Monday 3/4/17 Daily Grind


Monday 3rd April, 2017.

 The First quarter Moon in Cancer.

The Cancer Moon trines Neptune in Pisces.

Happy Monday.

Today starts off really we. We have the First quarter Moon in sensitive, emotional , watery Cancer all day long. Early today the Moon makes a lovely aspects to Neptune in Pisces making it extra dreamy and intuitive in the morning hours.

Now when we talk about the first quarter Moon we really are referring to a starting point. Last week we had a New Moon, where the Moon was in complete darkness, Now we see the Moon moving towards a Full Moon, where it is completely lit up and illuminated. The first quarter Moon is half was journey to being full. There is a sense of anticipation ,and energy building up and that Moon in Cancer and Neptune energy really gives you a sense of drive and a boost energy, combined with dreaming about what your future could be like. This means there is a sense of hope, and a sense of enthusiasm, if I can dream it i can make it happen.

Today is a nice change, as we have seen and felt some intense energy as of late, with the New astrological year, a New Moon and Venus in retrograde. Venus continues to retrograde until the 15/4/2017 and its effects have been felt by most . It has left a lot of us feeling a lack of love and beauty for themselves, for others, and a lack of love for what you are doing in your lives. But with The First quarter Moon in nurturing Cancer and Neptune in dreamy Pisces we feel a sense of hope for the future and love. Today is beautiful, full of surprises  in a positive way. We have a smile for our up coming future, so look out for the magic and synchronicity today.

Have a great day!

Andy J xx

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