Tuesday 6/12/16

Tuesday 6th December, 2016

The Moon in Pisces.

The Moon in Pisces sexitles Mercury in Capricorn.

Mars forms a sextile with Uranus.


The Moon is in Pisces all day. The dreamy, mystical Pisces Moon energy encourages us to get in touch with our imaginative,expressive and compassionate side. It offers us a chance to be soft, sensitivity and dreaminess today.

The Moon in Pisces sexitles Mercury in Capricorn , your ideas will be very practical and grounded. This aspect then conjunts Neptune in Pisces. It doesn’t get much more dream like than today. Dreamy Neptune the water planet in the dreamy sign of Pisces is all about spirituality, creativity and dreaming! Today we are so automatically tuned into our own feelings , and that if we are faced with any decisions today your answer will be based on your true feelings . So today is great for contributing yourself into situations were you would normally feel pressured by others, because you are so grounded on the way you feel in regards to certain matters , you will be clear on how you feel and trust in your decision-making process , you will be genuine and truthful to yourself.

Mars forms a sextile with Uranus today. This means the planet of action forms an aspect with the planet of unexpected unconventional humanitarian change. This aspect will help us point ourselves in a direction with a greater willingness to take risks.We become bold and assertive, we are ready and willing to make those changes in our lives.

Embrace change, acknowledge progress, and accept any new methods and ways of doing things.Mars/Uranus offers us an opportunity to explore and be curious, along with an option to look clearly at possibilities that are presented to us.

Have a great day

Andy J xx

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