Unexpected Energies can be present. Mercury stations direct. 21/12/17.

Friday, December 22, 2017.

The Moon is in Aquarius.

 Mercury stations direct at 13’00 Sagittarius.

Jupiter forms a semi-square with Saturn.

This semi square between Saturn and Jupiter is the first of three long-term aspects. We will see the next one happen in March and again in September 2018. This semi – square is here to remind us to slow down, especially in regards to long-term plans or projects. It’s about feeling the energy and the ebb and flow. This is not the time to take shortcuts it’s about taking baby steps in order to pick up the mistakes. Big Moves equals bigger obstacles and challenges, so taking it slow and going with the flow allows us to re structure, edit and smooth out those little details before moving forward. Some re-configuring of our lives and our business goals is now in order.


The Moon continues its transit through Aquarius. You will find that your mind will wander off to more innovative and original way of thinking. It’s a day to think outside the box or from an unusual or open-minded perspective.

Mercury, the communication planet stations direct today. Many of you have been waiting impatiently for Mercury to turn direct. This Mercury retrograde period may be officially over, but its energy is still lingering. So still expect communication breakdowns and interpretation of thoughts and ideas to be muffled! It will take a few days before you will have a full sense of forward motion. However its still exciting because we are on our way forward! I know most of us ready to get going and to move forward with those new projects, ideas, travel plans, signing of official documents along with a sigh of relief that communications will be clear and no more misunderstandings. No more technology meltdowns and travel disruptions, YAY.

Mercury’s journey has been a time for us to reflect, rethinking, review and revise  all areas of our life, especially areas or concerns that have not been working out how you wanted them to. It brings certain truths and hidden problems to the surface. It brings in new ways of realizing these problems (which most of us kept swept under the rug). Mercury being in Retrograde gets us along with giving us the courage to speak up and bring those concerns to the surface, to work out and smooth over issues. It’s about changing for the better and sending anything troubling us to the universe for transmutation.


By Andy J x




Creativity explodes! 23/11/2017.

Thursday, November 23rd, 2017.

The Moon enters Aquarius.

The Sun in Sagittarius sextiles the Moon in Aquarius.

 Venus in Scorpio semisextiles Mars in Libra.


The Moon leaves hard-working Capricorn and enter innovative, creative and humanitarian Aquarius. You may notice that you are charged and that you are not as attached to your own emotions, you think and feel in a more progressive way and are able to be more objective regarding situations and circumstances you find yourself in today. Aquarius is an energy that likes to live outside the box, a little rebellious and future orientated. Today put your wildest, wackiest and creative foot forward.

Today this quirky Aquarius Moon forms a lovely harmonizing sextile to the adventurous, fun seeking Sagittarius Sun. This gives us an opportunity and an opening to an evening of events, people, of visionary explorations and cultures. Maybe its a good time to sit down with a friend, partner or yourself and plan a trip that incorporates all of the above!

Venus in Scorpio semisextiles Mars in Libra. Goodness of love and beauty and the God of our will and drive meet today, and what no better energy than when these two meet up in the sky for a passionate, harmonious dance! This connection between divine lovers makes today great for loving relationships, passion and creativity! Today with Scorpio and Libra energy it’s about deepening and strengthening your current relationships, to learn, grow and understand where each other come from. Make an effort to engage with loving relationships , business relationships and friendships.


Happy Thursday!

By Andy J xx


Monday oh so Dreamy! 04/09/2017

Monday, September 4th , 2017.

The Moon is in Aquarius.

Saturn sextiles the Moon in Aquarius.

The Sun in Virgo opposes retrograde Neptune in Pisces.

Peaceful and tranquil is the aim for today!

The Moon spends the day in free thinking Aquarius. Working with others and team effort is high on your list today along with a desire and  need to engage in intellectual stimulation,free thinking progress, and unusual experiences.

This Morning begins with a lovely sextile forming between the progressive Aquarius Moon to stable, hardworking Saturn.This is a lovely way to start the week, as this aspect offers us the ability to weave together this energies of ambitious, hard lesson Saturn and the innovation and free spirit of the Aquarius Moon. Keep your eyes peeled for wonderful opportunists that really help express your most different ideas that help make them brought to reality!

The day continues with more positive energies as the Aquarius Moon forms a flowing trine aspect to optimistic, expansive Jupiter. Your ideas are further expanded as you engage with like-minded people throughout the afternoon. So enjoy any engaging , interesting conversations today, you never know what new interest or ideas spark your interest!

The Sun in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces, the Sun in Virgo wants to be discern and see clearly, while Neptune in Pisces creates a fog and makes it hard to see reality. The opposition brings an idealistic and romantic energy into focus. However it can also bring about tendencies towards denial, delusion, avoidance of reality! This aspect makes it easy for us to get lost in fantasy,day dreaming and imagination, as our reality and direction takes a back seat. So this is not the best time to make formal agreements or sign long-term contract, along with Mercury still being in retrograde so, check the facts and only sign things if you need to!


Happy Monday!

Andy J xx


Wednesday 12/07/17


Wednesday July 12th, 2017.

The Full Moon moves from Aquarius into Pisces.

The Moon sextiles Uranus.

When we wake up today the Moon will be in Aquarius but not for long as it enters Pisces mid morning. We are in the last day of the Full Moon period so the energy is shifting as we move closer to the New Moon.

The Moon in Aquarius forms a harmonizing aspect with Uranus. The inventive energy from the Moon in Aquarius is heightened as we become  enthusiastic and hopeful, as we are playing with exciting ideas and making plans. Don’t expect this sharp, unconventional view to last as the Moon enters Pisces at lunch time today.

When the Full Moon is in Pisces sensitivity returns with a depth that may even surprise you. As the Moon moves through Pisces we find our self becoming more sensitive, vulnerable and elusive.  Today you experience a shift as your sense of vulnerability and your boundaries dissolve between yourself and others. Some can anticipate feeling deeply which can lead to tendencies toward becoming susceptible.

Today watch out for old addictions or bad habits surfacing along with self-pity, a sense of being lost, as it  happens more readily on a Pisces Moon Day. Don’t allow alcohol, food,  drugs, or other unhealthy vices and behaviors to carry you away. Take time for meditation or allow yourself to indulge in whimsical imagination such as getting lost in a book, movie or automatic writing if you are having a difficult time keeping your feet on the ground.

Have a great day!

Andy J x


Daily Grind 11/07/2017

Tuesday, July 11, 2017.

The Moon is in Aquarius.

The Moon trines Jupiter.

Breath and relax today as the tension of the Full Moon dissipates and what ever crisis or tension you have been feeling will reach a release point today. This will be felt by many as relief and also we gain an intellectual clarity related to the path ahead. Especially if certain issues or revelations were raised during the Full Moon period.

The Moon is in Aquarius all day. When the Moon is in this Air sign, it call for us to think differently, go outside the box and explore unusual ways of mental stimulation.The Aquarius Moon is friendly, chatty and principled. Our interest are focused on our social life, new ideas, and progressive change. What forward thinking ideas can you create today? especially if you have a problem to be solved.

The Moon in Aquarius trines  Jupiter in Libra this morning. The energy means our social life is boosted and we become very generous. Relationships and social activities should be high on your list today as you may find pleasure in the company, conversations and revelations made today!

Today is a great day  for cooperation, diplomacy,  and a great good time to shake up the status quo, to push yourself , to experiencing and explore life objectively and find a new perspectives.

Happy Tuesday!

Andy J x

Monday 10/07/2017

Monday July 10th, 2017.

The Moon enters Aquarius.

The Sun in cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn.

The Moon moves into Aquarius this morning. The Sun in cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn. The emotional way of thinking , our desire to transform our life, and the feeling you have been experiencing in regards to this shift, especially over the weekend with the Full Moon in Capricorn has resulted or concluded into being a lesson of some sort. Have you managed to figure out what that lesson is yet? We can add in the mix this Moon in Aquarius, which in a positive way benefits us as our  logic and thoughts become very clear without emotional confusion , SUCH as  ” is this the right path or have I done this the best to my ability” we are more logically to our approach of self-help and healing. The potential to make errors is reduced and we become much more rational in our thinking.

When the Moon is in Aquarius, the energy is very modern and progressive. If you have any issuers or need to problem solve today tap not this energy for answers, think outside the box, be a little rebellious and non conformist, you may be surprised on the results you get.

Did you connect to the Full Moon? It’s not too late. We are still in the Full Moon phase, click here for my  Full Moon Ritual .


Happy Monday and have a great day.

Andy J xx


Wednesday 14/06/2017

June 14th, 2017.

The Moon is Aquarius.

The Sun is in Gemini.

The Moon forms a flowing trine to the Sun.

The Moon is still in progressive, innovative Aquarius. The Moon forms a trine to the Sun in Gemini. This flowing trines inspires us to teach, learn and we’re especially interested in helping. Illuminating others will be a high priority today, and especially in regards to problem soloving and healing.

The Moon being in Aquarius our focus will be on sharing ideas!  Particularly we will focus on the greater good, the earth and others. Communication will be open and very humanitarian. You will be more interested in new experiences that are outside the your normal comfort zone. The key for today is to harness this uniqueness and express yourself , especially if there are areas of your life where you have felt stuck and have been unable to move forward.

Happy Wednesday

Andy J xx

18/05/17 Daily Grind!

Thursday May 18th, 2017.

The Sun in Taurus forms a square with the Moon in Aquarius.

The Moon in Aquariums trines Mars in Gemini

The Moon in Aquariums trines Mars in Gemini and squares the Sun in Taurus. When the Moon is in Aquarius  our minds are kept open to a bigger picture of life. Today energy is great for socializing and its also great for applying yourself to any interest or learning you have been thinking of doing. What subjects or topics have been striking an interest in you lately? especially if this new learnt information/interest can be used practically, put in action or where you can use these new skills in your daily practices.

Today it is very important that we take advantage a joyful, flowing day like today! The energy makes us willing to learn, we are optimistic, enthusiastic and have an interest in learning new things. This week is about new fresh starts, new chapters and the feel is “What am I interested in and how can I make the most of this energy” Take the Taurus bull by the horns and go with the follow of what makes you happy.

Have a great day.

By Andy J xx