Tarot card for the week… A lesson in watching our thoughts! 30/8/2017

Watch your thoughts as they become reality! What you think is what you attract!

The past couple of days I have had a real urge to pull a tarot card, plus add to the mix i have had consistent universal messages such as repetitive numbers which repetitively telling me to keep up the positive thoughts and work, quotes popping up on twitter, hay house playing shows on the topic of our thoughts, strangers telling me that what i think come reality. So surprising enough when i pulled a card today this is what came up…


The message on the card reads…

It’s important to only think
about what you desire,
not what you fear.

By drawing this card, you’re alerted to the extra importance of monitoring your thoughts. You have no neutral thoughts, and every one of them creates an effect in your life. So you’re being asked to be vigilant in holding only positive thoughts.

Most of us slip into negativity occasionally, and you may be no exception. However, you can “undo” the effects of negative thinking by recognizing them, and stating: “I now cancel that thought, and replace it with the following positive affirmation of my true Divine desires.”

Then list the situations and attributes that mirror your godliness and goddessliness. During this important part of your life, you have the power to manifest your highest potential at the most rapid rate possible.

So basically guys we are being asked by the universe to watch your thoughts and that your thoughts create your reality. We are being asked daily, in every moment to be mindful of whats going through our thought process.

You are being asked that you be mindful of the chatter that goes on in your head……your inner and outer spoken words, your beliefs about yourself and your life, especially what you believe you deserve and what you feel and think you are worthy of.

You deserve all of the wonderful blessings that life and the universe has to offer but it is important to know how powerful you are in creating those blessings. Your thoughts are very powerful, as you go through the day and a negative thought enters your mind, take control of it, delete it, replace it, Say “Stop!” or “No!” replace it with an uplifting and positive thought The life you are living right now is the result of your thoughts. Think about it…


Andy j x

18/05/17 Daily Grind!

Thursday May 18th, 2017.

The Sun in Taurus forms a square with the Moon in Aquarius.

The Moon in Aquariums trines Mars in Gemini

The Moon in Aquariums trines Mars in Gemini and squares the Sun in Taurus. When the Moon is in Aquarius  our minds are kept open to a bigger picture of life. Today energy is great for socializing and its also great for applying yourself to any interest or learning you have been thinking of doing. What subjects or topics have been striking an interest in you lately? especially if this new learnt information/interest can be used practically, put in action or where you can use these new skills in your daily practices.

Today it is very important that we take advantage a joyful, flowing day like today! The energy makes us willing to learn, we are optimistic, enthusiastic and have an interest in learning new things. This week is about new fresh starts, new chapters and the feel is “What am I interested in and how can I make the most of this energy” Take the Taurus bull by the horns and go with the follow of what makes you happy.

Have a great day.

By Andy J xx

What vibrational attitude do you emit? Set the tone for your day Now!

“The Universe is not punishing you or blessing you, the Universe is responding to the vibrational attitude that you are emitting.”

Direction is more important than speed. ”Become aware of what your intention is. What your dreams are. Nurture them. The details have a tendency of manifesting at the right time.

“Abraham Hicks “

The universe can only pick up blissfulness and happiness connected with the oneness and the source! It’s connected with joy, acceptance, love and forgiveness for example. It really picks up these vibrations and speeds the process of manifesting what we want. Get rid of sorrow, fear, worry and hate.. all these negative ego based emotions confuse the universe and we delay to manifest!

To choose and bring your consciousness to a place of happiness and acceptances, of what is and what will be, Will bypass all the turmoil and grief! So let’s get on and get moving in a positive direction and get in a state of bliss!

Choose today to be happy! It’s no body else responsibility for your own happiness but you! Wake up in the morning and decide what day you will have .Be aware and conscious, don’t just go through a day for the sake of it. Choose today to begin the journey of happiness and put out to the universe what you want to manifest.

Some examples of personal mantras

Today is going to be a great day!

Work will be happy busy. It will be happy and productive.

I will accomplish everything I need to, stress free and have lots of time for me and my loved ones.

Everything is going to work out the way it needs to.

Work on manifesting small miracles in your day.. like a cup of coffee, or that boss just drives you crazy just leaves you alone to do your work peacefully. Start small, hold the thought of intent and the happiness behind it and happy manifesting!

By Andy J xx

The Mood lightens! Daily grind 16/05/2017

Tuesday, May 16, 2017.

Mercury is in Taurus.

The Moon enters Aquarius.

The Sun in Taurus quincunxes retrograde Saturn in Sagittarius.

As I mentioned yesterday Mercury left hotheaded Aries behind to enter grounded, reliable Taurus. If you keep thinking that you thought Mercury had already been in Taurus , well you where right. Mercury initially entered Taurus on March 31st, 2017 but proceeded to turn retrograde back into fiery Aries where it has remained until now.

So lets recap about Mercury being in retrograde, anything that we have been sitting on or put on the back burner in Mercury retrograde that required reviewing, reconsidering, revising, and to be analyzed (which is what Mercury retrograde is great for) are now ready to be pushed forward.

Mercury is in Taurus, your thinking is slower, it has the patience so look for new inspiration, use the Taurus energy and take slow, deliberate steps to manifest your desires and dreams. Your approach to life, in general, is more relaxed unlike quick thinking and hot-headed energy of Aires your thoughts and plans can be seen from a new perspective of simplicity and clarity.

The Moon leaves serious hard-working Capricorn and moves into progressive Aquarius. Aquarius is an air sign, it’s very much about communication, the atmosphere and energy is now lighter we get a boost of enthusiasm. We are beginning to lighten up,as yesterday we were grounded with the bull energy of Taurus and very grounded. Aquarius is lighter and up in the air, full of ideas and dreaming.

The Sun in Taurus quincunxes retrograde Saturn in Sagittarius.This means for us we will become more interested in learning, in science, life and facts. Its great time for receiving high Frequency information that we want to have. We are eager to implement all this new information into your daily routine. However just be careful not to rush into all these new ideas and learning strategies straight away!!!!  There is tendency that we can be rushing into things without all the facts so just be aware especially if you are committing to anything! Just read the facts and be sure that’s what you want. This Sun/Saturn relationship reminds us to slow down and think before we speak and act. Reality Check yourself if needed.

By Andy J xx

Where intention goes energy flows!

Where intention goes energy flows!

What a powerful statement I heard last night, and this got me thinking to the life events that have unfolded before my eyes over the past six weeks! I unexpectedly  apply for a home loan, got accepted within two weeks. I than had a blessing when a friends mother was selling her beach side home in my price range and now 5 weeks later I am practically an official home owner of my dream house ( finalizing the building reports and bank). I had held the intention of manifesting this so strong, even through all the bumps in the road I knew what my goal was and I kept a positive mind.. well most days, i had to ground myself in hard times but i still kept the faith. I smiled in times when i wanted to break down and cry, but my vision was clear and in the back of my head i knew ” What you think and feel you become and manifest”. My Mother said – Andy why are you stressing about circumstance and situations that have not even happened, whats the point of wasting your happiness and energy on things you have no control over. At that point i released my energy and focus was on the negative. “what if i don’t get this, have enough money, what if im declined or i don’t find home”. Her words than clicked, a huge Aha moment and i changed my thoughts and attitude and well the results were life changing for the positive. Thanks Mum, the Universe and the law of attraction!

Where intention goes energy flows!

Where intention goes energy flows. The result of what you focus and hold your energy and intention on, whether it is  Bad or good is what you will manifest!

Holding an intention is powerful! hold it for as long as you can, feel the emotions and gratitude behind it, Envision it. There is a place inside of all of us where conscious expansion lives! Find it, thank it and work on and with it!

Thank your mind , tell yourself “I’m going to get results I want ” If you hold the intent long enough with purpose, emotion, compassion and gratitude and believe it so, it will be!

If there is something in your life that you want, or something you can shift or change, to expand or drop away what would it be? What might it be? Abundance, health, wealth, travel, happiness,relationships?

What vibes and intentions are you throwing up and out to the universe? What vibration are you sending? Close your eyes and take a minute! Think about it? What was the first thought or feeling that came to mind? Remember…

Where intention goes energy flows!


By Andy J xx

Change your thoughts , Change your Life!

” Your mind must arrive at your destination before your mind does “

There is only one place to begin changing who and where you are now, your thoughts are the place you have to start. You can not take a step in the right direction with a negative mind!

Law of attraction – Only see the positives 

“Make lists of positive aspects. Make lists of things you love—and never complain about anything. And as you use those things that shine bright and make you feel good as your excuse to give your attention and be who-you-are, you will tune to who-you-are, and the whole world will begin to transform before your eyes. It is not your job to transform the world for others—but it is your job to transform it for you. A state of appreciation is pure Connection to Source where there is no perception of lack.”


‘Money and the Law of Attraction’

14 degrees in Mercury.. 10/8/16

Wednesday August 10th 2016

Mercury in Virgo trines retrograde Pluto in Capricorn


Arh with both these planets in earth signs  today we will find ourselves going beyond the norm to find the hidden esoteric or psychological truth.  Today’s planetary influences give us the courage  for deep  communication, we will want to  get to the root or source of matters.

~But lets talk about Mercury and the next two months to come~

Today is an interesting day… First we see Mercury  at 14 degrees in the sign of Virgo, making a positive aspect to Pluto.  Now this it is worth noting that Mercury retrograde back to 14 degrees in the sign of Virgo before it goes back in direct motion in third week in September. Mercury will also be stationed at the same 14 degree when it goes back, there is something significant in this if you ask me..

So what does this mean for us? Well as we know Mercury is the planet that rules our mental thoughts, ideas, messages and communication. Pluto is the planet of power, death and rebirth, regeneration, transformation. So there is something amazing about this aspect, something empowering… this energy empowers your mind, the way you think, empowering new ideas. Paying attention to the small details that will help you move forward on your path…

We need to remember this is a mental energy, so whatever ideas and thoughts we come up with today ,when mercury is connected with Pluto we will be reworking them. Focus on the details. This influence will make us feel empowered to complete our new bright ideas and thoughts.  We will move forward and once Mercury goes back in direct motion in that same degree you will see a drive to successfully complete those new ideas, situations and new opportunities you have been creating for yourself.

Now remember gang we are talking about Mercury’s influence so look out for any new communications you may start this week with someone  of influence, someone positive, someone powerful that you may regard as a wholesome teacher. These conversations and communication interactions you have may  come back around and make a full circle once mercury comes out of retrograde in September.

Today and over the next week pay attention to what is said and what is heard,  as it can give you insight into what is going to surface and  be part of your personal journey during Mercury retrograde .


Have a great day

Andy Jackman xx


Setting an Intention 

Setting an Intention

What is an intention?

Intentions can long term or short term process of manifesting a goal or achievement, it is a guiding principle for how you want to be, live, and show up in the world.

Why set an intention?

Setting an intention triggers the first step in the process of manifestation in order to achieve an accomplishment. it is a powerful practice because it’s the first step to embodying that which you want.

Wayne Dyer said, “Our intention creates our reality.” And how many times have you heard “What you think, you become,” or “Thoughts become things”?

How do I set an intention and stay on track?

Here are some of the tips which I think can help us set intentions and achieve them.

Make a firm decision ~

Set your intention firmly. Identify what you want. Pledge to make a change in your lifestyle.Your intention should be closely tied to your personal thoughts, values and perspective on life.

Identify your priorities~

Your intentions should be cohesive with your vision of yourself ahead of time. Learn to identify where you are in the present moment and what coincides with the lifestyle you want. your intentions can be a clear and specific wish, or could be  as simple as a word or phrase you’d like to align yourself with, such as “i will have more compassion for myself and others”, or “i will open your mind and heart,” ” i will love myself more” Etc..

Here are some thought-starters to help you get started in forming an intention~

  • What would you like to build, create, or nurture in your life?
  • What would you like to let go of?
  • How do you feel when you are your happiest self?
  • What fears would you like to release?
  • What are you grateful for?
  • Who would you like to forgive in your life?

Write them down or  create a vision board~

An effective way of visualizing your intention is to write it down or create a vision board with newspaper or magazine clippings which can remind you every day. like place you want to visit, items you will save up and purchases, the healthy dream body you want to achieve , how you want to decorate your home,What matters most to you?


Once you have written them down, take a step back and review your intention. Are they realistic? Or are you committing to something that won’t align well with the lifestyle you lead?  also you must revisit it often and when needed

Make an action plan
Set a plan that is cohesive to your life style. There could be more than one method or pathway to arrive at your destination. Decide on a plan to achieve that suits you.

Track your progress

This is important to determine if you are headed in the right direction with your intention. If not, sit back and re-evaluate. If something isn’t working you have the power to tweak your action plan.

Involve others, 
It is always good to involve others to hold yourself accountable. Tell anyone and everyone. It will help boost your motivation.

Welcome failure & Celebrate your wins ~

Don’t give up because of obstacles. There could be many paths leading to the same destination. Try out different methods. Learn and be patient. 
Failure is an important part of the entire process. Welcome it. Learn from it. Intentions can sometimes deviate from the original plan and that is OK! So persist

and remember…

Celebrate your wins. Even small achievements. The loss of 2 lbs, Your boss praising you,   or that promotion.  You are one step closer.

Don’t lose sight! 
Stay focused on the end result and  don’t get distracted by the time it takes or obstacles that may block our path.

Written By Andy Jackman x