Are you suffering symptoms of Mercury Retrograde?

Yes , we are in a Mercury Retrograde

Mercury Retrograde is great at helping bring to our attention those shadow parts of us, parts we may of felt that didn’t need healing. Mercury retrograde is great at highlighting where the healing lies and the truth can be found. In Mercury Retrograde communication, travel, technology, equipment, travel and contracts can be upside down, backwards, misinterpreted, breakdowns and unnecessary disagreements occur.

At work, you can find yourself frustrated even though you’re sure that you’ve explained yourself clearly, people around you do the opposite and your fail-proof computer crashes. You experience equipment and mechanical breakdowns of all types even at home, when out and your car!

Mercury does rule the mind, mental clarity, talking, self-expression so all these over this period can become  unreliable, filled with misinformation where important data is missing or misunderstood. During this period we should watch for too hasty communications as Mercury rules our communications and thought process and well in Aires we can become very direct ,assertive and self-centered. Say what must be said but try to remember to do so with kindness and compassion.

Mercury Retrograde in Aires gives us the courage to take action on something you have struggled with over the past few weeks. What curve balls have you been dealing with over the past month? What repetitive issues seem to be surfacing? Career, a friendship, your living circumstance, a draining relationship?

If you  have found yourself or parts of yourself being exposed, and in order to work on yourself you are stressed you must remember that you also need to love yourself unconditionally. When there is a lot going on give yourself some space, as much as the mind wants order, you will find when too much is going on we get agitated and stressed. When there is times of stress you must remember you are feeling a lot of things, so give yourself some space. Give yourself permission to experience those emotions instead of categorising it, organising it. Just let what needs to be revealed,happen. In these topsy upside and can be dark days of stress and frustration use your energy and see the small joys and blessing in your day. Even though you may be suffering and want to go on strike, see the small happy moments in the day and the lesson in the bad situations! Don’t stuff your feelings away,

The discomfort  and madness we are going through and experience on any level in Mercury Retrograde or not there is a choice to choose love and happiness! You can love someone and be mad, you can be frustrated but still caring, go with the flow, be present to everything that’s going on during this period, and don’t disqualify it because there is discomfort!! It often takes deep courage to admit to your mistakes and it is likely that is a necessary part of the conversation you must have. We all make mistakes, take responsibility and move forward with determination and love.


By Andy J xx

Unexpected Energies can be present. Mercury stations direct. 21/12/17.

Friday, December 22, 2017.

The Moon is in Aquarius.

 Mercury stations direct at 13’00 Sagittarius.

Jupiter forms a semi-square with Saturn.

This semi square between Saturn and Jupiter is the first of three long-term aspects. We will see the next one happen in March and again in September 2018. This semi – square is here to remind us to slow down, especially in regards to long-term plans or projects. It’s about feeling the energy and the ebb and flow. This is not the time to take shortcuts it’s about taking baby steps in order to pick up the mistakes. Big Moves equals bigger obstacles and challenges, so taking it slow and going with the flow allows us to re structure, edit and smooth out those little details before moving forward. Some re-configuring of our lives and our business goals is now in order.


The Moon continues its transit through Aquarius. You will find that your mind will wander off to more innovative and original way of thinking. It’s a day to think outside the box or from an unusual or open-minded perspective.

Mercury, the communication planet stations direct today. Many of you have been waiting impatiently for Mercury to turn direct. This Mercury retrograde period may be officially over, but its energy is still lingering. So still expect communication breakdowns and interpretation of thoughts and ideas to be muffled! It will take a few days before you will have a full sense of forward motion. However its still exciting because we are on our way forward! I know most of us ready to get going and to move forward with those new projects, ideas, travel plans, signing of official documents along with a sigh of relief that communications will be clear and no more misunderstandings. No more technology meltdowns and travel disruptions, YAY.

Mercury’s journey has been a time for us to reflect, rethinking, review and revise  all areas of our life, especially areas or concerns that have not been working out how you wanted them to. It brings certain truths and hidden problems to the surface. It brings in new ways of realizing these problems (which most of us kept swept under the rug). Mercury being in Retrograde gets us along with giving us the courage to speak up and bring those concerns to the surface, to work out and smooth over issues. It’s about changing for the better and sending anything troubling us to the universe for transmutation.


By Andy J x




Tuesday 1/11/16

1st November , 2016.

The Moon enters Sagittarius.

The Moon connects with Neptune in Pisces

The Sun in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces.

The Sun in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces. Our sixth sense and” Gut Feelings” are fine tuned today, and we will find our self being in the right place at the right time due to our highly in-tuned hunches. The Sun in Neptune is mystical, dreamy and very magical. It’s a wonderful time to connect with your higher self , connect with your past and line up your conscious a your unconscious self. looking within and honoring the realms of intuition, emotion, and sensitivity are key right now.Do you feel overly sensitive,emotional and  perhaps even confused or dreamy?

With the Moon in Sagittarius, and the Sun in Scorpio trining transcendent Neptune in Pisces. There is a magical, fun , future forward energy in the atmosphere and these aspect’s encourages you look at your future, what are you passionate about? What can you create? What can you change? The feelings are of ” Yes i am who am and i accept that, i am brave i am courageous and how can i make my life and my future better ” Its a darkness to light energy  a hug change from the darker energies we felt the last week. We have a sense of enthusiasm, encouragement and being lifted.

The New Moon enters Sagittarius today! When the Moon is in Sagittarius our motivation and energy levels increase. The Sagittarius Moon supports us to look at life a little more philosophically, it encourages us to let go of resentments and inhibitions and relax and have some fun! you will feel a desire to explore and seek adventures.

Have a great day!

Andy Jackman xx


The Ego Vs the Soul

The Ego Vs the Soul

The is you’re your false self-whilst your soul is your true self.

Me Vs We

Blame vs Understanding

Anger Vs  Happiness

Egoism Vs Altruism

War Vs  Peace

Separation Vs  Unity

Materialism Vs  Spiritualism

Coldness Vs  Sympathy

Extravagance Vs   Simplicity

Hostility Vs  Friendliness

Complaining Vs  Gratefulness

Pride Vs  Love

Jealously Vs  Harmony

Victim Vs Creating own reality

Inferior Vs Equal

Ruled by deadlines Vs Goes with the flow

Greed Vs  Love

Taker Vs  Giver

The Ego is your false self, your Soul is your true self. For one to be truly happy ,you must learn to starve the Ego and feed your Soul.