Mercury stations Direct. 05/09/2017

Tuesday 5th, September 2017.

Mercury stations Direct.

The Sun in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces.

Mars enters Virgo.

Several important astrological shifts happen in the wee hours of this morning. First, at the Sun in Virgo , like yesterday opposes Neptune in Pisces. Expect vivid dreams and good night sleep, as you awake, happy and feeling mystical the mighty Moon enters Pisces to support this passive dreamy mood and mind state.

Remember, that Neptune rules Pisces so the energy of Neptune and Pisces reflect and support each other. This energy can leave you waking up feeling inspired, intuitive and soft however you may also be feeling, vulnerable, highly impressionable and in a confused like state of consciousness. The key for today is to find a balance between action and reflection and not to get caught up in our “dream perception and ideas of life is meant to be”.
Astrological with all this busy energy floating around, it may be difficult on  to maintain boundaries between yourself and others. Be aware of this and tighten them up where they are necessary. Remember these boundaries are generally necessary to manage your everyday life. Furthermore try to loosen them where they can help you connect to others from a place of love.

Mars, who encompasses the male and the all might male energy, who is very assertive, leaves dramatic, playful Leo behind to enter productive Virgo. Mars will remain in Virgo until October 22nd. The Mars energy will shift from fire to earth, yang to yin. When Mars is in Virgo he will become very careful and precise, calculated and analytical over the coming weeks. Mars in Virgo is also great for getting organized, becoming efficient, healthy and integrated.

Then… what we have been waiting for! Mercury turns direct at 28° Leo. Bringing the planet of thinking, communication and perception into strong focus. Nevertheless, Mercury will begin moving forward steadily from here on out. Any issues in Communication, technology and that foggy thought process will begin to correct itself! So if any of you out there have been waiting for the time to sign those contract and make holiday plans you are now in technically the safe zone to do so! I can tell you im looking forward to our computers at work to start working properly and the bitchy behavior to stop!

However…We can be overwhelmed and be flooded with these many energies at the moment, that are hard to make sense of as the change takes place today. With all this energy floating around any critical decision-making might be avoided for the next day or so whilst these energies settle, as there may be too many distractions or mixed feelings along with and a general lack of clarity to deal with now!

Happy Tuesday!

Andy J x


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