Mercury Enters Sagittarius 30/10/2018.

Tuesday, October 30th, 2018.

Mercury moves out of Scorpio and into Sagittarius.

The Moon moves into Leo.

Today’s big news is Mercury leaves the depths of Scorpio behind and enters Sagittarius. Mercury is the communication planet that rules over our mental realm especially focusing on the way we communicate, make plans and think! This new placement will shift the conscious mind and intellect from water to fire, yin to yang, depths to greet heights. Sagittarius is represented by the Archer, the explorer, which means our possibilities are endless while Mercury is traveling here. When Mercury is in Sagittarius we tend to find our energy is more focused on a mission, we seek experiences that broaden our horizon, we follow our dreams and reach goals. The mind wants to grow beyond its boundaries and limits. The way we think and communicate will be very forward thinking. You’ll notice that Mercury prefers to observe the grains of sand and that Sagittarius will see the box of sand, aka the bigger picture. Sagittarius loves to travel, they are the great philosopher, the teacher, they thrive on learning, exploring and expanding. However it’s important to note that the less favourable traits of Sagittarius, especially now the communication planet is in play! We may overstep or forget where the line is and say things that may offend others. Sagittarius is blunt, saying exactly what’s on its mind, you may think you what you are is reasonable and normal but others could take great offend to. Sagittarius is a fire sign, driven to take action, a philosopher and truer picture” visionary. Mercury, on the other hand, will focus on the finer details, analysing every single one of its options. You can see how these two energies may rub together and cause friction?

The Moon continues through sensitive Cancer until later today when it enters playful Leo. Don’t give yourself a hard time during this Moon’s transit, especially when you find yourself reaching for comfort food. You may long to retreat from the active world and find comfort in your home and loved ones. Perhaps you feel more domestic & nostalgic than usual. This however may change as the evening progress on when the Moon shakes off the safety of home and its comfort to enter dramatic expressive Leo, your spirited will lift as you seek out more interaction and excitement.

Have a great day!

Andy x

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