The Energy is shifting. Daily grind 21/4/17

Friday April 21st, 2017.

The Moon enters Pisces.

Venus squares Saturn.

Mars enters Gemini.

Friday is not a simple day! First, you will feel the shift as Mars moves out of Taurus and into Gemini, and as Venus and Saturn dance together in the sky.

Mars moves out of Taurus and into intellectual Gemini, where it will transit until June 4th. When Mars in Gemini the energy shifts from body to the mind. from a grounded earth energy to air and mind. Mars in Gemini, is laser focused, versatile and flexible, we find our self quick at thinking and talking.

This morning, the planet of beauty and luck Venus forms a square to Saturn.This energy will remain with you throughout the day and suggestive of a time of questioning, and for some it may be the final push for you to finally self reflect and to recognize your limits, and see realistic expectations when it comes to money and financial stability, your values, your intimate relationships, and with your little pleasures.

The Moon continues its transit of Aquarius until it enters Pisces this afternoon. When the Moon is in dreamy Pisces we are more compassionate and lucid, spiritual and what a great time for healing and pouring our energy into self-improvement, growing and nurturing our self especially with all this intense energy that been around this week!


Happy Friday! Have a great weekend!

By Andy J xx

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