MERCURY RETROGRADE in Aires! 22/03/2018

Thursday, March 22, 2018.


The Moon is in Gemini.

By the time you wake up this morning, the Moon has entered inquisitive, ambitious, intellectual and restless Gemini. While the Moon makes her way through Gemini, you will find that not only yourself but others  tend to be more light-hearted, social and talkative.Gemini in is an Air sign so thoughts and communications come into play today. Curiosity and being alert of your surrounds and the conversations being had will spark your interest,  also you will be more aware and more alert of others intentions. However, today being Mercury Retrograde  don’t be surprised if your communications or you normally quick ways if thinking somehow fall flat.

Mercury, the communication and mental realm planet that rules Gemini turns Retrograde This may leave you feeling somehow stuck in your communications in the way you think, your travel plans, business plans, home  loans and contracts.

During this period we may struggle or have some difficulties saying what we want to say, or saying things that leave you wondering” Why the hell did I just say that, i didn’t mean it in that context” well that’s if you can even manage to get the words out.

Keys to remember during this Mercury Retrograde…

  • It is best not to start new projects, but it is a great time to reconsidering an initiative venture or project. It’s great for coming up with new ideas and adventures, but remember do not pursue them yet!!! Dream, draw up plans, make list get the all the  information together first and review review review! It’s also strong time for returning, revisiting and rethinking an old project or pursuit you have left on the back burner.We can gain new clarity during  this upside down period!
  • The shortness of  Aries communications is magnified making it necessary to be especially careful with our choice of topics and wording. The chances of sharp or  harsh comments can do some damage in the long run.
  • Mercury rules information, communication, reasoning, our manner of thinking, travel, technology, logic and how we express all of these! Its our thought processes and all Mercury related things right now can be off-center. It may feel difficult to say what you want to say, and you can leave conversations  wondering if you were understood. Communications are scrambled. Expected the unexpected and clarify all that you do, travel plans, communication , instructions, save and back up your work and even get people to relay what you have just said to them to avoid mishaps. And if you don’t get whats being said relay it back! everyone is experience this Mercury Retrograde!
  • As I mention Mercury is related to technology so for the next month if you can avoid it, it is not the best time to buy a phone, new computer or tv.
  • Signing your life away for a new home, a lease, car or any contracts BE CARE read all the information, as not all the information is not in yet or could be missing. Human error, computer error and Mercury error is in play and we do not want to regret doing anything later.

When Mercury Retrograde is in Aries, our mind and thoughts are going at a thousand miles an hour! Everything is GO GO GO, we may get frustrated if people are not thinking or doing as quick as we are. Aries energy when communicating is magnified.. EEk making it necessary to be especially careful with our choice of words, tones and topics.There will be a chances that we may become sharp, blunt or unemotional when making comments and this can do damage. If you feel like you can’t get out of your head and its building up to a point of frustration and you want to explode take a breath, go for a walk, exercise and take some time to reign your thoughts! Do not let your temper, stubborn, impulsive mind take over your mind and how we communicate to others. Aires Mercury Retrograde has the ability to make us feel as what we say and feel is the right way, and have the arrogance to ignore the facts, When people who question our logic and reasoning we can act impulsively and aggressively! As my mother also told me ” Andy THINK before you speak or act ”


Some say this will be a time of tension, however, we need to remember the positive side of  Mercury in Aries. Mercury in Aires wants progress, answers, no more procrastination. Its time to push our self to make those positive steps to benefit our self in the long run. Get through obstacles, push our own boundaries, be selfish for once.We have the courage to get the message across and speak up for our self when normally we would sit in silence. When Mercury is in Aires especially when its stationed retrograde we have a great opportunity  to taker a step back and have a deeper look at our past decisions, patterns, behaviors and ideas from a new and possibly enlightening  perspective. Change is highly possible!

Please ,carefully consider how to manage the turbulent energy of Aires this Mercury Retrograde which continues until April 15th. Remember, Mercury retrograde is a powerful time for accomplishment if you plan and prepare accordingly. Something I really need to take note on!

Happy Mercury Retrograde gang!

Andy j x

Look Up to the skies for Empowerment! 23/01/2018.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018.

The Sun is in Aquarius.

The Moon is in Aires.

The Moon in Aires squares Mercury in Capricorn.

Sun in Aquarius semisextiles Saturn in Capricorn.

What a powerful day, as you awake today if you can get up early and go outside and admire the sky before the Sun rises. Between 5:50 am and 6:50 am EST, Saturn, Mercury and Pluto will be seen rising in the east.

The Moon spends the day in assertive, and spontaneous Aries. This Aries Moon stimulates our drive and will to really go out and achieve something great! We are energised and our desires to initiate and start new adventures, projects and goals come first.

The Moon in Aires squares Mercury in Capricorn. Mercury being the planet that rules over the way we think and communicate is now rubbing the Moon’s energy the wrong way and causing friction between both planets. The Aires Moon energy is about busting down obstacles and riding forward no matter the cost. Mercury in Capricorn is all about practicality and thinking sensible, its measured and very consistent. Today, Mercury is sparking with the Aires Moon. Mercury is all about Aires slowing down. Its making us see our plans through properly,  going about things stoic and methodically and having a very grounded approach to any issues that arise now.

Sun in Aquarius semisextiles Saturn in Capricorn. Our ego aligning with the Master planet of lessons and Karma, should see for an interesting day. If we ever needed a reality check and grounding, than today provides us with just that! We will find that we become accountable and responsible for our actions especially in social settings. Staying open and grounded is the key today, learning to be still in chaos is the only way to learn and grow with the energy of today.

Consider all the power play planets in the sky today interacting? I am sure this month has been one of great change in your life, very grounding and setting the wheels into motion in regards to your self growth and what you want to manifest in your life for 2018. The change you may seek is powerful, even revolutionary so as awaken and as you move in a positive direction towards reaching your goals change, it is key that you do the work necessary now to bring about your desires, healing and growth.


Happy Tuesday!

By Andy J xx


Going with the flow! Mercury enters Capricorn! 10/01/2018!



Wednesday, January 10, 2018.

The Moon is in Scorpio.

Mercury moves into Capricorn

The Scorpio Moon forms a flowing trine aspect to  Neptune.

The Moon is in Scorpio again today, and it asks us to delve emotionally deep into our self and our connection to others. Today, don’t be surprised if you find yourself inclined to search for hidden layers of situations and by others around you. As we can attempt to understand on a deeper level, we are also fascinated by what drives others, we are also drawn to experiences that evoke these curiosities, all that is secret and taboo.

Mercury moves into Capricorn today where it will remain until January 31st. Mercury rules over the element of communication, our thought structure, travel, official documentation and technology. Mercury in Capricorn is all about producing information, not as much as absorbing it! The mood and the way we think is serous, much along the lines of is this practical? Is this worth the time? Is this beneficial? Do you have the time and money to commit? Communication and the way we think will become very serious, Capricorn cuts out the wishy-washy and gets down to business. Mercury in Capricorn is great for being focused, grounded, overly cautious, traditional, rigid in our thinking and practical. It will also allow us to master the way we think and speak to others. Its shifting from being in spontaneous Sagittarius to earthy Capricorn, from free-spirited to the physical body.

However, the shadow side of Mercury in Capricorn is we become to serious, over-cautious and shut off from the magic that is  hidden in plain sight, around us all the time! Allow yourself to have a mental/ physical tune up and get practical, but also don’t forget to let your hair down and see the small blessings as they come.

Following the intensity of Monday and Tuesday, today offers us a day to rest and allows us to get lost in our daydreams and reflect. As this sassy Scorpio Moon forms a flowing trine aspect to dreamy, sensitive Neptune. What a perfect day to take some time for yourself, to meditate, to get lost in a book, a movie or listen to music whilst watching the clouds pass by. Engage today, in whatever activity brings you to a place of ‘flow” and brings you closer to your true self. Today we will have more compassion for others, we can experience heightened intuition and fascinated by the mystical arts.

Happy Hump Day!

By Andy J xx