Its a time of expansion and abundance. 10/07/2018.


Tuesday, July 10, 2018:

 Jupiter stations direct at 13’20 Scorpio.

Since March 9th of this  Jupiter, the planet that represents abundance, luck, expansion and higher understanding and growth has been retrograde. During the time of Jupiter’s retrograde, we have been internally reviewing and revising our beliefs and understanding of our personal path and our growth. Today as Jupiter stations direct at 13’20 Scorpio now it is a time to trust in your revision and hope it has done its work. Be ready to move in this new direction on your path . You are ready to move forward with a new enlightened outlook.

Jupiter being the most powerful planet in the sky stationing direct means that the energy of luck, confidence, along with our willingness to succeed and take risk is high today! Use this new-found confidence to move forward on your new journey, whilst remembering your new lessons and guidance.


Have a great day.

Andy J x


Find Peace in the Stillness, 25/05/2018.

Friday, May 25, 2018.

The Moon is in Libra Moon.

Retrograde Jupiter in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces.

When you awake this fine Friday morning you will awake with a soft gentle reassurance of where you find yourself in your life. As expansive and abundant Jupiter forms a flowing trine aspect to dreamy Neptune. Tapping into the deeper reservoirs of our Spirit and Soul is very possible, as both planets are in both bodies of water (signs) which highlights and nurtures our interest in creativity, art, our intuition and psychic perception and abilities.

The alignment of these two planets means a joining of our spirituality and expansive energy to help us transit into our passions, dreams and inner depths. With the powerful transformative energy of Scorpio and the dreamy healing energy of Pisces, it’s a great time to explore our spirituality, empathy, mystical pursuits, healing and being of service to others. Keep your heart open today, no matter what challenges you may face, it’s a day for unconditional love This transit between Jupiter and Neptune began in December and goes till August this year,  so make good use of the energy it provides us.

The Moon is in Libra, meaning that we are inclined to focus on relationships and especially finding a harmonious balance in our relationships. Whether its personal, for pleasure, business or friendship, you will find yourself being diplomatic and ready to initiate a conversation if it means healing and mending it! It’s a great day for romance and love enjoy!


Happy Friday and have a great weekend.

By Andy J x


Unexpected Energies can be present. Mercury stations direct. 21/12/17.

Friday, December 22, 2017.

The Moon is in Aquarius.

 Mercury stations direct at 13’00 Sagittarius.

Jupiter forms a semi-square with Saturn.

This semi square between Saturn and Jupiter is the first of three long-term aspects. We will see the next one happen in March and again in September 2018. This semi – square is here to remind us to slow down, especially in regards to long-term plans or projects. It’s about feeling the energy and the ebb and flow. This is not the time to take shortcuts it’s about taking baby steps in order to pick up the mistakes. Big Moves equals bigger obstacles and challenges, so taking it slow and going with the flow allows us to re structure, edit and smooth out those little details before moving forward. Some re-configuring of our lives and our business goals is now in order.


The Moon continues its transit through Aquarius. You will find that your mind will wander off to more innovative and original way of thinking. It’s a day to think outside the box or from an unusual or open-minded perspective.

Mercury, the communication planet stations direct today. Many of you have been waiting impatiently for Mercury to turn direct. This Mercury retrograde period may be officially over, but its energy is still lingering. So still expect communication breakdowns and interpretation of thoughts and ideas to be muffled! It will take a few days before you will have a full sense of forward motion. However its still exciting because we are on our way forward! I know most of us ready to get going and to move forward with those new projects, ideas, travel plans, signing of official documents along with a sigh of relief that communications will be clear and no more misunderstandings. No more technology meltdowns and travel disruptions, YAY.

Mercury’s journey has been a time for us to reflect, rethinking, review and revise  all areas of our life, especially areas or concerns that have not been working out how you wanted them to. It brings certain truths and hidden problems to the surface. It brings in new ways of realizing these problems (which most of us kept swept under the rug). Mercury being in Retrograde gets us along with giving us the courage to speak up and bring those concerns to the surface, to work out and smooth over issues. It’s about changing for the better and sending anything troubling us to the universe for transmutation.


By Andy J x




Daily Grind 8/05/17

Monday May 8th, 2017.

The Moon is in Libra.

The Moon quincunxes the Sun in Taurus and opposes Mercury in Aires and Uranus in Aires.

Happy Monday everyone. Just heads up this week is a little yin and yang.One day we will experience one thing and the next day the complete opposite.  harsh energy shifts from one extreme to another. Heads up to those who don’t like change or struggle with change , who love consistency and the uncomplicated. Unfortunately this may not be your week. This week is going to provide us with high and low energy and it will be all over the place.

The Libra Moon quincunxes the Sun in Taurus and opposes Mercury in Aires as well as Uranus in Aires. So we see Mercury the communication planet and Uranus the planet of rebelling both in the sign of Aires. With both these planets in Aires we can become very forceful, and much more confident in the way we communicate we will have a sense that you are always right, highly confident and well cocky. Just be aware before you shoot a loaded gun ( your mouth and temper). However with the lovely energy of Libra beaming down on us we will try to find balance and harmony in our interactions with others.

Today is a very social start to the week. The Moon in Libra who is very relationship orientated,provides us with a great time to be with and connect with others. Spend time with ones you love, especially if of late you have been struggle to find answer to problems or situations. Today is a great time to converse and brain storms with people you trust. think about the fresh perspectives you may get. Today is also a great day to attempt at strengthening and supporting others, both personal and professional.


Have a great day!

By Andy  xx

24/02/2017 Daily Grind

Friday February 24th, 2017.

The Moon in Aquarius  Sextiles Venus and Mars in Aires.

The Moon in Aquarius  Sextiles Venus and Mars in Aires. Venus is the ultimate embodied female and Mars is the ultimate worrier and male and when these two come together they can create something new and passionate, and with the Moon in intelligent , airy Aquarius you are very sharp and quick-witted today. The best way to use this energy is to focus on the creativity that is coming to you at this moment, create something in the areas that interest you as the ideas will be free-flowing today.  It a great day for passion, romance, innovation, inventions and creativity!

Be willing to experiment and explore for best results now and do something outside of the box today!

With the Dark New Moon approaching, this is the time to go deep and dark, it is a time to release whatever you need to let go of to make way for what we want to manifest .Work with Aquarius Moon angel Uriel or work with Moon gods and Goddess that you are drawn to, ask for courage and strength to clear out any emotional baggage so you’re free and clear to do your manifesting. Over the next few days make alone time and start dreaming and writing your New Moon wishes!

Happy Friday have a great weekend!

Andy J xx


Wednesday 26/10/16

Wednesday 26th October , 2016

Moon in Virgo

Sun and Mercury in Scorpio

Venus in Sagittarius sextiles  Jupiter in Libra

The Sun in Scorpio conjunct Mercury in Scorpio . It’s a very fertile soil today for mystery and intrigue, gossip, rumors and cruelty. The best way to use this energy is to attack things you don’t like in your life with the intention of removing them. Things that may have been  lingering, that you have not yet overcome because it did not feel right ie. ” its to mean to let them go or tell them how i really feel “.  Dissolve old problems, clear them out, be ruthless with stuff including people and even your diet.. let it go, don’t let this tension linger as it has the potential to unleashed on someone or something that may not have deserved being in your cross fire!!

When Mercury is in Scorpio its very passionate, and this comes through in the way we communicates! Its energy is all about precise strategy. We become smart and work by instinct, and with the Moon in Virgo our detective and problem solving skills are ten fold!!

The healing Balsamic Moon is in easy Virgo today. When the Moon is in Virgo we get emotional satisfaction from making order out of confusion, solving problems and helping others! A Virgo Moon helps us to focus on our health matters and we have the motivation to let go of nagging details, ironing out issues that would normally bother us. The Moon connects with Pluto and Mars, a pleasing aspect between the two benefice. This planetary aspect provides us with a much-needed boost in our self purpose and sense of accomplishment as the day goes on.

Venus in Sagittarius sextiles  Jupiter in Libra today. Abundance and opportunity align with Love and Money. Today we are happy and willing to cooperate with others. We have a positive attitude and outlook in regards to relationships both in our personal and business life! Enjoying life and socializing are high on our list today! Look out for lucky finds, pleasing purchases, and potential financial prospects!! Romance and a strong desire to connect with others is in the air today.

Have a great day

Andy Jackman xx


Monday 24/10/16

Monday 24th October, 2016.

Moon in Leo.

Venus squares with Uranus.

Sun in Scorpio.

Mercury in Scorpio.

Brace yourself for this week. The energy is a little intense!! It’s the kind of energy you would expect leading up to Halloween, its dark, intense and tough. Metaphorically the witches are flying around cackling.

Today Mercury the communication planet moves into Scorpio. Immediately  we can see communication becoming more wild ,prickly and sarcastic. People seem to be venting their resentments and anger. People come across nasty and may say things they don’t mean, so today if you come across anyone with a sharp tongue or who is a little narky or unpleasant give that person the benefit of the doubt! Just remember with this new energy around they are doing the best they can! We are all being effected by it and sometimes the darker ego side bubbles over and comes to surface! What you put out you get back remember this if you feel tempers or agitation boiling over. Being direct, and dry in our humor can come across as hurtful and also so try to not give it too much depth and meaning to communication breakdowns and misunderstandings.

Mercury in Scorpio is deep… very deep, psychological and seeks truths in all that is hidden and undercover!  Communications can be intense and powerful in the coming weeks. It’s in Scorpio that we find our shadow side and Scorpio’s energy helps us to understand life’s mysteries (as taboo as they get in some cases ). We tend to probe, observe, and focus our thoughts under this influence . Mercury in Scorpio instinctively knows that life simply isn’t fair but it forces us to not shy away things that would normally intimidate us and to face them head on. We may pass over superficial manners of communicating during this period for deep conversations. Scorpio is extremely sharp, profound,and very analytical.

The Moon is in Leo until very late tonight. this is great if we tune into our playful, creative fun-loving side with this influence.

Venus forms a dynamic aspect to Uranus. This aspects tends to make us favor a certain planet and its traits. Uranus seems to win this battle and it leaves us rebelling and rejecting what Venus stands for love, partnership and romance .. We can be left feeling restless, wanting to mix it up and change our usual patterns in relationships, all for the pursuits of self pleasure!! Today some may want to rebel just for the sake of rebelling, we want to be emotional free and shy away from responsibility in our relationships!!

Have a great day

Andy Jackman xx



Friday 21/10/16

Friday 21st October, 2016.

 The Moon in Cancer opposes Pluto Capricorn and Mars in Capricorn.

he Sun in Libra forms a semi-square to Saturn.

Today there is conflict between our emotional side of life, the fun, romantic, bubbly side and the hardcore, driven , intense desire to succeed. The conflict between these two reaches its highest point of this week . Today we will find our self questioning am i being silly enough? am i having more than enough fun? am i successful? am i achieving enough? The uneasy feeling you get going back and forth between these two mind sets really becomes strong today. It has the potential to make us frustrated, angry , even chucking a hissy  fit could be on the cards for some. As the Moon in Cancer opposes Pluto Capricorn and Mars in Capricorn . We have this masculine energy sign in these two planets sitting on one side of the chart and way on the other side we see the Moon in a water sign saying hello i want to feel things, i want to connect, be romantic and have fun!! However there is no coming to meet in the middle for these planets, they are polar opposites and that is how we will feel today.

Very early today, the Sun in Libra forms a semi-square to Saturn. This aspect leaves us feeling that the glass is half empty by the afternoon,  we feel there is too many blocks and obstacles in our way to move forward and with the Moon in protective Cancer it only makes us want to retreat or withdraw. We are inclined to stay in safety of our home or in the company of family and loved ones.

Have a great day and an amazing weekend

Andy Jackman xx


Wednesday 18/10/16

Wednesday 18th October, 2016.

Mars in Capricorn conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn.

Mercury in Libra quincunxes Chiron in Pisces.

The Gemini Moon trines Mercury in Libra.

Good Morning.. Well today we see a huge comic event happening, Mars in Capricorn conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn. This powerful aspect is the only time it will happen all year ( As it happens approximately once every two years). Mars is the solider, the War God, it’s about desire and is the archetype of male energy. Capricorn which is all about grounded work energy ,its hardcore, it’s all about getting things done. So Mars the Male warrior likes this Capricorn energy..  it’s an alive and driven energy . Strength and firm! We can experience strong desires to take action today! However… This energy has the potential to make us compulsive and lock into power struggles with others. Our anger could heat up without warning and can drive our actions in the wrong direction. We have the tendency to ignore reason and become impatient and pushy. On the plus side we can enjoy the benefits of a sense of purposefulness, drive to make our world better and the strength to conquer the world no matter how big or small the task may be.

Pluto is about transformation, death and rebirth and in Capricorn it again has to do with transforming the real world, your world. It’s a very masculine energy when it is in this sign. You see what you desire and you build towards it, like a developer seeing a block of land and building a home you see the potential for  transformation and change.  When Mars/ Pluto in Capricorn come together there is huge ambition and determination to achieve long-term goals and to transform your life as it is. It’s a great time for travel, great for making things happen, communication is still clear and fun times can still be had here… But this drive and desire of masculine energy  with strength (and some grunt may I add) over rides the need to be light-hearted and to have fun. Mars/Pluto focus is on how can i achieve… how can i build and how can i create … Its a day of self empowerment and how can i build myself and my life up for the better rather than the focus of helping others.

There is a very strong sexual energy in the air today. So if you have the urge to shake things up today is a good day.

The Moon is in curious Gemini all day. The Gemini Moon trines Mercury in Libra. This is responsible for communications being good, clear and business like. Creative power is also very high today.

Mercury in Libra quincunxes Chiron in Pisces. Ah nothing like friction between our mental thoughts and communication and the wounded healer.. This aspect can be tense as we find it hard to read the intention behind others words today and how they are communicated. It also can bring up deep wounds and old hurts by others. Maybe something was said once to you that cut you deep, hurt your feelings and you never got the chance to tell them how much it bothered you.. well now is your chance to face up to inner truths and let them know. Mercury/Chiron aspects can be great for healing communication and sharing our deepest feelings so try to use the energy today for good.

Have a great day

Andy Jackman xx

Thursday 13/10/16

Thursday 13th, October 2016

The Gibbous Moon is in Pisces

Mercury in Libra squares Mars in Capricorn

Mercury in Libra quincunxes the South Node in Pisces

Mercury in Libra quincunxes the south node in Pisces.This aspects can create tension and friction between our mind and intellect and our karmic past. The South Node traditional is about our past karmic lessons, lessons that some are denying or refusing to acknowledge and is holding them back from evolving on a soul level. South Node in Pisces triggers us to live in our shadow side, live in denial, delusion and avoidance of reality! The shadow side also includes us disconnecting from the body and reality, along with spiritual bypassing and refusing to see the truth in matters. Mercury  quincunxes the South Node gentle reminds us to be careful in how we perceive things, how we think and how we speak. Avoiding any quick and hard decisions is the key right now. Retrieve if you can and take some time out, meditate or spend time alone to figure the truth about yourself and the world around you, remove the rose-coloured glasses and delve deep inwards to find the truth of matters



The Gibbous Moon is in Pisces all day ! A typically easygoing,soft, gentle, flowing influence! But with the Mercury/Mars clash could heat things up today. It does not help that  Gibbous Moon is an already intense period, but to add to it all we are nearly at the Full Moon and things are going to start to get more and more heated!

Mercury in Libra squares Mars in Capricorn. Ouch some may feel the sting between the planet of communication and thoughts and Mars the planet God of War , action, aggression and survival energy! This clash has the potential to create tension and friction within our self and others. We can feel extra sassy ,fiery and some what aggressive today and we should watch out in dealings with others and with internal struggles with our conscious mind and our intellect as this powerful Mars energy is in the atmosphere!!! Navigate our communications with care is the key today, avoid mental aggression, don’t be so quick to snap and look out for the potential of arguments to start. Today be direct without being pushy, be clear and tactful in your actions the way you speak with others and your intentions. On a Positive note, this influence can light a fire under us for taking care of problem areas that we may not usually have courage to deal with.

Have a great day

By Andy Jackman xx
