ourselves our emotions (especially in social settings) and our intentions to the world. We can find we may be blocked off or cut off from others or in our personal relationships. There may feel like something is wrong or you may notice some distance between those you love and yourself, but it not true, it’s just the energy around and the  inability to communicate your sensitive emotional needs and wants  to others and vice versa that creates tension and somewhat misleading impression of others and yourself today. This also includes you business, work, friend and partner relationship as well as issue to do with finances and money! Try not to  become obsessive or too possessive this may and will cause problems, and especially avoid  overindulging in food or drink to try to ease your sorrows.

This Full Moon is about really letting go. Each Full Moon, traditionally brings us to a point of clarity. The direction of what began two weeks ago at the New Moon should show its face more clearly. We get a better understanding of where we should focus and put our energy into, in order to manifest our dreams and desires we wrote down last New Moon. It’s a time to know when to stop pursuing and cut ties to certain goals, as this isn’t the best time for us to manifest them. listen to your inner guidance you will know whats worth pursing now.

This eclipse in Leo, is really going to push our emotions to the surface. Expect to feel the pressure as we are being pushed to look more closely at our needs, lacks, and wants. Find the old worn out and dated emotions, ways of doing things and processes. De stress your life, banish any issues along with anything else that needs to be released this Full Moon as we have a chance to really declutter our life and make progress through this important time of change! Eclipses are tied to changing circumstances, letting go and endings. We must make room for the new by clearing out the old. This months Lunar Eclipse will be happening in the north node and will be pulling energy in from there. The effects of this lunar eclipse due to the interruption of the Suns energy, will be felt for up to 6 months.

This Blue Moon in Leo has been considered as very fortunate and lucky, it truly is something to be celebrated. It’s a time to review and rewrite if needed your long-term goal and plans for the future.Seeing that this magic  Blue Moon is occurring at the beginning of the year marks a year of tremendous positive growth in your personal life. The next few days we are given a opportunity and an open a doorway into our future, don’t waste it.


Happy Full Moon.

By Andy j x



Romance, flowers and everything Dreamy. 03/01/201

Wednesday, January 3, 2018.

The Moon enters Leo.

 Venus in Capricorn sextiles Neptune in Pisces.

By the time you wake up today, the Moon leaves the sensitivity and nurturing nature  of Cancer behind to enter playful Leo. The Moon in Leo encourages you to express yourself  through play, excitement, games, generosity, and creativity. Take the spot  light today and shine bright, also you will find your attention will be more action orientated and results oriented. Use this motivation and high energy to get your jobs done!

By Lunch time, loving, comfort-seeking Venus forms a lovely sextile aspect to dreamy Neptune, the planet of romance and mysticism. When Venus and Neptune dance together in the sky, the energy felt by us can leaves us in the mood for love and romance as well as a need to nurture our sensitive side.Venus/Neptune is great for romance, spirituality, compassion and creativity. If you have been neglecting your daily practices such as myself over the holidays, today is a great day to fall back in, love with your self-care and spirituality routine. Re-engage any daily practices in your life such as walking in nature, meditating, yoga and open up your journal and get writing. Get in touch with your deep  spiritual side.



Happy Hump Day!

By Andy J xx

Super Full Moon in Caner 2018.

Happy New Year everyone.

A Super Full Moon in Cancer occurs on Monday or Tuesday depending where in the world you live!

A Super Moon isn’t a regular Full Moon. A Super Moon is a Full Moon that is the closet it can be to earth. It appears to us at least 16% larger for us to see. Because it is nearer to the earth its energies along with the Moons effects are felt on a much larger scale. The Moon as we know rules over the tides in the ocean, and with the Moon being bigger and closer to earth the tides will be much larger and powerful and so will our emotions as Cancer ( a water sign) rules the Moon. To add more to the crazy Super Moon energy, we are all made up mostly of water, and most are going to be affected by this much more than usual. The frequencies emanating from the Super Full Moon affect the frequencies of the mental body, our minds, our feelings, emotions and desires. Have you been kept awake all night for no reason? Felt the intense energy of the Full Moon building all week? Having psychic or vivid dreams? People acting strange and unusual? Have you or people you encounter act super over reactive, moody, cry for no reason or are super happy? The Moon can have this effect on many of us!

The Sun (in Capricorn) being the light giver is shinning its light onto the Moon. The Moon than illuminates us with its Luna energy. It also symbolizes we have reached a completion point in the lunar cycle. Everything we have been working towards these past weeks will reach its peak as this Full Moon will just explode with light, love and let everything go that no longer serves a purpose! It showers us with energy of releasement and fulfillment.

A Full Moon occurs when the Cancer Moon at 180 degrees exactly opposes the Capricorn Sun at 180 degrees. The year begun with the focus squarely on family and emotional security. This Super Full Moon is at 11° Cancer. So Cancer energy will be illuminating and shinning its qualities onto us here on earth. Cancer is about nurturing, intuition, families, safety and emotional security. The Cancer-Capricorn polarity ( Being exactly 180 degrees from each other) means that Capricorn quality opposes you and what your interested in at this current moment, but we must find balance. We are more interested in Qualities represented by Cancer such as our private life, our family life, domesticity, our need for a safe loving home, providing and very nurturing versus Capricorn Qualities such as our public life, being super focused on our career, our reputation, stability, practicality and being in the here and now long with accountability. This Full Moon is about balancing our commitment to our career and families. In some ways, you can look at the polarity energies with finding a balance between unconditional love and conditional love. Just a heads up, by neglecting either end of the Capricorn/Cancer axis, this will surely backfire on you. Ideally, we should all try to find a balance between the two energies, and this is what the Super Full Moon invites us to do.

This Super Full Moon in the water sign of Cancer you may notice yourself unusually interested in creating or deepening powerful loving bonds, being over affectionate, wanting to nest in your home, baking, caring for others, being overly sooky and very nurturing to others. Cancer is all about their internal home as well, its internal feelings and emotions, deep analyzing, and even deeper thoughts and self connections. People who have been feeling lost and disconnected from them self-will begin to reconnect with themselves and who they really are. You will find you are searching for attachments and love, placing roots down, being proud and valuing your home and everything and everyone in it.

This sensitive Cancer Moon forms some serious aspects and has sharp conversations with Venus, Saturn, and the Sun. This is suggesting that work and effort is needed to bring what is necessary into focus, especially when writing out what big plans you have for this year along with releasing any blockages holding you back. Full Moons are all about letting go and releasing what no longer serves us. By the time the evening comes around, it brings a lovely Neptune dream state quality that helps you to release and loosen up from the seriousness of the early part of the day and helps us engage in loving dreams of the future.

Furthermore, Something has been building up inside of us, have you felt it? I sure have! This is now the time when we get support from the energy of the cosmos that demands that we let it out. If you can not quite pin point what it is, over the next few weeks, you will get ‘Aha’ and awakening moments to discover what this means for you. Its time to express whats been building up inside. This Cancer Full Moon will align with Venus and then forms a harmonizing aspect Neptune and Mars. Some may express their neediness!! However as needy as we can be under the Cancer influence we may swing from independence to dependence during this  time.


This Super Full Moon is really going to illuminate and prompt us to get in touch with our self, with those things in our personal lives that we may have been putting off and neglecting. A real push for self emotional nurturing is the key this Full Moon. Write down what is working and what isn’t and think about what you can do to make change. Set some goal;s for 2018.  We have spent more time focused lately on our  careers, relationships and personal plans as of late, that we have just simply left our emotions unbalanced and on the back burner, not good at all.

Its time for change! We must remember that lots of Light tends to illuminate the darkest shadows of us all , so use this Full Moon to release and let go and make room for change! This Super Full Moon will also reminds us that to truly move forward and evolve as a soul we must deal with and address the past. This is not one of Cancer strong point, sometimes we have a hard time doing so, be kind to yourself if past issue and hurts arise, run yourself a bath, cook a nice meal, watch your favorite movies, get out in nature, put your feet in the sand and ground yourself.

This super, sensitive, nurturing and caring Full Moon is going to be a time for love, romance, fertilization and relationships. What we begun back at the last New Moon is now at a time of culmination and the promise of fulfillment with this Full Super Moon!





 Happy New Year and Happy Super Full Moon Day x


By Andy J x